Thursday, September 16, 2010


There was a time when we said the word "CARDS" and our immediate thought was birthday or Christmas cards.
I need to get someone a card. It was understood.
Slowly however that has changed in our consciences and taken on new meanings.
What kind of card, Atm,credit,debit,gas,gift cards,prepaid cards,virtual money cards ?
If we say "Plastic" in the proper context we all know what that means.
Thinking back I remember credit cards creeping in. The early one that you had to put in a machine and manually make an impression of.
For those you may be too young to remember it went like this. The retailer would fill out a form,in duplicate,with carbon paper ( hope I don't lose anyone with the carbon paper reference) the credit card was placed in the machine,manually moving a bar containing a roller across the form left the imprint of your card on the form,you then signed the form. I gave you a copy. Transaction complete.
I used to perform this operation at the gas station. On the form I had to include your license plate number. Was rather tricky in the rain.
Shortly after that we started seeing other forms of credit cards. American Express and Diners Club come to mind. These were only carried by the well to do folk. The average Joe wouldn't have one. Why would you want that ?
Now companies like Sears and Roebuck,J.C.Penny and Montgomery Ward had been issuing consumer credit for many years. The revolving charge account. People used to call it that because you just kept paying with no end in sight, like going through a revolving door.
Then came Mastercard and Visa. The credit card for the average Joe. Now the array of available cards is staggering in their scope.
I can get a card for anything ! I can even give other people a card. Used to be I would give you a card with a little something in it. Now I just give you the card and the card is the little something. What a concept.
Now if for some reason you can not get a card (maybe you used all the other cards and got stuck in a revolving door) you can just buy a prepaid card. It'll look like you have a card anyway
Just yesterday I saw a sign advertising gift cards for flu shots at the pharmacy ! It just struck me odd. Who would I buy this for ?
A hobo or something. I'm not buying that as a gift,might just as well buy the proverbial tie.

Here is a random thought. Hallmark,when you care enough to give the very best. What are they trying to say there ?.    Does that get trumped by, The Flu Shot Gift Card ?

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