Monday, September 20, 2010

A Change in polarity

With the coming of the fall and the changing of the weather I mentally shift into another gear. I begin to prepare for the long winter hibernation. Start checking those storm windows and looking for cracks that will allow for drafts. During this process I noticed my bedroom could use a fresh coat of paint.
Well,I better get right to it. My wife selected the color and away we go. It is not a large room so it didn't take a long time. One day for the walls,one day for the trim.
Naturally we had to move all the furniture. Now we also decided to rearrange the furniture as well. Now the bed is still running north to south but the head of the bed is the opposite direction. A change in polarity.
Like a battery I think are heads are positive were are feet are negative. This change has thrown off things a bit. I don't sleep as well. I'm now getting out of bed on the left side instead of the right. Everything is a bit awkward. I know after a short period of adjustment I will become used to this.
If this blog seems a bit shortened and maybe not as full of wit its' due to the change in polarity. I'm still shifting gears. Only a few days of summer left on the calendar.

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