Friday, September 24, 2010

Homers' Closet

When I was a small child staying at my Grandmothers house there was one place I would never,ever dare to look in: Homers Closet.
Located at the far end of the pantry in a remote corner was an old wooden door,a ceramic knob for a handle and a large iron bar securing it closed. What lay behind this door I didn't know for sure and really didn't want to find out. My Grandmother told me it was Homers' closet. I don't remember what or who Homer was supposed to be but whatever it was you did not want to let him out. Never under any condition should you open that door ! To do so is to invite disaster. No explanation was ever given why Homer was in this closet. I asked my Mother for surely having grown up in this house she would know. All I was told by her was "Don't ever open that door"
I was always assured that we were perfectly safe as long as that door remained closed. No one to my knowledge ever went in there. In fact seldom did I see anyone even go into the pantry. I spent many happy hours at my Grandmothers house. She was,like most Grandmas',an excellent cook and baker.
Now I suppose by todays' standards and psychiatric recommendations Homers' Closet was a bad tale.
As I'm sure you have guessed by now it is where my Grandmother stored all the household chemicals and other hazardous things. The story was her way of keeping us children out of there. Boy did it work !
My Grandmother passed away when I was in the Navy. I never did look inside Homers' Closet.

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