Sunday, May 11, 2014

Vacationing in Arizona

Starting the second full day of vacationing. It is Mothers day and so a trip to the florist was in order. Well, we settled for Safeway supermarket. It is the thought that counts. We now know our way around a tiny bit. Isn't it something how fast you can adapt to a new situations ? At least we still can, but I hear when you get older it becomes harder. I wouldn't know about that.
Yesterday the kids spent most of the day in the pool. Us adults just rested a bit. Jet lag they call it, I suppose that is true. I do feel like I left something behind. We did go out to a flea market and admired some of the scenery. It is a pretty place that much is sure. Also we attended a lecture and demonstration on Native American flute playing and history. Very informative and interesting. The gentleman playing is some kind of expert on Native American flutes. I didn't know people like that even existed. He explained the deep meaning and emotion behind the playing.
Today the plan is to do some exploring. Maria is in charge of the itinerary. The wife and I just go with the flow. It is all good, as the kids say. There is talk of visiting a natural rock waterside. I'm betting the kids will love that. Not so sure Grandpa or Grandma will participating in that activity. I usually have to do the videotaping so naturally I'll have to stay out of the water.
I'll include a video of the Native American Flute player for your listening enjoyment.

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