Wednesday, May 14, 2014


We have been out here for a few days now and are adjusting to the time change. I figure just about the time we adjust,we return to Mayland. All that is fine and is another part of the experience. It is a modern day thing, those pioneers didn't have that problem. They just went by the rising and setting of the sun and the phases of the moon. As a side note, Arizona does not observe daylight savings time but the Navajo nation does. I found that to be a bit ironic.
Being in this great country gives one a sense of the earth and nature. It also has given me a new appreciation for the sheer size of this country. I can understand where the mountains and canyons would inspire these inland dwellers as much as the sea inspires us that live on the coast. Rocks and mountains with the sounds of nature, wind,rain,birds calling and a times complete silence. That is the soundtrack to those that live here. For me it is the sound of the waves breaking on the shore and the call of the gull, a salty taste to the air and a sea breeze.
I have not spoken much with those that live here. What I would call the natives. I'm not talking about Native Americans but native Arizonans. The few I have overheard in conversation do not seem to have an accent that I could discern. They do use terms I am not familiar with.The names of the plants and land features are foreign. Oh, I know a cactus when I see one but what kind of cactus is it ? I don't have a clue but they had flowers on them. Do all cacti contain drinkable water ? I don't think so.
I realize that I am in a tourist area. I know that the majority of the people here are visitors. I expect there is a season here as there is everywhere else. We have ridden some distance across the terrain and I have seen homes in the distance. I am sure that some I have seen are just the average Joes homes. I wonder what they do year round to make a living here. Not here with the tourist trade, but out on those mesas, I think that is what they called them. I would welcome the chance to talk with my fellow Americans. Some, I'm sure, wish they could take a vacation to the ocean. I'm sure there are those that wonder what it would be like to climb the steps of a lighthouse and look out over the sea.
Yesterday we visited a historic landmark. The Chapel of the Holy Cross. This chapel was the vision of an artist. Over many years her vision came to be. This Catholic Chapel was built into the rock at about 250 feet of elevation. It is an awe inspiring place. I sent my prayers up to heaven from that place and it seems they don't have far to travel. Now, my family does not practice the Catholic faith but we still lit a candle in memory of Maria's' dad who left us a little over a year ago. Very touching and I think the children liked that. I said hello to my own father while I was there. He would have enjoyed the architecture.
Later in the day we went to the Slide rock area. This was a homestead many years ago and the man living there grew apples. I didn't know apple trees would grow in the mountains. It is a State park now. A creek runs through there and you can ride the water down like a water slide. I viewed it as a not so lazy river ! The water temp was 55 degrees, a little too cold for me. The kids went in.
I did a little bit of my mountain goat routine. The walls of this canyon are very smooth but there are plenty of places to step and climb the sides. It is a wonderful spot to get some sun and just relax. I could see that old homesteader and his family having a picnic there, cooling down after a hard days work. It had to be so isolated and quiet. Must have been a truly beautiful sight.
Tonight we plan to go see a show. We are doing the tourist thing. We are going to a western themed place, like The Dixie Stampede or Medieval times. The meal will be served chuck wagon style and a band will be playing. Of course there will be plenty of chances to shoot a six gun, rope a steer or get your picture taken in western attire. There is a saloon there that serves sarsaparilla ! Yee Haww, let the fun begin.

Interior View Chapel of the Holy Cross

This is what you see driving up.

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