Saturday, May 3, 2014


This morning I am suffering from frustration ! I can't stand it when I can't seem to figure something out. This computer of mine is trying to test my patience for sure. It must be some sort of cyber revenge. I have done nothing to deserve this treatment.
I have been having this computer issue for some time now. The screen does not always align itself. Usually I can just push the reset button, sometimes multiple times, and it will go back to normal. This morning it would not. despite trying every thing the computer help program suggested, despite starting and stopping the computer several times I got no satisfaction. Frustration is the only result I received. Call it stubborn male pride or whatever, I refuse to call a computer geek ! I will figure this out sooner or later.
I disconnected the monitor completely and restarted the computer. Ah hah, the screen is aligned properly but now the font is gigantic ! I hesitate to change that setting for fear the screen will not align itself again. Although I can now post this blog, it is frustrating to me when I can not, I am frustrated with the font size ! Arrg, technology can be frustrating !
I do wonder what it is my nature that I will suffer through this rather than appeal to someone else. I have always been this way. I would rather spend hours and hours being frustrated,annoyed and angry than ask for help. I am that way with most everything. I know there are plenty of things that I cannot do but yet I will try anyway. You would think that that is a good trait to have but I'm here to tell you it is not. Life would be easier if I could just admit that I do not know what I'm doing ! Oh, I'll admit it but keep right on trying anyway.
Of all the emotions I think frustration has to be one of the worst. There is just nothing you can do about it ! It is just, well, frustrating ! If I get angry I can always yell or work off some bad energy by doing some physical activity. If I am sad, I can cry or read my Bible. But if you are frustrated, you're frustrated !
I suppose I will settle for what progress I have been able to achieve this morning. I will continue to use this computer with the extra large fonts. I do know that at some point I will have to change the font size back to what I normally use. I am a creature of habit and somewhat compulsive in that regard. I will not be completely satisfied until I figure it out. Even though things are working now I know I just will not be able to resist. Then if it doesn't work, I will again be frustrated. I would like to have posted something of perhaps more interest but I am currently unable to concentrate because I'm Frustrated ! 

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