Sunday, May 4, 2014

Acting a little suspicious

I know that happiness is our own responsibility. My happiness does depend upon me and that is just a fact of life. Abraham Lincoln is quoted as saying, " you are as about as happy as you decide to be. " Hard to find fault with old Abe's logic. Now, that being said I will add that your happiness can be effected by others no matter how hard you try to not let that happen. I think maybe you could measure the degree of your own happiness by how quickly it can be changed. You go into work, smiling, maybe humming a little tune, and say Good Morning. The first response you get is, what's good about it ? Just like that, your mood has changed. Someone just put sand in your sandwich.
This happens to me on occasion. I think it happens to us all. I have known some people that just aren't happy people, ever. At least, I have never seen them when they seem to be happy. I don't understand how they even get out of bed in the morning. Most days I awake happy to be here, to be alive for another day, not because I have survived some life threatening disease or other particular event, but just because. I wake up with expectations and then " bam " something or someone happens.
When that does happen it is difficult to remember that you control the situation. That is because you have allowed someone inside the castle walls, you left the gate open. It is a quandary because I thought it was a beautiful day and want to share it with others. I don't want to live behind a wall. Sometimes though the visitors in our lives trample on the flowers and leave trash on the ground. It is up to us to just ignore that and remain calm. Not an easy thing to do. Cleaning up the mess left by others is unpleasant to say the least. Yes, sometimes things just happen. You have no control over those type of things and so there is no sense in getting upset by it. Recognize the moment and move on.
I'm sure we have all heard the expression fat,dumb and happy. The implication being that as long as we are well fed and stay behind the wall ( don't know too much )  we will be happy. Having our physical needs met certainly adds to our happiness, I can not deny that. The being " dumb " part I take issue with. I believe there is far more to enjoy outside the walls of our own little world, than inside. You do have to guard your happiness however. Putting on our armor,as it where, can be a challenge. Strange how we do not defend our happiness with the same zeal as we take offense. The negative is usually met with more negativity. They say opposites attract, but good cheer and a happy attitude directed at someone that is negative will not endear them to you ! In my experience that will be met with stronger negativity.
Another observation of mine is that people tend to be suspicious of those that are happy. I wonder why that is ? I get the feeling that they think you must be up to something.I have even been asked, what are you so happy about ? Unless you have some significant event to relate to them your answer will be met with skepticism. People do think you have to be happy for a reason. I don't need a reason to be happy, but there are reasons I am unhappy ! Sometimes it is those other people.
Lincoln was right when he said, " you are about as happy as you decide to be." You do not need reasons to be happy.Decide to be happy and you will be happy. Will you have everything you desire ? Well, that is another thing altogether. Wants and needs. I need to be happy. I can decide to be so, I want other people to be happy too. I can't make others happy, but I can keep them guessing. Just what am I up to ?

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