Tuesday, May 13, 2014

My Canyon Experience

Yesterday we fulfilled the primary mission, we visited the Grand Canyon. The drive there was a little long, about two hours. It was well worth the drive I can vouch for that. The scenery along the way was magnificent. The drive from Sedona to the canyon was uphill. We reached a height of 7400 feet at one point. I happened to glimpse the marker, there was so much to look at it made it difficult to see ! I even saw a real tumbling tumbleweed just like in the movies. I wasn't quick enough to capture it on film however.
The entrance fee for the park itself was 25.00. That is per vehicle for a week ! Very reasonable and probably the best value in America today. Considering the awe inspiring sights you will see it would be a very difficult thing to match, maybe you couldn't match it.
I believe we hit the canyon on a perfect day. The weather was a little chilly but with bright sun. Walking along it was quite comfortable and if you did get a little warm, just stop for a moment. You will be cooled down in no time. There didn't seem to much of a crowd. The shuttle buses run every ten minutes or so and we got on each one without trouble.
There are no words I can write to describe the magnificence of this place. You have to see it to experience it. No photograph can capture it. One quickly begins to understand why the Natives were such spiritual people. One look at this place and you are looking at the hand of God. Perhaps you call it the great spirit or some other name but there is no doubt this place was created ! This didn't happen by accident or by gosh ! Along one of the trails there is an altar where services are performed. As I gazed upon that altar and the beauty beyond it I could feel HIS presence. Truly it was a moment I will not forget.
I feel so blessed to have walked this place with my family. To have shared this time and place. Especially to be here with the grandchildren. They may not gasp the significance of this time but they will. When my time comes to leave this world I will travel forward with them. Perhaps one day they will stand with their grandchildren and look at the same views and vistas as we did yesterday. That is the beauty of the Canyon. It has remained unchanged for thousands of years. The spirits of those that have seen it linger still. Perhaps that is the feeling one gets being in this place. The Native Americans thought so and I must say I could agree. Life has its' twists and turns. We sometimes complain and do not understand. We long to go on a vacation for instance, to just relax. But this, this is more than a vacation. This was a journey, a journey of the spirit as well as the body.  I believe that is why words and pictures can not do justice to this place. It must be experienced. When I saw the American Flag flying high over the canyon I swelled with pride, truly this is America the Beautiful, land that I love, and I can say, from sea to shining sea.

Old Glory

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