Tuesday, May 20, 2014


In the play Hamlet, the famous line is spoken," The lady doth protest too much,methinks." It has changed a bit from its' original meaning which is opposite of what we think now, so I am speaking about the modern interpretation. I believe it is something very relevant today. Methinks a lot of people doth protest too much. It isn't exactly the way I would say it though. I would say this, if you have to spend a lot of time and energy trying to convince me you are correct, you probably aren't. That is the impression I get anyway. If you feel so strongly that whatever you are doing is alright, why aren't you just doing that ? I mean, why are you trying to convince me ? Methinks you have doubts. Trying to justify your actions by getting others to join in doesn't change the action. Remember what your mother always said, " if Billy jumped off the bridge would you ? " Same thing. Methinks you are building a facade. Problem is I can see the whole picture.
There are certain things, personal things that I do not need to know about. I wish you would just get on with your life and your choices and leave me out of it. I do not like the color "pea green." No matter how long you try to convince me otherwise I will never like it. Period. Doesn't mean you can't like it, love it even, just don't bug me about it. When I hire you to paint my house we can discuss it.
Methinks if you are sincere in your beliefs, you do not need to protest so much. I can convey my feelings to you, making them clear and concise, and just move on. The only ones that should not be doing that are salesman, it is there job after all. What I am saying is, do not try to sell me on your values, I have values of my own. I like mine just fine. You are welcome to yours.
We all know the two subjects we shouldn't publicly discuss. Religion and politics. That always ends up in an argument of some kind. That is simply because we each have our own opinion and normally can not be swayed from that opinion. Methinks there are other subjects that should be the same way. I fail to see the need for public discussion. I should clarify that by saying, prolonged public discussion. Keep it short and sweet. And that is what methinks ! One other phrase jumps to mind, don't pick at an open wound ! 

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