Saturday, May 31, 2014

Perceived Success

We are, to a certain degree, whatever others perceive us to be. That perception is gained by the clothes we wear and the words we speak.Some make a conscious effort to shape that perception. I believe that is why some of us follow fashion and style and others do not. I think I have always been somewhere in between the two. I will readily adopt a new style or fashion if it suits me, but just as quickly reject them  For me, new fashion is always met with skepticism. First I don't think I'm going to like it and then I feel self conscious when trying it out. I always seem to get the feeling that I look ridiculous. .
Something that I have noticed lately are those presenting a certain appearance, creating a perception so to speak, and then denying that is what they are. By that I mean, as a hypothetical example, dressing like a biker, complete with the appropriate tattoos and then denying that lifestyle. The lifestyle that is indeed stereotypical, but that is not my point, it is the creation of that perception. Why would you do that ? I do not understand the reasoning behind it. I mean I go by the old saying, if it looks like a duck,walks like a duck and quacks, it is probably a duck. If you want everyone to think you are a duck why try to convince me you are a goose ? Do you see my point here ? I just find the whole thing puzzling.
Some do that with appearance while others do it with the words they speak. Their speech implies certain actions but in reality they often do the opposite. It leaves one questioning their integrity. What I find puzzling about that is that others do not seem to notice. I remember your words. If you start acting contrary to your word I quickly lose confidence in you. I like consistency. Even if I find your behaviors or words contrary to my own I will respect consistency.
I can't decide whether the creation of a perception is more important than the reality. I mean, clothes make the man don't they ? The clothing worn altered the behavior of the person wearing them, so that was a good thing. Which was the reality ? The person before or after the clothing ? In that case the clothing effected a change in the person. But what if the person changes clothing ( creates a perception ) and then denies that change ? Is the person any more or less ethical ? Certainly your appearance can ease your acceptance into a group. The question is why would you want to gain acceptance, or be identified with a group, and then deny that group ?
Wouldn't it be interesting if we could look at ourselves objectively ? I do not think that is possible however. Even when others near and dear to us attempt to tell us, we don't listen. That is because I am the only one that truly knows my heart. Be honest, that is the way you think also. Can another ever really know ? I think not, that is why we need to create a perception. The only choice to be made is what perception do you wish to create. Are you trying to present yourself as something that you are not ? Something that is more acceptable in society, or to further your own goals ? Dress for success.Is success gained by deceiving others ? Or is success only achieved by being true to yourself ? How do you measure success ? By what standard ? Those questions lead to yet another. Should success be a selfish pursuit, or can success only be achieved by self sacrifice ? Does success depend upon acceptance ?


  [suhk-ses]  Show IPA
the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one's goals.
the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
a performance or achievement that is marked by success, as by the attainment of honors: The playwas an instant success.
a person or thing that has had success, as measured by attainment of goals, wealth, etc.: She was agreat success on the talk show.
Obsolete outcome.

And so I would ask again, is success a selfish act IE: done to satisfy your own goals, or an act of sacrifice IE: done to satisfy another. 
I would have to answer, that depends upon the goal one wishes to attain. What is it that you wish to attain in your life ? Is success measured by what you leave behind, or by what you share while you live ? 


Friday, May 30, 2014

Speaking Out

Yesterday, my grandson was required to give a presentation for his language arts class. The majority of students dread this sort of thing, but he relishes it. He gets excited to have the chance to do public speaking. I think it is a wonderful thing. I can see him having an occupation that requires that skill. I have long thought he may be a politician or a preacher. I know that is a wide spectrum but I can envision it. Maybe he will be an honest politician ! Now that's a rare thing. Just kidding, just kidding, politicians can be fine people, honest,trustworthy and sincere. As to whether he gets the " calling " that remains to be seen. I see him more in a teaching role. Mark loves facts and figures and the quoting of them. He is a stickler for the truth. Those are fine qualities.
I am pleased to see that he has no fear of public speaking. We need those that are unafraid to articulate their ideas. The bonus here is that he is also very intelligent. I know that sounds like I am bragging, and I am, but it is also the truth. He is a member of the National Junior Honor Society after all. Mark pays attention to current events and is not easily swayed in his opinions. He enjoys a lively debate and exchange of ideas. He is open to discussion. The fact that he attends church on a regular basis and leads a Christian life can only be a benefit. Yeah I know ,that is a bit of a biased opinion, but in my opinion a valid one. I think we will see great things from this young man. He is not an actor and has no desire in that field. I think he will be someone who informs. In what capacity that will be remains to be seen, or should I say, heard.
What about you ? Do you like public speaking or do you shudder to think of it ? It is not for everyone.

Preparing to speak,  Listen Up Folks ! 

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Sometimes I find myself longing for the past more than looking to the future. That does seem to be happening more these days than it used to. I think most of us feel that from time to time. The good old days. We long for them. When we were younger we had certain milestones we looked forward to. Things like getting a drivers license and graduating school. The future held much promise and was anticipated. As the years go by it can appear otherwise. The grass on the other side of the fence isn't always greener and that lesson can be met with sorrow. Then we may find the grass is greener and the reason for that.. The grass has been fertilized. We all know what makes a great fertilizer and it isn't pleasant. And most,if not all of us, have stepped in that.

“A man must know his destiny… if he does not recognize it, then he is lost. By this I mean, once, twice, or at the very most, three times, fate will reach out and tap a man on the shoulder… if he has the imagination, he will turn around and fate will point out to him what fork in the road he should take, if he has the guts, he will take it.” 

These words were spoken by General George S Patton. I find them to be true and inspirational. Some say Patton was an egotist and a bit touched. I think he just believed. He believed in himself and his purpose. He was convinced, since an early age, of his destiny. He knew he was to be a soldier and a leader of men. He went forward with all the confidence in the world. His brashness was misunderstood and some were offended, it made no difference to Patton. He had the guts ! 
Like Patton I believe we all have a destiny. Forrest Grump thought so too. The parallels have not been lost on me. Both man and character just moved forward, convinced of their actions. Both had a singleness of purpose. The major difference between the two, the man and the character, is Patton knew he was to be a General someday, but the character just answered fate with compliance. Forrest just went with the flow. We can learn a lot from both.
I believe we look to the past because of the comfort there. We can rest. There is nothing we can do to change anything there, so there are no actions to take. We can look back and relive past accomplishments. If we are wise we will learn from those past experiences. The truly wise will recognize the forks in the road and which ones were taken. That is what Patton was talking about when he said, " fate will point out to him what fork in the road he should take ", in other words knowing the highways. Where has that path of action taken you before ? Like another notable man said, " Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. " That was Einstein. 
Everything we have done in our lives served a purpose. I believe that. We may or may not be aware of what that purpose was. If we are still here than our purpose has not been fully completed. We still have more to do. Call it fulfilling a destiny if you like, or just call it life, it makes little difference. The important thing to recognize is that you are here to serve a purpose. That purpose lies in your future, not your past. Fate is in the future also. Patton said, " if he has the imagination ", and I think that means a dream, you will see your destiny, your destination. Do you get to choose ? Yes, I think you do. If you also believe in God and free will than you would have to reach that conclusion. I can see no other option. We are given the chance. Once, twice or at the most three times ? Perhaps, but I think the choice is there as long as we live. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


There is a forty foot granite cross, called the peace cross, that stands in the town of Blandensburg, Maryland. It was erected in 1922 following WW1. On it are inscribed the names of those from Prince Georges county that paid the ultimate price in that conflict. A total of 49 names. Now, a gentleman has filed a lawsuit demanding the cross be removed. It does stand on government owned property. His contention is that it sends the wrong message. He believes that agnostics,humanists and others that do not believe in God or Christianity will not want to live in Blandensburg. In his words, a clearly Christian symbol should not be displayed on public land. He does not want it destroyed, but moved. He cites the establishment clause as his reference. The separation of church and state. It is true that similar cases have been ruled upon in the lower courts and prevailed. By a strict interpretation of the law no religious symbols of any kind may be placed on publicly owned land. The supreme court has refused to hear any appeals on the topic. He also states that a war memorial should be all inclusive and recognize the service and sacrifices of all those that served, whether they be Christian or not.
In listening to this story on the morning news my initial reaction was anger. Why would anyone want to remove a monument to fallen veterans simply because that monument was a cross ? The American Humanist Association is behind this. It is their belief that this monument in some way influences people as to religious affiliation, that this monument somehow makes non believers uncomfortable. I admit that is a sentiment I do not understand. I do not believe in unicorns, but statues of them do not make me uncomfortable. If one truly does not believe, why would a symbol bother you ?
Yes I understand the law. I also understand that that monument was placed there in 1922 and has become a landmark. To me, monuments such as those honoring our veterans take on the same quality as a headstone. They should not be moved because they are inconvenient ! And it is my belief that is the crux of this matter. Those that claim to have no religious affiliation at all, find it inconvenient. Could it be that it jogs the conscience ? Could it be that it leads to considering other possibilities ? The big question in my mind is, why would anyone feel antipathy by seeing a cross ?  I do not understand why those feelings would be strong enough to be willing to cause such a disturbance. What is the true harm here ? Surely these " humanists " as they call themselves, can not be that upset about a 92 year old violation of the establishment clause.
I can only think it is their desire to push their agenda. I can understand that part of it anyway. They feel they are correct in their beliefs, even though it is really unbelief. What I don't understand is the intolerance. I mean, these people claim to be intelligent people. In fact, some claim superior intelligence over those of us that believe in God. They are supposed to be so enlightened, so smart and sure of themselves. They act like bullies !
I hope a satisfactory resolution to this can be found. I do not want this memorial moved. As far as it being a Christian symbol, yeah it is. All forty nine names inscribed upon that monuments were Christians, what symbol would you expect ? It is true that our constitution prohibits the establishment of any state religion. State in this context meaning Government, federal or otherwise. The constitution does not prohibit displays of your religion however. The land that it sits upon is public property. In 1922 the public decided to allow the use of that land for this tribute. Yes, it was in contradiction to the establishment clause as that clause is interrupted today. That was not the case in 1922. There is one inconvenient truth in all of this, the United States of America was founded by Christians, on Christian principles. There are those that will argue vehemently against that statement, but it will not change the facts. If you are a humanist that is a bit of an inconvenience.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Only Men

While remembering those who lost their lives in defense of our nation my thoughts wandered a bit. I began to see them all in heaven, at peace, and rested at last, for war is an exhausting business. Then I began to think of our enemies. They too are in heaven and at  peace. I think we tend to believe that only our soldiers and sailors go to heaven,and that the enemy is doomed. Often our enemies practice a different faith than our own and that can help lend credence to that belief. The crusades were fought with that belief. Those crusades continue until this very day. Belief is a powerful motivator and true faith unstoppable. That is true no matter what your beliefs are. The enemy fought with those same beliefs.
Being  American we have never lost that fight. There are those that would argue that statement and say it is not so. I would say to them, the only thing America has lost in any war, was some pride. We have never had our land seized and been ruled by another. We have never been forced to pay reparations and be humbled before another nation. We have fought the good fight and won. Yes, we prayed to our God and the enemy prayed to theirs. I am certain that those prayers were heard. Was it a failure of prayer that caused defeat ? I would have to say no. Prayer is an individual thing, a personal thing. God does not fail.
In thinking about all this it changed my view of heaven just a bit. Now, my enemies walk the streets of heaven alongside me, as my friend. Strange how I never really thought of that before. I always thought of heaven as populated with my relatives,friends and family. Everyone in heaven is a Christian. Now I know that can't be so. My God is a loving God and understanding God, he would not exclude those that are just.
I ended my Memorial day observances by taking down the bunting I had decorating my porch railing. Old Glory was still flying and the grass is green. As I folded that bunting and put it away I gave thought to those that died. I thought of those that died defending that flag, and those that died attempting to defeat that flag. All were just men doing their duty. There duty was to their fellow man and to their country. You may disagree with the motivations of those warriors, but you must recognize their faith. Their God did not fail them nor did our God fail us. It is only man that fails to understand. It is only man that refuses to yield. We are only men ; and that is why we must pray.

Monday, May 26, 2014

That such men Lived

When I was growing up Memorial Day was always celebrated with a parade followed by speeches and a ceremony on the green. The Veterans of Foreign war would be offering those little red cloth poppies for sale. You would see them worn on mens' lapels and ladies dresses or sweaters. The parade was a festive event but still somehow cloaked in a solemn way. The significance of the day was impressed upon us children. This was at a time when our parents were veterans of World War 2 and Korea. The time just before Vietnam. The memory of those that did not return home from those wars was still very fresh. As the flag passed by in procession men removed their hats and placed them over their hearts, there heads lowered and they became silent.
My father and many of my Uncles were in WW2. By the grace of God they all returned. Seldom did any of them speak of their experiences during that war, as a general rule that just wasn't done. As a child it seemed to me the pain of those memories was so great to bear they remained silent. My own Dad said little, and on those rare occasions when he did, he spoke with genuine sorrow. His job was dropping bombs. He would speak of all the airmen that were lost, his peers and comrades in arms. He would tell how they waited after the mission to see which planes would come back. Sometimes he would speak of those dropping bombs and speculate on just where or who they may have fallen upon. There were no " smart bombs " then. Those 500 pounders, as Dad called them, killed and maimed indiscriminately, combatants and civilians alike. His eyes would grow cloudy when he spoke of that, and then turn away.
In my own experience I can not say I lost a comrade. I was fortunate that in my twenty year career in the United States Navy I was never engaged in actual combat. The closest I came was supplying ammo and provisions to those that were fighting. Vietnam was winding down by 1971 the year I enlisted. It wasn't a popular time to be in the service. Many people at home despised those that served. I have no complaints, I wasn't being shot at and did not have to witness death as those before me had. To this day I have been blessed with good fortune. I know no one personalty that died in defense of this nation. All my family,relatives and friends have returned. Today is a day about those that did not return. That is the significance of this day. That lesson was taught to me as a child and one I will never forget. It is a lesson I sincerely hope all future generations learn as well. Today marks a solemn occasion and we should be reverent in it's observation. Following the ceremonies we should speak of those that did not return and allow them to join in. It is only by remembering and speaking of them that they live on. To quote General George S. Patton. " It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died, rather we should thank God that such men lived." I believe that is the long and short of it, that sense of duty to their fellow man is what drives men to war and for that we need be thankful. From whatever source you wish to believe that sense of duty is derived, be thankful. For God and Country. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014


There is no parade for Memorial Day here in Greensboro,Md. I have been here for over twenty years now and there has never been one. I haven't found anyone living here that remembers Greensboro having a parade. There will be no ceremony either. No twenty one gun salutes or solemn speeches. In all of Greensboro a red poppy can not be found. I write about this every year and every year I am saddened by it. Two years ago we did have a Veterans Day parade, but not the following year. No interest and no participation. It is something I do not understand. There is no shortage of Veterans here, no shortage of patriotism. Greensboro is a rural community with a love of God and country, so why this absence ? I have no explanation.
The truth is Greensboro has its' own traditions and they are different than my own. The little league parade is the big event here, signaling the beginning of summer. That parade alternates between being held in Greensboro and a neighboring town. The next town over, Ridgely, will hold its' annual strawberry festival over the Memorial Day weekend. That is a big event. In Greensboro the Fireman's Carnival, held in conjunction with the Little League parade, will be well attended. The fourth of July fireworks signal the end of that event. There will be no parade for the fourth of July. There will be a parade for Christmas. That is pretty much the calender for here.
I expect if you were born and raised here it is what you have come to expect. It is just a cycle that you become accustomed to and anticipate. Traditions are ingrained and a part of us. Traditions are something meant to be shared, yet remain personal. I miss the traditions of my youth. I will hold my own little ceremony to commemorate the fallen veterans Memorial Day. I do not know of any veterans interred here in Greensboro that paid the ultimate price. It is something I should research and perhaps raise awareness. Traditions are difficult things to change or to start. In fact traditions must be planted and then cultivated . Traditions must be tended to and nurtured. If that isn't done, they will die. The most difficult part is getting them to take root. I wonder if anyone here has ever tried planting them ? 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Along the way

Isn't it strange how it takes no effort to be angry, but requires effort to be happy ? I wonder why that should be so ? Being a Christian I can only blame that on man himself. Surely it was not the way God intended. According to the Bible we were naked and happy in the garden. All that was asked of us was to not eat of the forbidden fruit. We ate it ! So you would have to say it is our fault.
It also seems to me there are those out there that make efforts to ruin your happiness. I am not saying it is an intentional thing, but it sure does happen a lot. There you are, going along all fat,dumb and happy and bam, somebody trips you up. It requires effort on your part to just let it go. There are days that seem like a constant battle. It can become frustrating. A few deep breaths and a muttered prayer can help however. I find myself muttering more every day; and praying. I had hopes the drama of youth would fade away but it doesn't look like that is happening. Is that why old men are grouchy ? I'm beginning to relate to that.
Paul Dunn said,and I quote; " Happiness is a journey not a destination; happiness is to be found along the way, not at the end of the road, for then the journey is over and it's too late. The time for happiness is today not tomorrow. " I think he is saying enjoy the little things along the way and find your happiness there. In the nineteen sixties there was a saying, " keep on trucking. " I think that is saying the same thing. It may take a few extra steps to avoid those that would spoil your happiness but just keep on truckin'.
Now I do believe that God knows everything. I believe it was all part of the plan. He knew we couldn't resist that fruit. That is also why he made it so that anything worth having is worth working for. Happiness is no exception. Anger now, is not worth anything but is a destructive force, that is why it comes so easily. This lesson is being lost. The result is the unrest we all are feeling today. Too many things given and not earned. To find the peace we seek we must work for it. Much like happiness it is to be found along the way. Do not strive to change the landscape but find the beauty that already exists.

Friday, May 23, 2014


Oh my goodness I guess I'll go out on a limb here and state my opinion. I was watching the news and saw it on social media as well, burger king is changing their logo. No longer are they saying," having it your way." The new advertising catch phrase is going to be, " BE YOUR WAY. " That's right, that's what there advertising executives came up with. I read an extensive explanation about the logic and thinking behind this change. It was pointed out that " have it your way" was a slogan all about the burger. You know the actual item they are trying to sell, whereas, " be your way ", is all about you. Have it your way is wrong because it doesn't embrace individuality or diversity. In fact, it is a bit selfish ! Now " be your own way " celebrates the individual and their originality. You can " be you. " That is the reason for the change.
Well here is where it gets a little touchy. When I heard the new slogan " be your own way " my immediate thought was, that's a bit ghetto. Gasp, I know a stereotypical thought from an older white guy. The truth of the matter is there is a certain ethnic group in our country that has a habit of using the verb " be " in place of the proper form " are " as in, you be, we be, where they be. It is similar to a southerner saying ya'll or a California valley girl with their expressions. It is not a hateful thing, just an observation.
It occurred to me that perhaps Burger King wanted to appeal to a certain demographic. Think about it. McDonalds' has changed the image of Ronald McDonald. He is no longer a clown. Now is more akin to a hipster. Their restaurants are McCafes' now. They feature lattes, frappes and the healthier food choices. Most have free wi-fi. Just who do you think they are trying to appeal too ? Burger King is their largest competitor. Could it be that Burger King is really targeting a specific group ? Or even another emerging group that is different but wanting to be the same ? Gasp and double gasp. To me this whole new ad campaign is pretty transparent. That is not to say it isn't smart marketing but don't try to spin it another way. I'm thinking I might be offended. What do you think ? The other burning question is, Where the King be at ?

Thursday, May 22, 2014

In a hand-basket

I have written about the use of certain language in the general public and finding it inappropriate. I have addressed the moral side of the issue. I have addressed the general courtesy and consideration for others, mostly children, having to listen to this. I will reiterate that I spent twenty years in the Navy, a notorious hotbed of foul mouthed ruffians, and have myself on occasion engaged in such activity. There is a time and place for everything, sorta. The use of such language is never right or justified but contained to a certain group there is only the moral issue to be concerned with. That is between myself and my God. I can assure you no one in that grouping was offended.
All that being said I felt compelled to write once again about this social issue. And it is a social issue. Our society has become accepting of this standard and I find it troubling. The latest example, the one inspiring this essay, is the white house press secretary saying, and I quote, " the president is mad as hell ! " Is that supposed to portray that the president is extremely displeased with the whole VA issue ? Is using the phrase " mad as hell " somehow supposed to convey the sincerity of his anger ? I don't think so. The words that the press secretary says are supposed to be the words of the president himself. That is his job. I know the president is a man, like any other, but he is representing the nation. I take exception to him speaking like some kind of street thug. With all his education and supposed diplomatic skills that is the best he can do ? I'm mad as hell ! What is that even supposed to mean ? What does hell have to do with it ? I would expect at least a pretense of decorum. Where is the dignity of that office ? Is this what we want our children to emulate ? When you are angered about something you say, " I'm mad as hell ! " I can hear that discussion right now. I don't want you using that language. Why not, the president says that ! And what is your response going to be ? Well yeah, but he is the president ?
Call me old fashioned but I believe the office of the president should convey a certain propriety. The press secretary saying the president is " mad as hell " is a monumental fail. Just another example of what my own Grandfather might have said, the country is going to " hell " in a hand-basket ! At least that makes some sense. He wasn't the president and didn't say that in front of women or children. Just what does that say about the state of the union ? Is this how we want the rest of the world to see us ? No class ! Just as clothes make the man, so also do our words and the choice of them. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Simple things

Yesterday a young lady I attended high school with mentioned how difficult it was to find a wisk broom. I had to chuckle at the story she told. She related how the cashier, a young man, remarked he had never seen one without a pole. She had a picture of a wisk broom, made from corn, and he obviously was thinking about a broom. Kids today. I jokingly asked if anyone knew where I could get the top for a sprinkle bottle. That sparked a little more discussion. I did find out they are available on E-Bay. You can get anything on E-Bay. I was surprised to learn that there are those that collect them. I shouldn't have been people collect everything.
Remembering that sprinkle bottle brought other memories to mind. I recall my mother ironing the clothes. After the washing was done and the clothes brought in from the clothesline that process began. The ironing board was taken out of the closet and set up. Mom did her ironing in our dining room. The iron had to be plugged in so the board was positioned just right. Clothes hangers were gathered from all the closets. The basket full of items to be pressed sat on the floor. With my Mom that was just about everything. It was an all day affair.
I can hear the creak of the ironing board as Mom pressed down on that iron. I can smell the warmth. If I close my eyes and concentrate the whole scene can be relived. For some reason it always seems like summer. Maybe that is because that is when I was home, the rest of the year I was in school. I remember the sound of that sprinkle bottle too. Following that sound would be the smell of steam. Sometimes Mom wet a cloth to put over whatever it was that she was pressing.
I wonder how many home today even have an ironing board. I have an iron but no board. We just use the kitchen table when necessary. Mom had a drying rack too, for socks and unmentionables.That could be found in the bath or above the floor furnace. It was one of those wooden things that folded up. You could get your fingers pinched in that thing pretty easily ! It was a also a little wobbly.
I also remember Mom using Niagara spray starch. It came in a tall can  and sat on the end of the board. Mom said that stuff sure was convenient. A modern marvel even. Before that starching had to be done following the washing in a separate tub. It would sometimes leave a white residue on the clothes though and gum up the iron. Mom would get mad when that happened. Then she had to clean the iron. A little brillo usually did the trick and rubbing it with waxed paper. It worked best when the iron was hot but it was not without its' hazards.
All of that was many years ago. Thinking about it it is somehow comforting. It was a piece of home. I remember that with a fondness, of course I wasn't doing the ironing so Mom may have a different viewpoint ! I just remember having those fresh pressed clothes in my closet. Pants with sharp creases and shirt collars and cuffs starched. Mom took pride in her ironing abilities. Ah but that was another time, in another place. A simple thing for a simpler time. A simple thing my grandchildren will know nothing about. There is something special about putting on a shirt hot off the ironing board.. Now that is a memory.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


In the play Hamlet, the famous line is spoken," The lady doth protest too much,methinks." It has changed a bit from its' original meaning which is opposite of what we think now, so I am speaking about the modern interpretation. I believe it is something very relevant today. Methinks a lot of people doth protest too much. It isn't exactly the way I would say it though. I would say this, if you have to spend a lot of time and energy trying to convince me you are correct, you probably aren't. That is the impression I get anyway. If you feel so strongly that whatever you are doing is alright, why aren't you just doing that ? I mean, why are you trying to convince me ? Methinks you have doubts. Trying to justify your actions by getting others to join in doesn't change the action. Remember what your mother always said, " if Billy jumped off the bridge would you ? " Same thing. Methinks you are building a facade. Problem is I can see the whole picture.
There are certain things, personal things that I do not need to know about. I wish you would just get on with your life and your choices and leave me out of it. I do not like the color "pea green." No matter how long you try to convince me otherwise I will never like it. Period. Doesn't mean you can't like it, love it even, just don't bug me about it. When I hire you to paint my house we can discuss it.
Methinks if you are sincere in your beliefs, you do not need to protest so much. I can convey my feelings to you, making them clear and concise, and just move on. The only ones that should not be doing that are salesman, it is there job after all. What I am saying is, do not try to sell me on your values, I have values of my own. I like mine just fine. You are welcome to yours.
We all know the two subjects we shouldn't publicly discuss. Religion and politics. That always ends up in an argument of some kind. That is simply because we each have our own opinion and normally can not be swayed from that opinion. Methinks there are other subjects that should be the same way. I fail to see the need for public discussion. I should clarify that by saying, prolonged public discussion. Keep it short and sweet. And that is what methinks ! One other phrase jumps to mind, don't pick at an open wound ! 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Rambling Randomly

I was pleased to hear that I was missed on Facebook while I was on vacation. It is always nice to know that others think about you. The comment that struck me was something like, it has been less social around here since you went on vacation. That started me thinking just a bit. My comment in return was, there is less controversy too. Then I began to think about how some act on this social media. Here it is, an opportunity to present yourself in any fashion you wish, and a lot choose to behave badly. I wonder why you would choose to do that. I also wonder about those that are in groups ( in person ) all on social media at the same time, not interacting with one another. Some even sending messages to others in that same group !
As for me, unless I am looking something up or playing a game I become quickly bored with social media. I much prefer to interact with others in some fashion. I admit that sometimes causes drama or controversy. There are those that take exception to my comments and/or observations. I never intentionally do this, but it happens. I just don't find conversation with myself very stimulating. I seldom have differing views on a subject, know what I mean ? If I find myself discussing a subject with myself it causes concern.
I think that some people haven't figured out that social media, like the rest of the world, is not all about you. Yes, I like to post my pictures and videos. Yes, I like to brag about the grandchildren and my accomplishments. Yes, I write this blog. It is just in my observation that if you keep it all about you, then the result is, you are the only one talking !
It has been said that my generation is the " me " generation. Looks like our kids are taking that to a whole new level ! But then again maybe I am the one suffering under the delusion that social media should be social. Is it really a society of one ? Should I find you offensive in some way I can just block you. There, problem solved. I don't need to be concerned with learning social skills anymore, that is so old fashioned. I can now work from home,shop from home and even find a mate from home. All I need is my I-phone, smart phone, laptop, I-Pad or I-Pod or a notebook. There are probably other devices too but those will suffice. I can now insulate myself from the company of others that I find undesirable, for whatever reason, and just enjoy myself !
I wish I could say with complete honesty that I am different. That is not the case. I sometimes find myself disappointed that I get no response or reaction at all. It is during those times I need remind myself of what I said earlier, the internet and social media is not just about me. It truly is the proverbial two edged sword. I love to engage people in conversation but then there was one I eventually blocked. A failure on my part. On the other hand I have avoided the company of those I don't want to be around in the real world as well. That is a form of blocking too. There are things I am aware of that I find strange. I post a picture or video and then want to see how many likes it gets. Why ? What's up with that ? Reaching out for acceptance or encouragement ? I'm betting a shrink would have those answers. Why do I get upset when someone posts something that I don't like ? I mean, what is the point ? I know that others find certain language funny and commonplace and that same language I find inappropriate. Why do I sometimes feel compelled to comment on that ? No one is ever going to say, I'm sorry you are correct and I will change my behavior and choice of words. That is not a realistic expectation.
I hear the younger crowd is now using something called instagram instead of Facebook. Facebook I hear is becoming the domain ( no pun intended ) of the older set. My set. You would think that as a social network of comparatively the same age grouping the behaviors would be similar. In my experience that is not the case at all. I am constantly surprised by some of what comes out of the mouth of my contemporaries. I shouldn't be. Some I knew in high school and they acted no different then. I'm sure some think the same about me. Others my age I have only known a few years and have never met in person. Some of the ideas and concepts they profess totally baffle me. Surely they post some things just to be incendiary ! No way could they believe that. And there are those I find contradictory in their own statements day to day. One day they are posting Christian messages and the next something totally opposite. Are they that confused or trying to fabricate an image ? Perhaps they are being less than honest, with us and themselves.
This post turned into quite a ramble. I do think one could write a thesis about this social media stuff. Somebody probably already has. I just try to take it at face value. ( No pun intended ) I enjoy posting my stuff and making my commentary. It was nice to know that I was missed. I believe that is a basic human desire, to be wanted, or is it accepted ? I guess it is both. I'm still thinking about what it is I am trying to say here. I think I'll leave it up to you to decide.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Old Goat or Mountain Goat ?

Let me start by saying, sixty isn't old ! I  know. I'm sixty soon to be sixty one. As any of you that read my blogging knows I have just returned from vacation. Sure I am a little tired and out of sorts, we all are, young and older. I have been going through my vacation photos and videos. There is this older looking, although familiar faced person, that keeps appearing. Yup, it is me alright. I must say I was a bit taken aback. How is it that I can look that way ? I certainly don't feel that way. They say the camera adds ten pounds but somebody is lying ! My cameras, both still and video, are adding a bit more than that. Maybe it has something to do with the digital technology. If I think about it, those pictures I have of myself on regular film don't look like that. In those old black and white shots I actually lose weight. I'm going with that theory for now.
Seriously I have watched myself on video climbing up on the rocks. While I was doing it I felt nimble and in control. In fact, I was teasing my grandson about it saying I could climb those rocks like a mountain goat ! Watching the footage it turns out it was more like an old goat. I'm telling you I don't look anywhere near as steady as I felt. I can see, literally, why my wife was hollering at me to stop it. It is scary ! It is strange how we feel so much different than we look. I suppose that is a good thing as long as one doesn't get too carried away. That is to say, let there emotions control their common sense. There is a line in a movie somewhere that said, "a man has to know his limitations." I think Clint Eastwood may have used that. There is truth in that statement. But, you could also say, " appearances are deceiving. "  There is a fine line between truth and fiction. It has also been said " you are only as old as you feel. " I understand the sentiment there but the reality is different altogether.
I am not happy with the way I look in those pictures. Will I start going to the gym and taking better care of myself ? Nah, I can't see that happening, for me this is a fleeting thing. I only feel this way when looking at the pictures, or in a mirror. In my minds eye I still feel great and don't look all that bad. It is alright to deceive yourself for a little bit I think. If I began to worry about every little thing like that I could destroy the happiness I feel. For me, not worth it. Yet ! The day may come and if it does there will be time enough. I have plenty of faults but vanity isn't one of them. Some say it is easier to make excuses and that is true. Others tell you you should do it for those you love. The truth is, at least for me, is you have to want to change for yourself in order to be successful at that change. Seeing these photos has not given me that motivation. There is one more saying, " there is no fool like an old fool. "


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Photographs and knick-knacks

Back home from vacation. Everything is as I left it and all is right in the world. The last week is a memory and one I am not likely to forget. I have seen the Grand Canyon and so can check that off the list. The popular saying now is " bucket list " but I have to paraphrase another popular saying, " my bucket runs over. " I don't see this as a check mark on a list of things to accomplish, but rather as a gift. It was a gift too, in the true sense of the word, as the wife and I received  the invitation to join my son and his family on this trip as a Christmas gift. Of course, the real gift is having a son, daughter in law and Grandchildren that actually want to spend time with you. Now that is a blessing. But we are back home now and life returns to normal. Normal is pretty good too !
I think given the time and resources I could have extended this vacation. There was certainly a lot more to see and do. The tourist trade is a brisk one and a costly one. Isn't it funny that many of the things the tourists do are the things the locals take for granted ? I mean, not everything of course, like taking a helicopter ride through the grand canyon, but most other things. There is a company called Pink Jeep in Sedona where we stayed. For a fee you can be driven, in a pink jeep, on a guided tour of the canyons and surrounding areas. It looks like a fun family activity but I'm certain the locals have there own jeep. All the shops and restaurants offering " authentic " everything. In Sedona , they are famous for their red rocks and sell them. I'm betting the locals find it a hoot that tourists pay for a rock ! I didn't, just picked a few up and brought them home with me. A large theme was the selling of Native American flutes. They were available most everywhere and quite costly. I attended a demonstration of playing the flute and what its' significance is. The gentleman giving the demonstration claimed to be one of only four people that still make the Native American flute in the traditional way. Impressive, but the inference was that the others were machine made in some fashion. Given the price they were asking I think something is a bit off. Yes, hand crafted by a true artisan is one thing, mass produced for tourists in quite another. Well,. it is to be expected.
Taking a vacation is like living  life. At first you are amazed at everything and do not know a whole lot. Then you get out and explore and begin to experience what is offered. You are excited and start rushing about, like a child. By midweek you are a seasoned veteran, knowing where things are and how to get around. You even start telling the " new " folks what to do and not to do ! All too soon you have to pack and move on. You can only take a limited number of items with you. The souvenirs meant to remind us of our good time. Photographs and nick knacks. Some will sit out for awhile and eventually fade away. Others will rest upon a shelf,  collecting dust for years. Those souvenirs will mean little to anyone else. Can you see the metaphor here ?
I would say it is not about the souvenirs, but the memories that have been created. We should create memories for others so that we may continue on. I will probably never see the Grand Canyon again but I will remember what I saw. I went away with my own impression. A good impression. A good life. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014


This is my last day in Arizona. The day has come to pack it up and head back home to work and the real world. Reality can be such a bother ! Ah well, I have no complaints, I do have that same attitude a child might have about doing something, I don't want to. This is an amazing place and one where I think I could live. It is so different from anywhere I have ever been. All the buildings and changes that have been made to this area have been done with a lot of thought. The homes blend into the landscape, and there is a central theme to it all. I'm sure those that were born here and their ancestors bemoan all the tourists. I know how that is. The fact is even if I moved here I would always be from away. I'll never be a cowboy. I'd never be an Arizonan. I do not believe in reincarnation but I believe pieces of our souls have been here before. I think a small piece of my soul may have been a cowboy and rode this high country. It is a place I will remember.
Last evening we did a true tourist thing, we went to a show. The Blazin' " M " ranch. It is the only structured thing we have done. Their is a small recreated " town " to explore and activities to do. You can shoot a six gun and throw a lariat. That's what they call a rope. Yes, I wrangled that steer ! Yee Haw ! We took a ride on the hay wagon around the ranch. We saw various " critters " and heard a little history. Then, the dinner bell rang. We got fed chuck wagon style on a tin plate and with a tin cup. The food was excellant. What was surprising was they offered seconds. The servers came out of the kitchen with platters of second helpings and brought it to your table. Medieval times and the Dixie Stampede don't do that ! The venue wasn't very large and that just added to the feeling of family. A moment of silence was observed before the meal so that we could all " give thanks, each in our own way " as the host put it. A show followed the meal with cowboy singing and a little comedy thrown in. At the conclusion of the show the entire staff gathered and sang " God bless America. " Now, that is America. Even though it was a tourist venue, one came away with the feeling that that spirit still lives and it was reaffirming. Yes, God and country lives in Arizona and I am pleased to report that. I doubt that I will ever return to this place but a piece of me will remain here, and that is enough.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


We have been out here for a few days now and are adjusting to the time change. I figure just about the time we adjust,we return to Mayland. All that is fine and is another part of the experience. It is a modern day thing, those pioneers didn't have that problem. They just went by the rising and setting of the sun and the phases of the moon. As a side note, Arizona does not observe daylight savings time but the Navajo nation does. I found that to be a bit ironic.
Being in this great country gives one a sense of the earth and nature. It also has given me a new appreciation for the sheer size of this country. I can understand where the mountains and canyons would inspire these inland dwellers as much as the sea inspires us that live on the coast. Rocks and mountains with the sounds of nature, wind,rain,birds calling and a times complete silence. That is the soundtrack to those that live here. For me it is the sound of the waves breaking on the shore and the call of the gull, a salty taste to the air and a sea breeze.
I have not spoken much with those that live here. What I would call the natives. I'm not talking about Native Americans but native Arizonans. The few I have overheard in conversation do not seem to have an accent that I could discern. They do use terms I am not familiar with.The names of the plants and land features are foreign. Oh, I know a cactus when I see one but what kind of cactus is it ? I don't have a clue but they had flowers on them. Do all cacti contain drinkable water ? I don't think so.
I realize that I am in a tourist area. I know that the majority of the people here are visitors. I expect there is a season here as there is everywhere else. We have ridden some distance across the terrain and I have seen homes in the distance. I am sure that some I have seen are just the average Joes homes. I wonder what they do year round to make a living here. Not here with the tourist trade, but out on those mesas, I think that is what they called them. I would welcome the chance to talk with my fellow Americans. Some, I'm sure, wish they could take a vacation to the ocean. I'm sure there are those that wonder what it would be like to climb the steps of a lighthouse and look out over the sea.
Yesterday we visited a historic landmark. The Chapel of the Holy Cross. This chapel was the vision of an artist. Over many years her vision came to be. This Catholic Chapel was built into the rock at about 250 feet of elevation. It is an awe inspiring place. I sent my prayers up to heaven from that place and it seems they don't have far to travel. Now, my family does not practice the Catholic faith but we still lit a candle in memory of Maria's' dad who left us a little over a year ago. Very touching and I think the children liked that. I said hello to my own father while I was there. He would have enjoyed the architecture.
Later in the day we went to the Slide rock area. This was a homestead many years ago and the man living there grew apples. I didn't know apple trees would grow in the mountains. It is a State park now. A creek runs through there and you can ride the water down like a water slide. I viewed it as a not so lazy river ! The water temp was 55 degrees, a little too cold for me. The kids went in.
I did a little bit of my mountain goat routine. The walls of this canyon are very smooth but there are plenty of places to step and climb the sides. It is a wonderful spot to get some sun and just relax. I could see that old homesteader and his family having a picnic there, cooling down after a hard days work. It had to be so isolated and quiet. Must have been a truly beautiful sight.
Tonight we plan to go see a show. We are doing the tourist thing. We are going to a western themed place, like The Dixie Stampede or Medieval times. The meal will be served chuck wagon style and a band will be playing. Of course there will be plenty of chances to shoot a six gun, rope a steer or get your picture taken in western attire. There is a saloon there that serves sarsaparilla ! Yee Haww, let the fun begin.

Interior View Chapel of the Holy Cross

This is what you see driving up.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

My Canyon Experience

Yesterday we fulfilled the primary mission, we visited the Grand Canyon. The drive there was a little long, about two hours. It was well worth the drive I can vouch for that. The scenery along the way was magnificent. The drive from Sedona to the canyon was uphill. We reached a height of 7400 feet at one point. I happened to glimpse the marker, there was so much to look at it made it difficult to see ! I even saw a real tumbling tumbleweed just like in the movies. I wasn't quick enough to capture it on film however.
The entrance fee for the park itself was 25.00. That is per vehicle for a week ! Very reasonable and probably the best value in America today. Considering the awe inspiring sights you will see it would be a very difficult thing to match, maybe you couldn't match it.
I believe we hit the canyon on a perfect day. The weather was a little chilly but with bright sun. Walking along it was quite comfortable and if you did get a little warm, just stop for a moment. You will be cooled down in no time. There didn't seem to much of a crowd. The shuttle buses run every ten minutes or so and we got on each one without trouble.
There are no words I can write to describe the magnificence of this place. You have to see it to experience it. No photograph can capture it. One quickly begins to understand why the Natives were such spiritual people. One look at this place and you are looking at the hand of God. Perhaps you call it the great spirit or some other name but there is no doubt this place was created ! This didn't happen by accident or by gosh ! Along one of the trails there is an altar where services are performed. As I gazed upon that altar and the beauty beyond it I could feel HIS presence. Truly it was a moment I will not forget.
I feel so blessed to have walked this place with my family. To have shared this time and place. Especially to be here with the grandchildren. They may not gasp the significance of this time but they will. When my time comes to leave this world I will travel forward with them. Perhaps one day they will stand with their grandchildren and look at the same views and vistas as we did yesterday. That is the beauty of the Canyon. It has remained unchanged for thousands of years. The spirits of those that have seen it linger still. Perhaps that is the feeling one gets being in this place. The Native Americans thought so and I must say I could agree. Life has its' twists and turns. We sometimes complain and do not understand. We long to go on a vacation for instance, to just relax. But this, this is more than a vacation. This was a journey, a journey of the spirit as well as the body.  I believe that is why words and pictures can not do justice to this place. It must be experienced. When I saw the American Flag flying high over the canyon I swelled with pride, truly this is America the Beautiful, land that I love, and I can say, from sea to shining sea.

Old Glory

Monday, May 12, 2014

I'm Ready

We will be heading out for the highlight of our trip, The Grand Canyon ! I have seen this place in so many pictures and heard a lot about it. John Wayne hung out there a lot and got attacked by the Natives. I'm thinking I  need to be wary of " tourist " traps. It is that way most everywhere though so I'll be careful.
There is so much you can do and see that it would be impossible to do it all. Our plan to check it out and go with whatever strikes us. You could do some serious damage to your wallet, that much I know. They say you can't take it with you and there is truth in that statement, only problem being you have to have it in the first place. Seriously though, it doesn't really make any difference. Just being here and seeing what nature has created is enough. There are more than enough sights to take in. The amount of expendable income one has does not match the value of time spent with family. You just can't buy memories you know.
It is easy to get caught up in the tourist mode. Rush around and try to see and do it all. I'm always thinking I may never see this again. The fact of the matter is we may never see anything,anywhere again so we should just enjoy our time. You never know when that special memory will be made. There is one ,it seems, for every occasion. That memory may be a result of some special trip taken, or activity, or it may just be a smile, a photograph taken, or a private exchange of emotion. You just never know. The secret is to be receptive. You can't look for that moment, you can't anticipate the moment, all you can do is be ready.
                                                                     I'm Ready

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Vacationing in Arizona

Starting the second full day of vacationing. It is Mothers day and so a trip to the florist was in order. Well, we settled for Safeway supermarket. It is the thought that counts. We now know our way around a tiny bit. Isn't it something how fast you can adapt to a new situations ? At least we still can, but I hear when you get older it becomes harder. I wouldn't know about that.
Yesterday the kids spent most of the day in the pool. Us adults just rested a bit. Jet lag they call it, I suppose that is true. I do feel like I left something behind. We did go out to a flea market and admired some of the scenery. It is a pretty place that much is sure. Also we attended a lecture and demonstration on Native American flute playing and history. Very informative and interesting. The gentleman playing is some kind of expert on Native American flutes. I didn't know people like that even existed. He explained the deep meaning and emotion behind the playing.
Today the plan is to do some exploring. Maria is in charge of the itinerary. The wife and I just go with the flow. It is all good, as the kids say. There is talk of visiting a natural rock waterside. I'm betting the kids will love that. Not so sure Grandpa or Grandma will participating in that activity. I usually have to do the videotaping so naturally I'll have to stay out of the water.
I'll include a video of the Native American Flute player for your listening enjoyment.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Vacation day 1 2014

I have begun the first day of my vacation. I am in Sedona, Arizona ! The flight from Maryland to Chicago was a little bumpy, storms across the east the pilot said. We left O'Hare International and headed for Phoenix. That was a three and one half hour flight. It does give one an appreciation for the shear size of our country. This all took place at night. The view was of lights and spectacular. No wonder there is an energy crisis. Hard to believe that many lights on at once.
I must say spending time at the airport is an enlightening experience. I have seen videos of the customers at Walmart but let me tell you they are nothing compared to what I witnessed. There was a time in America when traveling involved a certain degree of, shall we say, dressing up. I couldn't tell if I was going on a plane ride or to a barbecue. Seemed like everyone was taking a sellfie too. I was doing the more traditional route, with a camera taking pictures of the family ( not myself ) and the airport. I just kinda figure I know what I look like, even at the airport. Well, it does speak to the way things are in the country today. All the hustle and bustle and activity around them and everyone glued to their smartphones. I even saw a bunch of people tied to a hitching post ! They had their cords from those electronic devices plugged into some kind od supply center. Looked like they were tied to a hitching post or the mother ship.
Further down the concourse I watched several people drinking wine, by themselves. Of course they were on social media. They should have been paying more attention to what they were getting, those glasses of wine were only half filled ! Had it been mine I would have said, fill'er up. I have heard people say you need room for the wine to breathe. I've seen how they make wine and believe me they stomp the life out of those grapes ! I don't think any breathing is going on.
I did run out first thing this morning to locate a grocery store. Score ! Got my Folgers coffee and some bagels, good to go. I saw just a glimpse of the countryside and must say I'm impressed already. The grandkids have already hit the swimming pool and Grandma is supervising. So far a good start to what should be a wonderful vacation. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Finding the way

Occasionally I like to go to Google earth. Those satellite views are amazing. It does take some time to adjust to seeing things in that way. The old " birds eye view " that we always hear about. It is really something and can be surprising. I know by " flying over " the area where I grew up that I don't know the area any where near as good as I thought I did. It is true I haven't lived there in over thirty five years, but still. Of course, we didn't have Goggle earth then either. The relationship of one location to another is surprising in some instances. Geographic features appear differently.
I have " flown over "  where I live in Greensboro. I got the same result. Very surprising the features I discovered. Driving, I am quite familiar with the direction and relative location of the other towns and major highways. If you look at it from above it is quite a bit different . It is a good thing I am not a pilot, I would be lost for sure. Wrong way Corrigan wouldn't have anything on me. For those of you that may not be familiar with him, he became famous for flying in the wrong direction and winding up in Ireland.
I did write one other time about how small a world I did live in growing up. There was a small circle where I knew the area really well and an ever expanding circle where things got a little confusing. I am a creature of habit. I tend to drive the same roads to get where I am going. I did that back then and I do it today. Seldom do I deviate from my beaten path. My memory for roads and where they will go is not so good. I have to travel that road several times before I get it. Even then, I must continue to use that route fairly frequently or I will forget. I'm afraid I would not have made much of an explorer.
I think forming a map in your head, whether it be ground based or aerial, is something that is inherent to certain people. I am not one of them. Thankfully, I am a man so I don't need to ask for directions, but I can't explain to others how to get there. I do admire those that have that ability. I think my problem lies in that I always get lost in the details, the big picture seems to elude me somehow. Probably the same function required to solve that darn Rubiks cube, easier to just move the stickers. If I took a globe of the earth and had stickers for the continents I think I could come close to getting it right. If I did the same for Caroline County ( where I live ), only with the towns, the results would be hilarious I'm sure of that. I'd get the closet ones alright, but more than twenty miles out and I'd be confused for sure.
I do think this ability to know your location can be learned and cultivated. Back in the old days when exploring the west and all that you pretty much had best know. You had to keep that information in your head too. It has been said that the old mountain men developed such an expansive memory of the land and its' features that they never got lost. Well, at least the ones that came back weren't lost. I do think it is a matter of paying attention. If I had to ride a horse or walk wherever I went I'm betting I would remember. . If you are flying, at altitude, the ground below does appear to move slowly so that theory would work for that as well. I guess that is my problem, I travel too low and too fast. Whether driving or flying I just can't file the information fast enough. I think it is to be expected though. I am a product of the times. When there are signs everywhere you really don't need to remember, just read. And now we can put a map of the world on our smart phones. I don't know, what about when we travel in space ? I mean how are we going to know how to get back ? I don't think we have left the sight of earth yet, except when we orbit the moon, but you know what I mean. If there is no landmarks, then what ? Umm, guess you have to be able to see the big picture.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Doting and Discipline

I went to the Spring Concert for the Greensboro Elementary school. As Morgan, my granddaughter, graduates elementary school this year it will probably be my last. Yes there will be others during middle school and high school. Somehow I don't believe they will be quite the same. It is a bittersweet time. Naturally I am happy to see her grow and progress, while at the same time I wish she could stay the same. The years have a way of passing us by.
As I watched the children perform I couldn't help but admire their confidence. I watched as they performed as a group and as they did their solo performances. Oh the courage of those children. I am impressed with their abilities and poise. A shame they will not retain that same self assurance throughout their lives. I know that they will not, few of us do. We become conscious of those around us and their abilities. We begin to compare ourselves to others. We listen to others comments and are subjected to peer pressure. We all know that children can be the cruelest of creatures. The innocence of spirit will be dimmed. It is a part of the maturing process.
I think that we are given grandchildren as a gift. They afford us the opportunity to review our own lives in stages. As they grow and mature so do we. They add polish to life. A reward. Perhaps that is why I feel the way I do. Sure I want my grandchildren to grow up and become productive members of society. Absolutely I want them to succeed in whatever field they choose. I wouldn't mind if they took a little longer doing it. Grandparents can act as a brake, somewhat. Where Mom and Dad may rush them along, Grandpa will not. I get those, oh Grandpa looks sometimes, and in the vernacular of the day an occasional, really ? It makes no difference. Just as my own children will always remain children to me ( darn kids ) grandchildren retain that position. Am I a doting grandfather ? That could only be answered by those that are the recipients. I do strive to strike a balance between doting and discipline. I believe both are as equally important.
With the close of this school year I suppose I have to graduate. I must move on to middle school. I wouldn't mind another year in elementary. I had that year back in 1965. Back in that time elementary was grades 1 through 6. Today things are moving a little bit faster. My Mom warned me about that. She always says, the older you get the faster times seems to travel. A lesson I am learning all too well. No more recess. I am approaching middle school with much of the same trepidation as I did in '66. Life really is a circle.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Changes and Choices

I was pleased to see that the supreme court upheld the practice of offering a prayer before town meetings and other public assemblies. It was a close decision by a vote of 5 to 4. The majority opinion was that it did not violate the separation of church and state. It does say a lot however when one considers that four of our justices would have struck down that right. It is beyond my comprehension how any supreme court justice could reach that conclusion. I am afraid it does not bode well for the future of our country.
Each justice is required to take two oaths before being sworn in. Both of those oaths end with, " so help me God. " By saying that are you not then affirming that there is a God ? Then, believing that, how could you not ask for his guidance during town meetings or other public assemblies ? Apparently four of those that took that oath feel that you should not ! 
Now there are restrictions that the court wishes to apply to this right. You can not ask others to join your religion and/or sect and you cannot appeal directly to Jesus. Saying the name of Jesus out loud seems to be offensive to some. Reminds me of when Jesus said to Peter, before the cock crows three times you will deny my name. But I am happy nonetheless that prayer will remain. I hope that it remains so for all future generations. 
This case stemmed from two people that felt offended. They wanted to participate in local government, their right, as they pointed out. I agree with that, that is the basis for a Republic, the public participation in government. They felt saying a prayer before the meeting was treating them unfairly. They are atheists. They stated by not joining in they felt that others were trivializing them. They felt pressure to conform to the standard or custom. Do we all not feel that way in certain instances ? Perhaps I am a nudist, do I not have to conform, wear clothing, at least in public, to that custom or standard ? It sounds ridiculous but you see my point here. Had they chosen to just stand silently would anyone have known any different ? I do not understand this insistence to attempt to force their private beliefs and customs upon me. Prayer in the United States of America is an accepted social practice. The practice of our religion is a right guaranteed us by the constitution. It is also a private matter. That is why we can practice our faith in any way we see fit. That is the real meaning of separation of church and state. The state will not endorse any one religion or lack thereof, period, end of discussion. A generic prayer spoken before a public assembly is not an endorsement by government, but by the people. You are free to not join in. In America, whether you choose to accept it or not, we are predominately christian. It is the custom of Christians to pray. Quite a simple concept really.
To work and  live in the community with you I do not need to know the private areas of your life. I do not need to know what your religious views are, what your sexual preference is, or what political party you affiliate with. Should you choose to share that information with me, or the community,that is your choice. If those views are then not met with enthusiasm do not be offended. If those views become important to me, in our relationship, I will ask you. That is how I believe this stuff should work. 
I do think the court got it right this time. I wish it had been a unanimous decision. I agree with the right to offer a prayer for guidance during these public meetings. I agree that those prayers should not be a revival meeting. I agree that just because everyone is doing it, I don't have to. It is a choice. We need to keep in mind however that we must live with our choices as well. My choice is as valid as yours. Should you feel that your choice is somehow being perceived as wrong, perhaps you should examine the choice. No matter how many times you stick your hand in the fire you will get burned. Just sayin'.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Codes,creeds and standards

I stumbled across this quote from John Wayne. " A man has to have a code, a creed to live by, no matter his job. " Well, you just can't argue with the Duke. In reading that quote I began to think, just what code or creed do I live by ? I think it is a question we should all ask ourselves. It is a question not easily answered.
I do not know what context that quote from John Wayne was presented in. Giving that John Wayne is best known for his portrayal of the American cowboy it is easy to think that is the code he was speaking of. The code of the west, we have all heard of that. I think it is the same concept that I have written about, only I call it a set of standards. Standards are something we use to measure ourselves against. I would say a code or creed serves the same purpose. And yes, I believe we all need one no matter our job. In that context a job is not what we do to earn a living, our job is just living our life. I think that is what John Wayne was talking about.
The code of the west. It is a code created by Hollywood. It is well defined and almost all Americans would know basically what it is. Did it exist in actual practice ? Yes, I would say it did. In reality it was a set of standards of behavior. Those particular behaviors were required in order to exist in that environment. They were what was expected. Anything less than those standards were frowned upon. Social pressure dictated compliance. Individuality was embraced but adherence to the code was mandatory. The two things co-existed in harmony. There was a code to get the job done. In that case it was settling a portion of the country where there was little law. The security of calling in reinforcements ( the police ) did not exist.
In today's world we live in a society of law.Our codes,creeds and standards are written down. These are the minimum standards we must live by. The one thing left to us is our moral code. It is also the one thing I believe is under constant attack in society today. Adherence to a moral code is a personal choice although able to be influenced by social pressures. The trend in society today is to remove that pressure entirely. The removal of the code altogether. Like children left undisciplined we are becoming spoiled. You hear the experts say, they are acting out. Looks to me like our society in general is acting out. Could it be lack of a code ?
John Wayne was an actor. That is not even his real name. His job was to entertain us with his portrayal of characters. He was a character all his own. He did say a mouthful when he said , " A man has to have a code, a creed to live by, no matter his job. " Something to think about. Just what is your code ? More importantly perhaps are these questions. Just who is in charge of code enforcement ? Just who hands out the justice ? Your code would have to be between you and that entity. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Never Gone

I was inside yesterday afternoon and could find little on the television that was of interest. My wife noticed that the Maryland public television station was showing Elvis, Aloha from Hawaii. Elvis is always good so on it went. During the fundraising breaks they supply you with tidbits of information. This particular concert was the first one every broadcast by satellite around the world. An estimated 1.5 billion viewers watched the initial broadcast back in 1973, almost forty years ago. Amazing.
I have always admired Elvis although I wouldn't classify myself as a raging fan. There is no denying his accomplishments. He made 33 movies and has sold one billion records worldwide. He received three Grammy awards too. He graduated high school the year I was born and by the time I was three, he was known internationally. Remember there was no Facebook or twitter back then. Shoot most people didn't even have a tv back then. Elvis died in 1977 at the age of 42. That is just some of the facts. As I listened to this during the breaks I couldn't help but think, There are those that leave us just so they will remain forever. Elvis is just one example of that.
I was wondering if Elvis had lived longer would his legacy remain the same as it is now ? I doubt that. We know he was just a man like the rest of us. He was gaining weight and having other issues. Had he lingered on and shown himself to be less than,well Elvis, what would the effect had been ? Now to each succeeding generation Elvis will always be, Elvis. I think it may be as Shakespeare says, we all make our exits and entrances. There are many other examples of this. John Kennedy comes to mind, or Martin Luther King. Neither had any choice in their departure but it did cement their legacies. Those responsible for there exits are not so well remembered. That is as it should be.
It is said that our days are numbered. I believe that to be true. Not one of us will overstay our welcome. We will make our exit, right on cue. This play we call life is not about you and I. We enter and exit according to a bigger plan. The nature and origin of that plan is not important to understand. What is important is to know that the plan exists. I do not believe things just happen at random, for no reason or purpose.
When we lose those that we love we often question that plan. That is because it doesn't fit our plan. The thing is, like Elvis, they leave us just in time. They are gone so they may remain forever with us. Those that we love,admire and treasure are never gone. It makes no difference if they are internationally famous or a complete unknown, they have fulfilled their role. No one remembers who pulled open the curtain but they remember the show. No one remembers who turned out the lights. We remember the players. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Acting a little suspicious

I know that happiness is our own responsibility. My happiness does depend upon me and that is just a fact of life. Abraham Lincoln is quoted as saying, " you are as about as happy as you decide to be. " Hard to find fault with old Abe's logic. Now, that being said I will add that your happiness can be effected by others no matter how hard you try to not let that happen. I think maybe you could measure the degree of your own happiness by how quickly it can be changed. You go into work, smiling, maybe humming a little tune, and say Good Morning. The first response you get is, what's good about it ? Just like that, your mood has changed. Someone just put sand in your sandwich.
This happens to me on occasion. I think it happens to us all. I have known some people that just aren't happy people, ever. At least, I have never seen them when they seem to be happy. I don't understand how they even get out of bed in the morning. Most days I awake happy to be here, to be alive for another day, not because I have survived some life threatening disease or other particular event, but just because. I wake up with expectations and then " bam " something or someone happens.
When that does happen it is difficult to remember that you control the situation. That is because you have allowed someone inside the castle walls, you left the gate open. It is a quandary because I thought it was a beautiful day and want to share it with others. I don't want to live behind a wall. Sometimes though the visitors in our lives trample on the flowers and leave trash on the ground. It is up to us to just ignore that and remain calm. Not an easy thing to do. Cleaning up the mess left by others is unpleasant to say the least. Yes, sometimes things just happen. You have no control over those type of things and so there is no sense in getting upset by it. Recognize the moment and move on.
I'm sure we have all heard the expression fat,dumb and happy. The implication being that as long as we are well fed and stay behind the wall ( don't know too much )  we will be happy. Having our physical needs met certainly adds to our happiness, I can not deny that. The being " dumb " part I take issue with. I believe there is far more to enjoy outside the walls of our own little world, than inside. You do have to guard your happiness however. Putting on our armor,as it where, can be a challenge. Strange how we do not defend our happiness with the same zeal as we take offense. The negative is usually met with more negativity. They say opposites attract, but good cheer and a happy attitude directed at someone that is negative will not endear them to you ! In my experience that will be met with stronger negativity.
Another observation of mine is that people tend to be suspicious of those that are happy. I wonder why that is ? I get the feeling that they think you must be up to something.I have even been asked, what are you so happy about ? Unless you have some significant event to relate to them your answer will be met with skepticism. People do think you have to be happy for a reason. I don't need a reason to be happy, but there are reasons I am unhappy ! Sometimes it is those other people.
Lincoln was right when he said, " you are about as happy as you decide to be." You do not need reasons to be happy.Decide to be happy and you will be happy. Will you have everything you desire ? Well, that is another thing altogether. Wants and needs. I need to be happy. I can decide to be so, I want other people to be happy too. I can't make others happy, but I can keep them guessing. Just what am I up to ?

Saturday, May 3, 2014


This morning I am suffering from frustration ! I can't stand it when I can't seem to figure something out. This computer of mine is trying to test my patience for sure. It must be some sort of cyber revenge. I have done nothing to deserve this treatment.
I have been having this computer issue for some time now. The screen does not always align itself. Usually I can just push the reset button, sometimes multiple times, and it will go back to normal. This morning it would not. despite trying every thing the computer help program suggested, despite starting and stopping the computer several times I got no satisfaction. Frustration is the only result I received. Call it stubborn male pride or whatever, I refuse to call a computer geek ! I will figure this out sooner or later.
I disconnected the monitor completely and restarted the computer. Ah hah, the screen is aligned properly but now the font is gigantic ! I hesitate to change that setting for fear the screen will not align itself again. Although I can now post this blog, it is frustrating to me when I can not, I am frustrated with the font size ! Arrg, technology can be frustrating !
I do wonder what it is my nature that I will suffer through this rather than appeal to someone else. I have always been this way. I would rather spend hours and hours being frustrated,annoyed and angry than ask for help. I am that way with most everything. I know there are plenty of things that I cannot do but yet I will try anyway. You would think that that is a good trait to have but I'm here to tell you it is not. Life would be easier if I could just admit that I do not know what I'm doing ! Oh, I'll admit it but keep right on trying anyway.
Of all the emotions I think frustration has to be one of the worst. There is just nothing you can do about it ! It is just, well, frustrating ! If I get angry I can always yell or work off some bad energy by doing some physical activity. If I am sad, I can cry or read my Bible. But if you are frustrated, you're frustrated !
I suppose I will settle for what progress I have been able to achieve this morning. I will continue to use this computer with the extra large fonts. I do know that at some point I will have to change the font size back to what I normally use. I am a creature of habit and somewhat compulsive in that regard. I will not be completely satisfied until I figure it out. Even though things are working now I know I just will not be able to resist. Then if it doesn't work, I will again be frustrated. I would like to have posted something of perhaps more interest but I am currently unable to concentrate because I'm Frustrated !