Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Standard

There was a time in this country when were we Americans. we were not african-americans,italian-americans, hispanic americans or any other Americanizations. We were Americans. Yes we fought with one another, we disagreed with one another, and some were treated better than others. There were the favorites and the scapegoats but we were all Americans. And now all I see is division. Each group identifying with their heritage. Almost as though it were a competition. There was a time when the immigrants dream was to be included, to become an American. That was because to be an American was an honor and a privilege. To be an American was to enjoy freedom unlike any other in the world. And now I see that being displaced. Displaced, pushed aside by politics and the hunger for power.
In this hunger for power division is essential. Divide and conquer. It is an age old tactic and effective. The breaking down of discipline is the first step in this process. Create a sense of division among the troops and soon they are fighting each other. Convince certain groups they are being oppressed or mistreated, that they are somehow being unjustly singled out, and this creates division. The removal of certain restrictions or requirements will also deteriorate discipline. When discipline is gone, so is moral. And in the end there is no unity, no singleness of purpose, only confusion. And into this confusion steps those that will grasp the power. And then hold that power by any means necessary.
Consider something as simple as saying the Pledge of Allegiance each morning in school. Some schools still do that but it is not a requirement. In some places they do not do that at all. It is a form of discipline. To recite that pledge each morning. It does instill a sense of belonging. I pledge my Allegiance, I am an American. What message is sent when we now teach that is optional ? Are we saying you can enjoy the benefits of America without having to commit to it ? Sounds that way to me. Consider saying a prayer before  a sporting event or other public assembely. I would have to say there are far more people who are comfortable with that, than those that are not. And does not promote a sense of unity, a togetherness ? Those that do not wish to pray to my God, my pray to their own. Those that feel the whole thing unnecessary may stand or sit quietly. Consider the Flag. Our flag, the national standard. A symbol of freedom throughout the world. What message are we sending when we condone burning,tearing,walking upon or generally disrespecting it. Those that seek power like this and rightly so. A standard, a rallying point for identification of allegiance, is not good for creating division. Better to have many little standards. Each group and unit separate
It is an unfortunate thing. It is a terrible thing. But, the one thing that does unite, is strife. The periods in our history when we were Americans have always been highest during those times. When we had a common cause. We, as Americans , need to find that common cause once again. We need become American. We need to foster that sense of unity. We need to restore our faith in the ideals that created this nation. The disregard for tradition and standards of conduct should be our top priority at this time. Let's start teaching our child about duty,honor and respect once again. Let's renew that spirit that formed us. That spirit of, freedom. Freedom to pursue our dreams. And dreams are realized through discipline. With discipline comes respect. Respect that is earned.

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