Friday, July 5, 2013


The fourth of July. Happy Birthday America. One of the few holidays that didn't get realigned back in 68. That was when congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday act. It didn't take effect until 1971 however. So the fourth of July is celebrated on the fourth of July,sorta.
I was remembering the time when holidays were,well,holidays. The day of the week had nothing to do with it. Holidays were celebrated for the purpose they were originally intended to commemorate. Holidays didn't immediately imply a three day weekend. Look up the definition of holiday and it will say, a day set aside by custom or law where normal activities like business or work is suspended. Notice it says business or work. Yes, I remember when a holiday meant most stores and places of business were closed. There may be a Mom and Pop corner deli open, but little else. People, all the people, were celebrating a holiday. What a concept. Holidays had a special feel to them. Even as a child I knew this and felt the difference. Most people were friendlier and generally happier than other days. It was almost as though the whole town was partying. And in a way, they were.
As I was thinking about all of that it occurred to me my grandchildren will never know that feeling. They are fortunate enough to be raised in the small town environment, much as I was, but that holiday feel is missing.  Even here in Greensboro, almost every holiday it is, business as usual. The grocery store will be open and a few others. The laundromat is open. There won't be a parade, we already had that. That is always in conjunction with the fireman's carnival. The " Patrotic " parade, as it is called, has little to do with the actual holiday. Our fireworks display follows that. Today I may hear a Happy Fourth of July or two but that is about the extent of it. Barbecues will be lit in a few backyards, and maybe some potato salad consumed. And then the fourth of July is over.
Holidays used to be special events. That is a thing of the past. Holidays are now more about going somewhere than celebrating the occasion. Holidays are now more like mini vacations than anything else. They are fast loosing their meaning. Rather than a commemorative occasion, they are an excuse. It is a sad thing. The excitement, the emotion, is gone, replaced by hurry up and get to the beach ! Hurry up and go do something ! Shopping and sales ! If you work in retail, you're working. Yes there was a time in America when communities celebrated holidays together. The butcher,the baker and the candlestick maker. Everyone celebrating together. A day of rest and relaxation. Now sadly holidays have gone pro, rush,spend and pack as much into the day or most often three day weekend as possible. Never mind the occasion, just do it !
Happy Birthday America ! I celebrate your birth and thank God for you everyday.

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