Sunday, July 14, 2013

Stay Calm

I've always known it, but have become increasingly aware since the advent of social media, that some people just have so much more drama in their lives. I can't imagine for the life of me how they manage, without becoming alcoholics,drug addicts or going just plain crazy. I read about the desire for prayers, and appeals to various deities. Neither of those are bad things, but to feel compelled to do that on a daily basis must be,to say the least,trying. Perhaps their faith is stronger than mine but I would certainly become somewhat jaded given the extent of their issues.
Shakespeare said all the worlds a stage and each of us must play our part. I'm so thankful I don't have the dramatic role to play. I can say my life is no comedy, that much is sure, but compared to others, a walk in the park. Those souls that are stuck with this role seem to be drawn to it as a moth to the flame. I hear, and in some cases even see, their efforts to distance themselves from the drama. Yet the drama follows them. With others I see the drama feeds their needs. It is all very tiring to me. I feel exhausted just talking about it.
From my perspective it is just a matter of acceptance. Bad things do happen to good people. It is also true that the rest of the world does not always agree with you. Other people do have independent thoughts ! And finally, there are things that are just not that important. If the dramatists could only understand these few simple truths there lives would be so much simpler.
I have to guard against being drawn into the drama. I do enjoy my social media but it can be a slippery slope. Drama is the quickest and easiest way to draw attention to ourselves. I do think we all want some attention. That is a basic human need. It is easy to get attention by making a lot of noise, babies do it all the time, but much harder to get noticed with quiet statements of fact. I would much rather be remembered for saying one intelligent thought than a book full of nonsense. I enjoy the simple things in life and that includes thoughts. A simple thought is the best. Truth is simple. The introduction of excessive drama does little to help anyone. It can be entertaining, in small doses.
It would seem drama follows the crowd. Also it seems the crowd follows drama. We would all be better served if that were not so. Look for the simple truths and joys in your life. Disregard all the other stuff. Do not be concerned with what others think you should like, they are not you. Be aware of others and be careful not to infringe upon there happiness. In the end we all must live with ourselves and the decisions we make. Living and dying doesn't have to be that dramatic ! I advocate for calm. Everyone just stay calm , it'll be alright.

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