Friday, July 26, 2013

This and That

I thought I would share a few random thoughts with you today.
The Pope is in Brazil and took an unscheduled trip into the ghetto. His security detail were having a fit but the Pope was unfazed. He kissed the babies, shook hands and met the people. My thought on this was, Here is a man that talks the talk and walks the walk ! I admire that. You go Pope.
A series of accidents on the Chesapeake bay bridge has the NTSB sending investigators to determine if the bridge is safe. They are not engineers to determine structural integrity, that has been determined to be fine, but whether the bridge is safe to drive on with it's current design. I wonder if they ever considered lowering the speed limit, only allowing tractor trailers in the right hand lane, and actually enforcing the existing traffic laws. I'm no expert but perhaps,just perhaps, it is the drivers that have some culpability in these accidents.
There is a shortage of animal control officers in Baltimore city. Far too many calls  for them to handle. Now the Mayor has directed the Police K-9 officers receive training and help with this problem. If I am the cop I'm a little upset to be demoted to dog catcher, just sayin'. Priorities, Mrs Mayor. Priorities.
Anthony Weiner admits to additional sexting after his resignation from congress. And this is surprising and news because ? Oh, that's right he wants to be Mayor of New York City. Isn't America wonderful. He can run because we no longer consider morality necessary or politically correct. This man is obliviously a liar and a cheat. Apparently unable to control his base desires. Yeah, that's the man for the job alright.
I see that some new automobiles are being equipped with an automatic breaking system. A radar based device to apply the brakes if you come to close to another object. I have serious misgivings about this. I see any number of issues with a malfunction. Do we really want a computer controlling the vehicle ? Sounds a little too Jetson to me. We ain't that smart.
I have done no research into this at all but I see something about passing a Respect the Marriage act. Just how do you legislate respect ? I was told you had to earn that. The times they are a'changin'. What we need are fewer laws,more common sense and respect for each other. Common courtesy is fast becoming a thing of the past. We need to start teaching those lesson to our children. Blessed are the meek, isn't that in the instruction manual ?

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