Thursday, July 11, 2013

Vegan Animals

There was an advertisement on the television for a give away. I believe it was Ivanka Trump giving away some items to a Superstorm Sandy survivor. At least it was some charitable gesture on her part. At any rate she was giving away some  " vegan handbags " valued at five hundred dollars apiece. This was the first time I had heard about a vegan handbag. They looked like leather handbags so I figured that meant the animals used to get the leather didn't eat meat or dairy. Isn't that what Vegan is ? Scratching my head I wondered what difference that made. Off to Google. Turns out Vegan Leather is just fake leather. Synthetic materials. Faux. I got a chuckle out of that. Why didn't they just say so ? I know the answer to that and that is why I laugh. I recall the big fur wars of a few years ago. No animals were harmed in the making of these handbags ! According to one site the manufacturing process to produce these synthetics  aren't such an environmentally friendly thing. Well, you can't please everybody.
It seems to be a growing trend. We want the best materials but use another product. We then come up with a name that sounds like the product we really want, but in a fashionable way. Turkey bacon jumps to mind. We want bacon but turkey is healthy, so we make turkey bacon. The chemicals used to give it that bacon taste may not be so good for us, but that is not the point,we got bacon. Saw a package of Turkey sausage too. It is a subtle thing but if you look closely and pay attention you will see it too. Advertisers have been doing this forever. Phrases and slogans like, tastes like, or feels like, implying the product is something other than what it is. Frozen orange juice, taste like fresh squeezed ! Air fresheners, like a mountain breeze.
Vegan leather is just the latest I have heard and thought was funny. Do they really believe it fools anyone  ? I suspect at five hundred a piece it does. At the very least that person spending the money. News flash, Walmart has Vegan Leather purses too. Shoot you can buy Vegan Leather by the yard in the fabric department. In fact I had a pair of pants when I was in high school that were made from Vegan Leather ! I wasn't aware of it then, the salesman just told me they weren't real leather. I knew that already but it was nice of him to point it out. I'm glad he didn't know they were Vegan leather. I can't imagine what they would have cost me.

The Original Vegan Animal, do you remember him ?

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