Friday, July 12, 2013

Listen Closely

I keep hearing about Immigration reform. The law is broken and we need to fix it. Seems to me about eleven million people have broken this law, but now we have decided it is he law that is broken. Leaves me a little confused. If a vast amount of people choose to disregard a law, does that then mean the law is broken ? I was always under the impression that breaking the law meant you were wrong, not that the law was broken.   What if we all decide to just not pay taxes, would that mean the tax code is broken ? I think so,so we ought to fix it. I haven't heard any real answer as to exactly what is broken in the law. I hear about granting amnesty from prosecution because you broke the law, which is broken, and securing the borders by building a bigger fence, but what in the law is broken ? Is it the part about entering my country illegally ? Is that what is broke ? What are the other flaws ?
I have no problem with immigration. My own ancestors immigrated to this country. The system seemed to work just fine for them. They went through a screening process too. A screening process that by today's' standards would seem totally unfair and unjust. They survived and became prosperous citizens on this nation. No handouts or special favors. They did it through hard work and dedication. They did it to improve themselves and the generations to come. It is an injustice to them,and to us, to allow it to be any other way. The only reform required is the enforcement of the existing law. That's not going to happen though. If you listen to what the politicians are saying you will know why. The answer is a simple one and stated frequently. To enforce the law,as it now exists,is political suicide. The politicians say this all the time, in public and on the record. Amazing when you think about it. It implies that they would rather do what is wrong, rather then risk their political careers ! Seems pretty plain and straightforward to me. That is the argument I hear some using.
I am not so naive as to believe all politicians act in the best interest of their constituents. Ultimately it is every man or woman for themselves. They will choose the path that is best for their careers. That is human nature and to be expected. What isn't expected,at least on my part, is them admitting that ! I would expect them to at least give the impression of ethical behavior. Tell me ,as my representative, that you hear my concerns and will do what is necessary for the good of the country, not what is best for your career.
An honest politician ? I don't know about that.

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