Monday, July 8, 2013


I was raised on the edge of a deserted village. I wasn't aware of it at the time and now I wonder why. Northwest. That is the name of an area of woods that borders Gardiner's bay off the eastern end of Long Island. Northwest was also a bustling metropolis at one time. This was during the time of the whale ships. Northwest harbor was a fine port, complete with wharf's and deep anchorage. They had a school there as well. It was a center for commerce but just faded into the woods. The reason for this is well documented. Across the bay from Northwest another long wharf was built. This wharf became the center for the whaling industry. The harbor was deeper and the pier was longer. Navigation in and out of there was a bit easier. The Port,as it came to be known dominated the trade and so Northwest slowly declined. At the time of my youth the only remains of the village were a few lonely graves and a few stone foundations. Evidence of this village existed, but only to the trained eye. I wandered through these woods unaware of the history I walked upon. I knew of a few old buildings and barns but they weren't that old or were they ? I stumbled upon many a curious thing in the thickets and saw evidence of trails and footpaths. I never gave them much thought.
Looking back I wonder how much was lost because of this ignorance. How many artifacts lost. I now know my own ancestors lived in that place and a few are buried there. How could I not have known. Why didn't my parents or other elders make me aware ? I can only speculate about that. Complacency would seem to be the cause. To them it was just ho hum, a thing of the past that everyone was aware of. Everyone of there age anyway ! I think we all tend to think that way. After all, we don't normally think of our past as having any historic significance ! Our youth is not the past. History happened many years ago. 
Certain cultures live with an awareness of the past. I think that is a good thing. It can sound a little mystic and even a bit strange. I think that awareness should be cultivated. Especially in today's world were everything has to be fast,fast. Our cars are fast,our computers are fast, and we live our lives in the fast lane. Time needs to  be set aside for reflection. We also need to share the remembrances of our past with our children. Even when they complain and moan about those tired old stories, we should keep on telling. It takes surprisingly little time to forget, but can take years to remember, if you remember at all. 
Northwest. A romantic name for a village. A village with whale ships and perhaps a few pirates as well. There was high hopes for this place. Investments were made and lost. All that remains are the dead. In a weird sort of way I envy them. They are home and will remain there. Their village survives in their memories. I just wish I had known about it.

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