Wednesday, May 1, 2013


So I'm watching the news and listening to all the bad stuff going on in the world. A pretty typical day in America I would say. Stories about crime,corruption and the hot issues of the month. Then the sports come on. The big news ? Some basketball player has announced he is Gay. He has " come out " as the saying goes. Even the president of the United States is saying how proud he is of this man. And this is news because ? Some are likening it to Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in baseball. Really ? I'm thinking Jackie was pretty obvious and really didn't need to tell anyone he was black. Just my guess.
The whole issue with me is not the fact that he is Gay, but the issue of telling everyone. Why ? Why did he feel compelled to tell ? Was he being accused of being heterosexual ? Was he being bullied, you like girls ? I doubt that. And why is the president proud of him ? The president didn't mention his ability to play basketball, just the fact that he said he was gay. I guess the president is proud of all Gays. Gee, what about us straight people ?
Now don't misunderstand me, I don't have any issues with the Gay community. I'm really not concerned with  anyone else's sexual preferences. The one thing that does bother me is this constant telling. Makes me wonder just who they are trying to convince. Me or themselves ? If I'm doing right, I don't feel compelled to defend it. Just sayin'. And just why that was a newsworthy event escapes me as well. He was not the first Gay person to play basketball or any other professional sport, I can guarantee you that. He wasn't even the first to tell. It would be my guess that those people close to him already knew. Unless I'm entering information on a dating site, I do not feel compelled to include that information.
He did say he felt tortured all these years. Hiding his secret. If you are ashamed and or tortured by your behaviour wouldn't you question your behaviour ? I certainly would. We all have our own little secrets. Some we choose to share, then they're really not secrets anymore, but for the most part we don't tell. Why don't we tell ? Because we don't think it is acceptable behaviour, that's why. The choice is yours. Either choose behaviours you deem acceptable, in your own mind and conscience, or live with the result of not doing so. Do not look to others for acceptance,affirmation, or sympathy. You probably won't get it. That is human nature,deal with it.
The late George Jones summed it up best in his song, Choices. Living and dying with the choices we've made. Oh, I know it isn't a " choice " but you get the idea.

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