Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The souls journey

We buried him on a Friday in a blue shirt. Friends and family gathered round, one more time. We gathered not to say goodbye, but to say, come with me. Through the tears a glow could be seen. Prisms of light reflecting in the sun. On a  ray of sunshine to the strains of Taps he departed the mortal earth, those of us present witness to his everlasting peace. The peace of a life well lived. We will miss his physical presence but will always feel his spirit.
I believe our soul is shared with those that loved and cared for us, our final gift to them. We go there for safekeeping ,secure in the knowledge we will be cared for. Our bodies are not so important and departing from them brings relief. It is only in the body that age,infirmity and sickness live. Our souls are immortal and require a host. We are that host. As we stand in mourning we need prepare ourselves to receive this gift. Shed our tears, a cleansing, and welcome him. Now we must continue the souls journey. We are the guides and the caretakers. The love that we shared obligates us, and binds our souls together. And so death is linked to life, and continues.

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