Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Grey Ages

Man has a way of labeling things. A method to describe something for others to understand. We have all heard of the dark ages. The dark ages were a bleak period in history. We associate them with diseases, pestilence and downright cruelty. A bunch of uneducated oafs. The renaissance. A period for art and learning. A time of discovery. In America, in the early days were the Puritans. Steadfast in their beliefs. Eventually we became enlightened. A time when we were sure of right and wrong. Our values were held high and our purpose justice. We were a beacon to the world of all that is right.
I think if we label the times we live in now we would have to call them the" Grey " ages. Nothing seems to be right or wrong. It all depends now on how much money you have, how much fame you may have and whether or not it is convenient. There are no set absolutes anymore. It all depends.
Lately I have caught some criticism for correcting people. I hear stuff like, yeah that's the way it used to be but not now. Has someone invented a time machine and rewritten history ? I'm not talking subjective issues but issues that are a matter of undisputed record. Take a look at our laws being written today. The law is so long and so full of exceptions, buts and might be, as to be useless. Grey areas. Liked it a lot better in black and white. Break the law, pay the price. Do this and that happens. Easy, right ?
I would say in the last decade or so I have seen a complete change of attitude. No longer are we right but we are pretty sure. No longer do we enforce the law as written. We interpret it to fit the situation. We even have taken up the practice of giving do overs to criminals. Don't imprison them, give em a do over. They had a bad childhood, it is not their fault. The ghosts of their ancestors made them commit those crimes. And whatever you do do not voice strong support for anything ! To do so will label you as some kind of fanatic. Be prepared to flip flop at a moments notice. That is how you survive in the Grey ages. Of course, I could be wrong entirely. This is a subjective issue after all. 

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