Friday, May 24, 2013


An announcement has been made. Avowed homosexuals can now join the Boy Scouts. Adult leaders in the program cannot be homosexuals however. A puzzling decision. If this organization is going to affirm the right of the youth to be gay, why not the adults ? It would certainly seem to imply that adult homosexuality is unacceptable but youths are. Or is the implication that adults may influence the sexual preference of the youth ? Strange, the gay groups claim it is not a choice on their part to be gay. If it isn't a choice then it logically follows there is no decision to be made, therefore no influencing. The bottom line is, scouts can be gay but not the leaders ! Are they supposed to lead them to straightness ?
As to whether the Boy scouts should allow homosexuals in their organization, that is certainly the organizations decision. I was not a boy scout and have no dealings with the group. I am not qualified to speak on that subject. I will say this much, I firmly believe the group has the right to exclude whomever they wish regardless of any social or political pressures. Gay people, of all ages, have been among us for ages. I'm quite sure there have been gay boy scouts in the past. The issue lies in the fact they wish to tell of this orientation. That is the real puzzle to me. Why ? Why do they feel compelled to tell of this most personal of preferences ? Why try to force your morality on mine ?
If I had a son or grandson that wished to join the scouts I would support that decision. Unless things have changed drastically over the years, scouting is not about sex. The homosexual " community " has always existed and exists outside of scouting as well. I wouldn't exclude my son or grandsons from societal contact, so why would I exclude them from scouting ? If they were uncomfortable with the group, I would tell them to leave. I certainly wouldn't expect the group to change to suit them. And there is the problem in a nutshell.
Should all groups be all inclusive ? Oh my, prejudice rearing its' ugly head ? Prejudice exists and will always exist. You cannot makes laws to prevent it. The laws can help prevent damages caused by that prejudice, but  will not eliminate the prejudice. The same applies for morality. What you deem morally acceptable I may not. There is no right or wrong in such issues.
The real issue is the beliefs and teachings of the institution. As I said I was never a boy scout and know little about the internal affairs of the group. Aren't scouts supposed to be trustworthy and loyal ? I don't recall a requirement about sexual orientation. The core values of this organization are well known. Apparently those values have now changed. Their organization, their decision. Is it in keeping with mine ? That is a private matter. It should only concern me should I wish to join, or someone I know wishes to join. 

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