Thursday, May 30, 2013

Little Things

I had noticed this tree down by the river. The base was split open and there is quite a hollow in it. The shape of this opening is much like an arched doorway. It came to my mind to have a little fun with it. I was bringing home a large piece of cardboard from work when my grandson Mark met up with me. He asked what the cardboard was for and I explained my idea. He thought it would be fun as well and wanted to help. Sure, I said, it'll be great.
I just love doing little things with the kids. The things that don't cost a lot of money and require some imagination on their part, as well as mine. I get amused when they are slightly embarrassed by what we may be doing. Like flying a spongebob kite in the park. Mark is twelve now and is a bit old for spongebob but Grandpa isn't. You get the idea. Morgan gets embarrassed if I sing in public or speak to a stranger. It's funny stuff. I'm trying to show the kids it is alright to be different and to be yourself. Within bounds, of course.
So, we stopped at the tree and measured for the doorway. Bringing the cardboard home Mark and I cut out a door. Drawing vertical lines on it to simulate planks of wood and a round spot for a doorknob. Mark worked on a sign. He decided on a name, T.Roll and an address. We printed that on another small piece of cardboard. Grabbing the camera, off we went to the tree by the river. There were people fishing there and they gave us curious glances. We set the " door " and attached the sign. All the while Mark was very much aware of the people watching us, I paid them no mind. We set to taking pictures. I took several and Mark took several. Satisfied that we had done what we had in mind we removed the cardboard, folded it up and put it in the trash. It was a fun hour or so.
After we got to my house we uploaded the pictures to facebook. Everything goes on facebook ! Others got a chuckle from them and we even got a comment or two. Total cost ? Nothing, nada, zilch. The memory ? You know the rest. 
These are the things the kids will remember. They will remember because they are personal. Nothing commercial about it. Taking them to a large amusement park is certainly fun, and they love it, but it is not the same. I sometimes think that is what people miss. You cannot buy education,happiness or memories. Each has to be earned. I think that may be the purpose of Grandparents. To keep it personal. With the grandkids, it is personal ! Personal attention to their education and happiness unencumbered by the everyday stress of raising them,caring for them and providing for them. Parents have that to deal with. Grandparents can concentrate on the love. And with love comes memories. Memories to last a lifetime, ours and theirs.

Mr. T.Roll

waterfront property

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