Sunday, May 19, 2013

Defining the nation

Our government is failing. I know it, you know it and the rest of the world knows it. I believe it is failing primarily due to one root cause. That reason is our unwillingness to live under a set standard of parameters. We constantly change the parameters in response to any opposition. These constantly changing parameters make it impossible to maintain any set path or pattern.
A cursory review of our social and moral standards over the last fifty years provides proof enough. Fifty years ago our roles in society were well defined. We knew what was expected of us and we tried to fulfill those expectations. Our personal lives were just that,personal.
We are evolving into the "anything goes" society. A civilized version of anarchy. On the surface it would appear we have a government that controls things, but that is fast becoming a myth. Our government is under attack from all sides. The liberals and the conservatives are equally infuriated. That is justly so but I admit I side with the conservatives. I believe we need a return to the values we once shared as a nation. It was the basic fundamental values that made this country strong. It wasn't a bunch of rhetoric and political posturing. It was those taking a stand that created this nation. Those that followed did so willingly. They agreed to live within the boundaries as conceived by those leaders. To put it simply, they didn't second guess everything when it became uncomfortable.
Gambling is now almost universally accepted throughout the land. All but seven states have a lottery. Nevada doesn't have a lottery because it fears competition with the casinos. Strong religious presence in the others have blocked attempts in the past. Remember the blue laws ? For those of you that may not, these laws restricted the opening of businesses and the sale of alcohol during specific times. Most generally associated with the sale of alcohol on a Sunday. You weren't restricted to the amount you could buy on Saturday just Sunday. That got changed under the guise of freedom. Other businesses complained about the loss of revenue. Eventually the blue laws were removed from the books. The notion of Sunday being a special day, a holy day if you will, thrown out. No longer one nation under God. Now we are just one nation. Moral decay.
The government is failing. It is failing because of a lack of firm leadership and conviction. No one is willing to lead. No one wants to accept the responsibility. Too many career politicians worried about securing their own futures and not the future of the nation. A line must be drawn in the sand. A definitive posture taken. No exceptions, no excuses. A return to the values which conceived us. We need only look at the past to rediscover those values and principles. 

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