Friday, May 10, 2013

Blame the Democrats

Portion size. A subject of discussion once again. This time it is coming from the Coca Cola company. They have started a campaign to reduce childhood obesity. The reduction in the amount of sugary drinks is felt necessary. The Coca Cola company has released, back in 2001, a smaller can of soda. About the size of those little bottles we got as a kid for a dime. Not a bad idea, but a solution ? If we use the same logic why don't we only sell miniatures of liquor and beer ? Then we wouldn't have alcoholics. Take care of that issue. Only sell one cigarette at a time. One prescription pill at a time, to deter abuse. That ought to work.
I fail to see why a lack of self control on your part is a problem on someones else's' part. And as for the children why don't Mom and Dad just say no ? Mine did. That's enough was a common statement. Can I have more ice cream ? No, that's enough. I just don't think children usually have enough money or means to be buying large quantities of  soda and snacks. And if they do isn't someone monitoring their intake ?
All this may very well be well meaning. I can appreciate that. On the other hand it is a reflection on society today. The blame someone else for our problems mentality. I'm fat. It's the foods fault. The manufacturers are putting too much in the cups,bottles and bags. Our children are getting too large. Not my fault ! Stupid fast food places are selling large drinks. Any excuse to explain our own lack of self control and accountability. Yes we like to talk about all kinds of social issues these days. We look for all the causes. Except we fail to look at the real cause. Our own choices. And one more thing, Weren't there fat kids when we were young ? Did they have secret stashes of large drinks ? What was up with that ? Probably a government cover up. The manufacturers conducting secret experiments on the children. Apparently it has gotten out of hand. Let's blame the Democrats !


  1. I agree that there is too much of the blame it on someone else attitude and not enough actual parenting going on to teach a child self control. When my children were young they were lucky to get 2 cans of soda a week. Even that was a lot most of the time. Many times when asking if they could have a snack they knew the answer would be fruit or veggies or pretzels. Generally they have good self control in those matters now that they are young adults.

  2. "I fail to see why a lack of self control on your part is a problem on someones else's' part. .......Any excuse to explain our own lack of self control and accountability. Yes we like to talk about all kinds of social issues these days. We look for all the causes. Except we fail to look at the real cause. Our own choices. " - Ben Reichart

    Has someone restricted your daily CocaCola consumption ???? (LOL). Have to agree you about self-control and the consequences of choices but ..... !!!! My sympathy for the CocaCola corporation is limited. Never hooked on Coke (Classic or otherwise) but I have a passion for Dr. Pepper (what would you expect living in Texas this long ???). Growing up around a restaurant I had unlimited access to soda (and took advantage until I was cut off cold turkey by the adults in charge). Never had much of a sweet tooth (I thought soda was a foodstuff); I could actually go through a candy store without buying anything because I didn't think it was food. But how did I get hooked on Dr.Pepper ??? ..... the same way anyone gets hooked on any variety of things that might not be good for us ..... habit and propaganda. Once I started on DP I looked for the label; and it's everywhere just like McDonalds, Coke, Pepsi, potato chips etc. etc. etc. Don't underestimate the power of suggestion when applied by corporations with unlimited financial resources, a fabulous advertising bureau and ubiquitious marketing. The idea is to start the habit. In todays news I see MickeyD is sending their Ronald MD clown into the schools to prepare the youngsters to eat at the local MD (for their health and happiness). They even have a plan to get teachers to take over behind the counters to entice the youngsters. Propaganda is taking over in the US. Portion sizes and all the other political nonsense are just the price that any industry with defective products pays to the better angels of living right. I think you are correct with the solution "just say no". But saying no is not part of today's culture and the corporations know it. I believe that "No" is the most powerful word in the world. Personally, I have been schooled by the world's expert in "No" (the US govt). It was my job and it has consequence just like "yes". No one today likes anything negative and "yes" is what makes the economic world go round. But now we are off in another direction. Democrats the problem ??? Republicans the problem ???? I think not; its economic interests taking advantage of the human critter and its weaknesses. Thus has it ever been. Who is in charge is a complex question !!!
