Monday, May 27, 2013


Memorial day is the day to honor and remember those veterans that gave there life in battle. In the beginning it was wives of confederate soldiers that gathered to decorate the graves. Over the years it expanded to the north. After the war, the General of the Grand Army of the Republic, declared May 30 as Decoration day. That particular day was chosen for one primary reason. No major battles occurred on that day throughout the war. It was chosen in deference to that fact so as not to show any favor to one battle over another. In 1967 the name was officially changed to Memorial Day. Later in 1971 the Government moved the day to the last Monday in May to make it more convenient and provide a three day weekend. Sadly the significance of the day has diminished over the years.
In doing my own family tree I have not discovered any fallen heroes. Oh, I have a lot of ancestors that fought in every war this nation has engaged in, they all came home. I still think about their contributions but do not decorate their graves on this day, that is what Veterans day is for. I feel a sadness that the importance of this day should be diminished. There sacrifice certainly hasn't !
I hope you all will wear your " Poppy Red " in remembrance. Don't forget the proper flag etiquette. As a reminder this is the proper etiquette. In the morning briskly raise the flag to the topmost position, then slowly lower to half staff. At noon raise the flag to full height. If you have ancestors that were killed in action be sure to place flowers upon their grave. At 3PM pause for a minute of silence or listen to the playing of Taps. The later memorial was instituted in the year 2000 as a National Moment of Remembrance. It is part of a greater effort to return the meaning to the day.
Memorial day is a solemn occasion. Treat it with respect. It is a day for the fallen heroes. A day to remember them and their sacrifice. They have earned the singular respect of their comrades in arms and the civilian population alike. Pause for just a moment today and remember them. There sacrifice has not been in vain. America stands today as a tribute to them.

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