Friday, January 20, 2012


The wife and I decided to rearrange the living room. It was just time for a change in scenery. A method of fighting off the winter blues. So we decided to place the television set in a location it had never been. That,of course, required the rerouting of the cable. I was thinking we have wireless internet and cell phones why isn't this stupid television wireless as well ? So I jumped on the internet to investigate that possibility. Turns out that technology is indeed available. The cost was anywhere from three hundred dollars for a closeout special to several thousand for surround sound,high def equipment. Maybe in my next life ! I did remember having a  rabbit ear antenna at one time and location of the set was not an issue.
Now I have satellite television. The Dish network. Works really well and I am pleased with it. I have one central cable box that controls two televisions. My wife has a small set in the kitchen. The main cable goes into the box in my living room with two branches going out for the sets. I think I'm going to need a few additional pieces of cable to accomplish this move. Taking some rough measurements it is off to the store. Twenty dollars later I'm ready to move the set. Taking careful note of where each cable is connected I disassemble the layout. Soon there is a pile of spaghetti lying in the middle of the floor. I have still to disconnect the Wi gaming system I got for Christmas. Well,that should be easy is color coded.
Time to move the set. This television is the old fashioned kind with an actual picture tube. Quite large and quite heavy. My son gave it to me after he purchased his flat screen. The set works fine and I see no need to replace it. With my wife helping, we managed to wrestle it into it's new location. Now to hook up all those wires. I will not print the conversation I had with myself while doing this task. I'm sure it would be banned in at least four countries ! After a while it is all connected again and working. I must say I am quite proud of myself. I' m a techie ! All that remains is to finalize the routing of those cables and fasten then into place.
I'm sitting on my sofa and facing to the south west. That is the direction of the television now. Seems a bit odd. My computer is now facing north west but seems to be working alright. It is all a little unsettling but I'll grow accustomed to it. I'm thinking I'm going to like it. Change can be good. 

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