Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Larger Circles

I was thinking about the pervasive use of  social media. Often times when I'm engaged in a conversation with someone I can't help but notice they are fiddling with their phones. Either sending a text to someone else,checking the web or just anticipating the next call I can't be sure. I find it a bit rude. I was taught when interacting with another person to look them in the eye and give full attention to them. That lesson is apparently no longer in the lesson plan of life. I have noticed this same behavior if a computer is in the room. I admit I am sometimes as guilty as the next when it comes to that. Why is it so difficult to just shut the thing off and walk away. The world wide web is like Pandora's box ! We of a curious mind get addicted quite quickly to her wiles.
Every generation has it's challenges. The current generation is being faced with a social challenge. They are losing touch with the real world. Given the ease of access to the web and all the available entertainment it is not surprising. You hear the doctors say,get out and exercise ! The kids are spending too much time in front of their monitors. It is detrimental to their health. They need fresh air and sunshine. True, but they also need to learn to live in a social environment. And by this I mean an environment with real people and real consequences.
My parents told me to get outside and play. You're not sitting in front of that boob tube all day. Get out there and do something. My parents were convinced the television would cause you to go blind and become an idiot ! On some level that wasn't far from the truth. But the kids today have it a little different. As to whether it is better or not, I reserve judgement . Today the kids have that thing called,social media. Facebook and Twitter leading the pack. These are different worlds with different rules. In these places you can become whatever you choose to invent. You can voice your opinion,pass judgement on others and be as contrary as you like, all without consequence. Sitting safely in your room or hiding in the corner with your smart phone. Yes,you can be discovered but the likelihood is small if you choose to remain anonymous.
In my youth we had a saying," what you don't know, won't hurt you. " And to a certain degree that is true. The things the kids say about each other in their texts and tweets they most likely would not say to your face. It is easy to be brave behind a keyboard. Our social groups were much smaller as well. Many times words shared in confidence would leak out. We learned quickly that some things are best left unsaid ! Even among friends.
In school we traveled in our own little clique. They were social circles. We formed clubs. Membership was quite small compared to today's social circles. The advent of all this social media presents a challenge to the youth of today. Ours was a smaller world, or circle if you like. The circle has grown to encompass the world. Irregardless of how I feel,you feel or the world in general feels, they will be alright. We know we did things the right way and these kids today just don't get it. Give them time. They will adjust. They will adapt. We did. Our parents did.

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