Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Two Cents

I didn't stay up last night to listen to the State of the Union address. I figure I pretty much know what state we are in, and it ain't good. So I wasn't in the mood to listen to a bunch on rhetoric. After all,what can the man say ? I'm gonna fix it ! Yeah,I've heard that before.
I'm not a supporter of the Obama administration, I freely admit that. I do realize that it takes more than the President to get anything done. The congress and the house have been less than cooperative. They can't decide among themselves on anything,it seems. It has been over a thousand days since we had a signed budget in this country.We just keep borrowing more to stay in business. Not the best way to get things done.
I expect I'l hear all about what was said. The experts will attempt to decipher it. The spin doctors will be hard at work. Positive and negative. With election time just around the corner I'm sure it will interesting, or at least creative ! Just so you know, I get a little annoyed with the experts explaining what was said. I'm an American and understand English quite well thank you.
I wish I knew all the answers. I wish their was simple solution. Life and the world are not easy. But I do have thoughts and opinions. I'm thinking we need to return to our roots. Those roots were the independent thinking that formed our nation. Those roots left us beholding to no one but ourselves. We treated others fairly and demanded that same fair treatment in return. We wrote it on our money " In God we Trust " we need to remember that ! We are The United States of America. United States, meaning fifty separate states united to form one. Let us not forget the blood that was spilled to achieve that noble goal. If only our politicians ( elected I might add, by you and I ) would remember that goal and work together.
All that being said I'll leave it alone. I've spent my two cents. Come November I'll cast my ballot. It is time for a change. I'm not real pleased with the choices before me. Well, just keep changing the pieces until something fits ! 

1 comment:

  1. I guess the problem is, we elected these guys, but from the choices we were given and the statements they gave us, we chose the ones we thought were the best among them. What more can we do? It would be nice if we could get those parties to come together on issues, instead of battling it out because they're members of a particular party. PRAY we get someone who will/can work for us.
