Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Every now and then something happens that makes you feel a little bit older. I was watching one of my favorite shows on television, The Pawn shop guys. They were looking at a letter and Rick makes the comment, " this must have been after 1962 because they didn't have zip codes until then. " That simple little fact hit me. I was born in 1953. I'm older than your zip code ! OMG.
I knew that; on a subconscious level. I vaguely remember having to start using a zip code and the campaign that went with it. Just like I can remember when you didn't have to dial your area code if you lived in the area. Shoot, I remember when you didn't dial at all, " number please. "
Hearing that tid bit made me wonder what else came after my birth. I looked at 1954. So if you were born before then this applies to you too.
The World Series was first broadcast in living color. Not too many people had a color television set but it was broadcast.
First Edition of Sports Illustrated.
Burger King opens.
Kraft makes its' first " Cracker Barrel cheese. "
M&M candies introduced. They melt in your mouth not in your hand.
The first " Butter Ball " turkeys are sold.
Elvis recorded his first record.
Ellis Island closes.
Trix cereal introduced.
Play Doh invented.

Well that was 1954 and I was just one. So I don't feel too bad about that.
I decided to look at the 1970's. There were a few surprises there.
Pocket Calculators ( 71 )
Video Games (72)
Disposable Lighters (73) by BIC
Post It notes (74)
The Rubiks cube ( 74)
Cell phones (77)
The sony walkman (79) already an antique
Roller Blades (79)

It is amazing how some things we just take for granted. They have become so everyday that you don't give it a thought. No BIC lighters until 1973 ? That was a surprise. I had a PONG game prior to 1972, I think. That was a video game of sorts. Depends upon the definition. Still,when I heard that there weren't any zip codes before 1962, well. It was just one of those things I guess.
Wonder what it will be for the grand kids ? What invention or idea. They may say one day, " I remember when you had to go to this building,they called it a post office,just to send a package. " " They had little boxes in there where you got your mail." " Mail ? " Oh yeah,mail was handwritten messages on a piece of paper !
Hey,you remember that stuff don't you ? LOL Sometimes it was even written in cursive on unlined paper. Your girl might even scent it a bit. Can't get that on facebook ! Or a tweet.

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