Sunday, September 25, 2011


I've always been more of an observer of life than a participant. That seems like an odd statement to make now doesn't it ? I have given it a lot of thought and I'm thinking to this point, it is a valid statement.
I went to high school. I graduated. I didn't belong to any clubs or participate in any after school activities. I just watched it all go by me. I learned my lessons and did the required work. I was a middle of the road student. Capable enough to join in at any level but choosing to remain rather centralized.
I spent twenty years in the Navy. I served honorably but not with any outstanding accomplishments. Served in several wars but I'm not a war hero. Just did my job. Never directly involved in any major offensive or in imminent danger.
Since retiring from the Navy I've worked several jobs. Not aspiring to be the boss, I just worked as a middle of the road kinda employee. Just doing my job. Always doing what was asked of me and on occasion doing what was not. Some times for the good and sometimes not.
There are some that would say I lack ambition. I can understand that point of view. It is true I have never aspired to greatness. My school teachers often told me to " buckle down" and "apply myself." I think school teachers say that to all their students. The accumulation of wealth has never been a priority with me. I like money,who doesn't, but I'm not terribly concerned about it either. As long as I have enough to get by, I'm good. It is true that a little more effort on my part wouldn't do any harm. There is a balance to be struck there and I'm a little on the light side.
I've always been one to go with the flow. Sorta. I will let my opinion be known. Ask anyone that knows me. I'll gripe and complain. I'll tell you how it should be done. My arguments usually end with, I'm just sayin'. If the opposition isn't too stiff  I will go right ahead and do things my way. I will stand and fight when I feel it is necessary. I just don't feel it is necessary most of the time.
I could spend thousands of dollars on an analyst. He could ask me questions about my childhood. Show me ink spots. Do a little word association. Probably even prescribe some medication. For what though? To what purpose ? To try to explain to me why I am the way I am ? I already know that. A little honest self evaluation will do that for you. Listen to your friends, they will tell you as well. I can pretty much tell you what an analyst would say. " You choose to not participate because you are afraid of failure. " " You lack self confidence." " You lack a sense of self worth." And if he is a Freudian it will have something to do with my mother and sex. 
The only thing it has to do with is me. I'm the way I am because I choose to be.
I'm content. Nothing wrong with that. And that is the bottom line.

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