Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Regaining Focus

I usually just write about whatever is on my mind. Hence the title,Random Thoughts, and my mind does tend to wander. I drift from the present to the past and journey into the future. We all do. Nothing wrong with that as long as you can focus when necessary. I have seen them advertising some pill or something that improves your memory and focus. Don't know the details on that one. I wasn't really paying attention.
This morning my thoughts are really scattered." Scatterbrained " they used to call it. Haven't heard anyone use that term in a while. I'm thinking about where the summer went,the winter to come and how good my Grandmothers baking was. I can't really seem to focus my thoughts on just one subject. I'm not worried though, it isn't the first time it has happened. It is probably time to " defragment " my files. Every so often one has to do that. Lay some things to rest,as the expression goes. In today's jargon " find closure. " The only trouble is I don't know what I'm closing ! That is why I become scatterbrained. Sifting around the old grey matter to find lost pieces of information. You know that they are there but just where did I store that ? Best thing is to just let your mind take a walkabout. It'll come back home.
It is not an uncomfortable thing. Others may get annoyed with you when you don't seem to be paying attention to them, which I'm not because my thoughts are elsewhere, but soon it will pass. I probably won't even know when that happens. It is a subtle thing. My thoughts will line up again and I'll regain some focus. I'll start some new project or complete an old one. That is the usual result.
Just what causes this to happen I can not be sure of. I'm suspecting an old wound has been opened up. Just something stuck in my craw ! Oh my, I'm chock full of old cliches this morning. No matter it will work its' way out. Always does. I'm hoping it is not a new issue. Got enough old stuff unresolved to last the rest of my life. I could resolve them too, if I stayed focused !
It's a dilemma alright.

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