Sunday, September 4, 2011

An uncomfortable topic

We are getting older ! The last few days, reading posts on a group I belong to on Facebook, has confirmed that. I knew it was just a matter of time. No pun intended. I had not been looking forward to its' arrival but here it was. The medical discussions. Who has what. It is a sad thing and my prayers go out to those that suffer from the various illnesses. I also know it sometimes helps ease the burden of living with it to share.
It is just something I have noticed. When we are young and invincible we rarely mention any sickness. Wounds are like battle scars. Broken bones a badge of courage. Most don't want to talk about it. A quick mention of what happened and on we go. That attitude changes with time. When you start getting some age on you these incidents become more important. They become a cause for worry. You start to talk about them. With anyone that will listen.
I will be the first to admit that I am very fortunate. I have no major problems. My health is excellent. It is a mater of luck and not because of anything I am doing. I eat what I want and do whatever. My exercise is working,really just working at my job. I am grateful for my good fortune. I don't mean to trivialize any illness someone else may have. I just wonder why they need to share all that information publicly ? With close friends and family,certainly. But on a social networking page ?
The reality is,it is my problem. I am uncomfortable with it all. There is little one can say. I prefer not to talk about personal health issues. I have no adequate response to " I have cancer ". What can one say in return ?
My group has not reached this point yet, but it is coming. The point were pretty much all you do is go to doctors,talk about doctors,and worry about your medications. Your next doctors appointment is something you look forward to. I see that all the time with the elderly. It is like all they have left. I find it very sad. The first doctor I saw smacked me on the bottom and I haven't liked any of them since ! (LOL) I hope my good fortune holds out.
Well,this phase in the conversation will pass as well. I will feel much better when it does. It is a progression. As for me,I'll stay out of this discussion. I have nothing positive to add.

1 comment:

  1. And...apparently, thankfully, nothing NEGATIVE to add, either! Good for you, Ben! And for me...aches and pains, nothing serious, thank the Lord!
    Raising a glass to us...and long,healthy lives!
