Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Another Milestone

As we age, we often lament how times just goes too fast. The little markers that we use to measure time start coming in rapid succession. Graduating from high school being the first marker for most, I think. Following that it may be college,the military or just having a job. We marry. We have children. They marry, They have have children. Next thing you know you are a Grandparent ! Bam. Just like that. Where did the time go ?
Being a grandparent in today's world means watching out for the grandchildren as much as possible. Both parents have to work outside the home to survive. It is just a reality. We have been fortunate enough to have been able to watch them both( the grandkids,not the parents) since they were born. Mark,the oldest is ten now and Morgan is eight. We have been there for their first steps and first falls. Watched them grow and learn. Shared love and laughter. We couldn't possibly be any closer to them. It has been a blessing for sure.
A little while back I wrote about small steps and milestones. I was writing about the fact that Mark was now being allowed to ride his bicycle to Grandmas' house,alone. That was a big milestone for him, and us. Yesterday another milestone was reached. Yesterday afternoon, for the very first time, Grandma or Grandpa was not waiting for them at the bus stop !  Nor was Mom or Dad. It was a light drizzle and we told them when they left in the morning, " if it is raining,just come straight home." They did ! And so there it is, another milestone. To them it was really unnoticed and I'm sure no big deal. I,on the other hand,took note of the day. I always knew the day would come. Truth be told, I even complained about having to go to the bus stop on occasion. Not that I went a lot of the time,my wife a lot more than me,but now knowing I no longer need to do that,well it feels different. Like you are no longer needed in some way. Strange I should feel that way.
Oh,they are both more than capable and responsible enough to make there way home safely. Greensboro is a safe enough town and the bus stop is only one block away. We can see them from our porch as they come home. Still, the fact remains, they are becoming independent. This is Marks last year of elementary and next year he rides a different bus at a different time. We will still have Morgan though. I don't know what the future holds. Will we still take them to the bus ? Will we pick them up ? I don't know it is all so confusing. And what about next year ? Well as Scarlet O'Hara would say, " fiddle dee, I'll worry about that tomorrow."

just two years ago
 What is the next milestone ? I'm not sure and won't really know until I reach it. All you can do is just keep moving ahead. Go with the flow ! Maybe I'll make it to the bus stop this afternoon, for old times sake.

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