Friday, September 16, 2011

Entitled ?

Alert ! A new study study has determined that children learn easier and more effectively with their parents. Also reading plays a major role in the learning process. Well, who knew ! It was on the evening news. All I can say is, DUH !
Yes if you have children and actually pay attention to them they develop better. Yes, you have to interact with them in a positive way and reinforce their good behaviours. That is how these fancy people want to put it but the plain unvarnished truth is, you have to take the time to care about their development and make an effort to help them. The act of making the child is not the difficult part. The care and feeding of the child is not always easy but the reward is immeasurable.
I just get miffed at these studies. Did these people really have to go to college and do a study to figure that out ? I could've told you that. My mother could've told you that. My grand mother could've told you that. It is not a big mystery !
Let's do a study and talk about it. That's one of the problems in the world today. Everybody wants to talk about everything. A little less talk and a lot more action is what is needed.
I wonder which children are not getting the required attention at home ? Oh, they didn't mention that part might get someone upset. I have'nt done a study but I can tell you what group that is. The same group I give my tax money to, that's who. The same group that everytime they have another unwanted child they reward them with more assistance, that's who. The same group that cannot meet the standards set forth by our educational system, so we lower the standards for them, that's who.
But let's do a study and talk some more about the problem. Maybe we can send all these people to college and get them teaching certificates so they can educate their children at home. But first we have to get these people to acknowledge these children other than on the assistance forms ! We must make them understand children are not just a raise in their welfare check !
I am sick and tired of these bleeding heart liberals and their policies. Hold these people accountable for their actions. Rewarding bad behaviours is not the answer. But no one wants to talk about that. No sir. Must not offend anyone.
Well tough luck I say. I don't care if it is inconvenient for you, you will earn your keep. You will be held accountable for your actions. Being lazy is not an excuse. I'll not see a child go hungry but I'm not feeding you a feast either. I'll not see a child not get required medical attention but when it comes to an adult you are on your own. Just like I am. I can't afford every medical procedure,test or medicine I may or may not need. Boo Hoo, woe is me. That is a part of the adult world,deal with it.
Entitlement ! You are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is pretty much it. Everything else you must work for. The government provides you with certain protections against abuse but that is it. Anything else is a gift ! NO where is it written that the government must provide you with a home,food,clothes,entertainment,transportation and anything else you want !
Freeloader is not a lifestyle choice.
Guess another study is in order. We provide them with everything they need to live a comfortable lifestyle. They stay at home. They are not subject to job hunting or drug testing. We also provide them with entertainment in the home. Free basic cable and a new television. Free transportation and medical care.
Wonder why they are not motivated to change ? Why don't they want to work at least forty hours a week,pay the bills,buy their food and then give a portion of their check to those that stay at home and do nothing ? I can't figure it out.
And that is what I think about that !

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