Saturday, September 17, 2011

Change It

Not being what I would classify as a real political man I am amused by their rhetoric. I know a bunch of bull when I hear it. You may fool others Mr. Obama but you ain't foolin' me.
I don't really even listen closely to what he is saying. All I hear is pass this bill,pass that bill,it's all the republicans fault. Blah Blah Blah. Pass the jobs bill. Spend more money that we already don't have. Increase the debt another 339 billion or so.
I hear some of the plan. Let's give the employer a tax break. Then he will hire more help. If I'm the employer and I have run my business on ten people for the last couple years and you now tell me I can pay less tax I'm not going to spend that money. I'm putting it in my pocket ! Why would I hire more help and increase my overhead ? What is the incentive ? Is hiring one more employee really going to increase my profit margin ? Or,like the government,I'll just use that savings as a basis for a larger loan so I can go into more debt. That ought to stimulate the economy all right.
I heard him say he wants more products made in the USA. They should be be proudly stamped " made in the USA. " Yes and in the fine print it will have to say, may contain parts assembled by illegal immigrants. That is because the government has imposed so many restrictions on manufacturers it is almost impossible to realize a profit on anything made in the USA. And ,by the way, did you know that made in the USA does not necessarily mean the part or product was made in the USA. All the components or materials may come from overseas sources. I hear him talking about creating more Union jobs. Teachers and Construction workers. I hear him spouting off about getting more people a degree. Well in my world the people with the degree don't do much labor ! Everyone can't sit behind a desk. Some one has to do the work. And that is where the rub comes in. As long as the government continues to give handouts people will take them ! It is that simple. As long as the government imposes so many restrictions on business the employer can not hire or expand.
Free enterprise is not free ! The government,aka Lawyers, want their share. Always have. Always will. The king was a Lawyer of sorts. At least he made the law and demanded his tax. Then the United States said, no way, and formed our own government. It too, slowly over time , turned into a haven for the Lawyers (aka politicians) and they want their share. Income tax, a temporary solution was imposed, then social security tax,then medicare tax and so many other taxes I can't begin to name them.
I say we throw the whole bunch out and start over. I'll go and cast my vote. You can be sure of that. I will continue to complain too. That's why I vote.
As long as the American people continue to look to the government for answers to every problem this will continue. The government does not exist to provide you with a living,medical care,education,training or anything else. The government exist to GOVERN. To ensure fair treatment of all its' citizens. Its purpose is to settle disputes. Our government is supposed to be, "by the people,for the people " not, tax the people.
The world isn't fair. Some are rich and others are poor. Some are good looking and some are downright ugly. That's life,deal with it. We,the American people have created this monster we call government. We, the American people can change it as well. The only way it will change is by your Vote. Vote and vote often.

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