Friday, September 30, 2011

About Men

I'm from a different generation. Yup,no doubt about it. I'm set in my ways and my thinking.
There are a few things I need to explain. My beliefs as it were.
First, men don't wear short pants ! At least not to work.
Men do not carry totes or bags of any kind. Unless it is the grocery bags into the house.
We do not wear our hats backwards. We have learned how to dress.
We do not use an umbrella ! Ever.
We do not wear ear rings ! Irregardless of what you may call them !
We will not buy feminine needs at the store,unless absolutely necessary,and then only at a store we never shop at !
We are never lost. Just directionaly challenged at times.
We do not curse in front of women.
We do know it all, but sometimes we forget.
When we get sick,we are really sick ! A man sized sick.
We would never, ever describe a car as ,cute.
We are not stubborn,we are determined.
We don't try clothes on in the store,we know what size we wear !
Socks must extend above the ankle. Period end of discussion.
We could do the laundry and the house cleaning but we don't. At least, I won't admit it.
We know women hide things around the house,that is why we can't find them.
Public displays of affection occur only when we are under the influence( alcohol or her ) one of those things.
Men don't cry ! Ever ! Not publicly at least.
Physical pain in public is dealt with by cursing ! Depending upon circumstance, either loudly or by muttering under your breath.
We cook on the grill ! Fire is too dangerous for women to deal with. It is a mans job !
Not all men drink beer. But when we do, it is never "light" beer.
A firm handshake is required at all times. To do otherwise could lead to being misunderstood !
The only acceptable thing in your hair is Vitalis or Brylcream. No moose or other animals !
If a man can't fix it it, is because he doesn't have the right tool !
We do not care about fashion ! Go with what you like and is comfortable.
We don't wear sandals ! Ever ! Flip flops possibly at the beach.
We will carry your purse,but only if we hold it like a football ! And we will be close by you at all times while in possession of the ball.
We must park as close to the store as possible. It is our genetic predisposition to do so. The alpha male.
Men should drive the car or truck. Mini vans are for women.
If someone is working on something,we must stop and offer advice.Barring that we will explain what they are doing wrong to anyone that is close by and will listen.

These are just a few of the things that come to mind. This new generation is changing the rules and blurring the line. Upstarts ! Leave things alone I say.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mr. Rooney

Yesterday I heard that Andy Rooney will be leaving sixty minutes. His last appearance will be this Sunday. I will be sure to tune in. I didn't realize he was 92. I've always enjoyed his commentary. Straightforward ,no nonsense kind of reporting. His opinion and his truth. I admire that.
A man that saw and reported on the second world war. He has definitely seen the best and worst in man. He will be missed.
I admire his tenacity. I admire his love for journalism. Truly ,he must feel a deep passion for his craft to have kept at it for as long as he has. I'm quite sure he could have retired many years ago. But it wasn't the financial gain that has kept him going. What exactly it is I can't say,not knowing him personally. I have my feelings though. I do feel that Mr. Rooney truly finds life and all of its' happenings quite interesting. I feel like it is part of his nature to report the facts as he sees them.
I must be getting old. All the great ones are leaving. Walter Cronkite,David Brinkley and now Andy Rooney. All great reporters and newsmen. All these men whose characters are untouchable. These men that told their stories ,there way. No agendas. All those men are part of the greatest generation. Those men that did what was necessary for the nation and didn't cry about it later. Men that spoke their minds. 
Yes, I'm going to miss Andy. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

In the dark

Working at the grocery store I meet a lot of people. Some, are the regulars. They always say hello and exchange pleasantries with me. The majority of them I don't know their name and they don't know mine. Casual acquaintances I call them. It is just as well. I am terrible at remembering names and faces. If you needed an eye witness to identify someone I would absolutely be your last choice. I wouldn't recognize even the biggest star in Hollywood. About as close as I could get would be he/she looks like that person. I think.
Well today a lady with a small child walks up to me and says hello. Naturally, I respond with a hello of my own. Then she calls me by name and asks about my son and family. At this point I have no clue who this person is. She then tells me she is back in town from Hawaii and she left town about the same time I did. Now I'm really confused. I left town ? When did that happen. I just smile and change the topic of conversation to ," who is this little girl ?" I'm told her name is Madeline. I remark what a cute little girl she is and explain I have to get back to work. Which was funny, as I was at work anyway. This young lady says goodbye and that she will be going to South Carolina soon with her husband. I wish her good luck and say goodbye. I still have no clue who she is.
After she left me I noticed she was talking with a co worker. As soon as possible I asked that co worker who was that lady ? My co worker says, I know her from somewhere but I don't remember her name." Great !
I did see her say something to my son. He is the manager of the store. I asked him and he said, her name is Sarah. She worked here a long time ago. I said, yeah, but I didn't and she knew me but I just can't place her. That is when he told me, she was a secretary for the town of Ridgely when you worked there. AHH, the light goes on. Sarah, from the office. Her husband joined the Navy and they went to Hawaii. She left the town of Ridgely about the same time I did. That is what town she was talking about. Mystery solved.
I hate it when that happens to me. And it happens a lot. I don't want to just ask the person who they are, seems rude to me. I didn't care enough to remember your name ? In one way I'm afraid I might offend them and in another I'm afraid that I should have remembered. Alziemers ? No, I've always been that way. Most of the time I can figure it out based on the conversation. Might not remember your name exactly but can put you in a place anyway. This time it was a blank. I have thought about trying those memory aid tricks to remember names but all I can see in that is a diaster waiting to happen.
What would you do ? Just ask and try to play it off or do what I do and try to make believe you know ? Maybe we should all wear name tags. That would make it a little easier. They do that at reunions don't they ?
Or in the modern vernacular, tag'em.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

the selling of America

The loss of a lifestyle and heritage. I hear about it all the time on the news and in various articles. These are not lost, they are sold ! Sold for various reasons but sold none the less.
Take the plight of the American farmer. Willie Nelson has been trying for years now to help the farmers retain their farms. It is a noble cause and one I support but I know in the end it is a futile attempt. In the end the family farm will lose out to the large commercial operations. Unless that farmer is fortunate enough to grow some specialty crop,he just can't make it. Expenses are too high for the profit to be made.
You hear about the lose of small town America. Once the wealthy " discover " your area and begin to move in, it soon disappears. Homes will be sold to the highest bidder,property that has been in the family for generations gets sold to build that mall and so it goes. Until it is gone and then we bemoan our lost hertiage. I expect it has always been so.
Most people don't like changes. At least, not major ones. We get settled in our ways. We get comfortable. When you are younger you quickly embrace new things,only to discover what a cruel mistress change can be. You have a child and want to take him/her fishing but the fishing hole is gone now. On private property and you are not allowed. The campground is a parking lot for K-mart now. Things of the past changed forever.
Choices made and choices regretted. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. That applies only if you are the one holding the bird. There are many reasons we may decide to sell. Economics being what they are. Just having the property does not ensure financial stability. The solution to your immediate needs can have a lasting impact. And there is the question of selfishness. It is selfish of me to sell the family home for my own profit ? Is that fair to succeeding generations ? It is a complex issue.
All of that I think is a personal choice. You have to do what your heart tells you is right. You must survive. Should you feel obligated to pass down property to your offspring ? Do you owe them anything but your love and support ? These are the questions we must ponder.
As for me I  never had to make the choice. Being a Navy man I was always quite transient. After I retired and moved to Greensboro I thought this was just another stop over. Just a place to live. The town is growing on me. Real estate being what it is now, I have no plans to buy. At my age it wouldn't be a wise choice I'm thinking. Better to continue to rent and leave the maintenance and repair issues to the landlord. There are not many restrictions placed upon me so I'll leave it alone.
Had I inherited the family home would I have sold it ? Hard to say. The real estate prices in my hometown have gone up at least twenty times in value. That much cash being offered would have been a sore temptation. Could do an awful lot with that much cash.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The grass does look greener on the other side of the fence but there is a reason for that. It is being fertilized and we all know what makes the best fertilizer. Don't step in it ! Or at the very least be very careful where you step.
All things change and everything material is for sale. America as we know it is being sold a piece at a time. No matter the reason for the sale. Lately we have been giving it away,but that is another issue.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Just a Theory

I was having a conversation the other day with a gentleman I had just met. He was a veteran,as I am,so we had that much in common. He had had some recent medical issues and we were discussing medical insurance and the VA. Naturally, the topic was how difficult it can be to get appointments, obtain the proper care and be approved for the care. If you have ever dealt with the VA you would know exactly what I mean. Frustrating and time consuming. As with all things military/government related it is a hurry up and wait situation.
Soon the topic turned to health care in general. It was during this part of the conversation that this gentleman began to explain a theory he had. He pointed out that there was apparently a rise in cancers,diabetes,obesity,ADHD,Bi-Polar,depression,stress and heart related disease during our generation. He went to explain that this trend coincided with the rise of McDonalds, Burger King and Wendys'. His theory is, it is these very fast food restaurants that are responsible for this rise in illness. It's the grease ! Not a bad theory, although I can't see the connection to the mental illness. He didn't expound on that though. He was a pleasant enough gentleman and I agreed with him that fast food is ruining America.
I will say that he did make me think. Then,while stocking the shelf at the grocery store I noticed something pecular. There inside a sealed bag of beef jerky was a small bad of desicant. Odd, I thought. Isn't beef jerky dried beef ? And if it is in a sealed bag, why is there desicant in there ? The desicant bag is clearly marked do not eat, so why even place it in contact with the food ? What else is coming into contact with our food ? I don't want to know. Probably wouldn't want to eat it anymore. Would have to move to a commune and grow my own.
I do notice a lot of the products we eat on a regular basis contain a lot of artifical flavors,colors and preservatives. I suspect a number of them can't be real good for you. Well, I'll just trust the government to decide. They always make good decisions. ( yeah,right).
Another thought I had was this. Not so many years ago we ate what was in season. Before Interstate highways and refrigerated trucks that was generaly the case. My Mom tells me that they would only get an orange at Christmas time. They were "imported" from Florida and quite expensive. That would have been in the forties. So we tended to eat what was seasonally available at the market. Fruits in summer and Fall. What we call comfort food now, stews and such, during the winter months. And all the light fare in spring. Maybe it is this mixing of the seasons that is causing all these issues. We have interupted the natural order of things. Deviated from the plan.
As for the mental issues that seem to be on the rise, there is only one thing to say : Television. It is television that has changed everything. Didn't have these issues before television. And it has risen propotionate to the advances in television technology ! Now we have reached the third dimensional level I tremble to think what may happen to socities mental health. This needs to be stopped. Well,it is only a theory.
I just love talking to people and hearing their slant on things. A different view as it where. I hear some pretty far out things from people. Some ,more than likely, think I'm pretty far out there too.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


I've always been more of an observer of life than a participant. That seems like an odd statement to make now doesn't it ? I have given it a lot of thought and I'm thinking to this point, it is a valid statement.
I went to high school. I graduated. I didn't belong to any clubs or participate in any after school activities. I just watched it all go by me. I learned my lessons and did the required work. I was a middle of the road student. Capable enough to join in at any level but choosing to remain rather centralized.
I spent twenty years in the Navy. I served honorably but not with any outstanding accomplishments. Served in several wars but I'm not a war hero. Just did my job. Never directly involved in any major offensive or in imminent danger.
Since retiring from the Navy I've worked several jobs. Not aspiring to be the boss, I just worked as a middle of the road kinda employee. Just doing my job. Always doing what was asked of me and on occasion doing what was not. Some times for the good and sometimes not.
There are some that would say I lack ambition. I can understand that point of view. It is true I have never aspired to greatness. My school teachers often told me to " buckle down" and "apply myself." I think school teachers say that to all their students. The accumulation of wealth has never been a priority with me. I like money,who doesn't, but I'm not terribly concerned about it either. As long as I have enough to get by, I'm good. It is true that a little more effort on my part wouldn't do any harm. There is a balance to be struck there and I'm a little on the light side.
I've always been one to go with the flow. Sorta. I will let my opinion be known. Ask anyone that knows me. I'll gripe and complain. I'll tell you how it should be done. My arguments usually end with, I'm just sayin'. If the opposition isn't too stiff  I will go right ahead and do things my way. I will stand and fight when I feel it is necessary. I just don't feel it is necessary most of the time.
I could spend thousands of dollars on an analyst. He could ask me questions about my childhood. Show me ink spots. Do a little word association. Probably even prescribe some medication. For what though? To what purpose ? To try to explain to me why I am the way I am ? I already know that. A little honest self evaluation will do that for you. Listen to your friends, they will tell you as well. I can pretty much tell you what an analyst would say. " You choose to not participate because you are afraid of failure. " " You lack self confidence." " You lack a sense of self worth." And if he is a Freudian it will have something to do with my mother and sex. 
The only thing it has to do with is me. I'm the way I am because I choose to be.
I'm content. Nothing wrong with that. And that is the bottom line.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

To be a better man

My grand son is invited to a birthday party today. Not an unusual thing. This one is a little different though. The young lady whose birthday it is ,is a special friend of his. I wouldn't say girlfriend as they are only ten but his first girl/boy party to be sure. He agonized over the gift and is even a little concerned about what to wear. A definite sign he is growing up.
What I was thinking about was how honest they are. Some people may call it innocence but I wouldn't. They enjoy each others company. It is as plain and simple as that. Unencumbered. They are not concerned with appearances or social classes. They are friends as only children can be friends. It is a wonderful thing.
I was thinking what a wonderful thing it would be if only we all could be that way. What a wonderful thing if only we all could have remained that way is the more accurate statement. To not have let social convention and bigotry influence us. I imagine that was the way of Jesus. And isn't that what religion is all about. To strive to love one another as children love one another ?
We all know that children can be the cruelest of creatures. They will say and do terrible things to one another. And even now we have to address the matter of bullies. Yet it is children that can care for one another more deeply and honestly than any others. To just accept someone for who they are,not what they are.
Through my grand children I can again see the world as it once existed for me. There was a time when I too could just enjoy someone for who they were. A time when I gave no thought to their appearance or social standing. Then, I grew up. Oh,there are some that would argue that point, but I did. As much as I hate to admit it, I have been influenced. I have prejudices. Now it is a struggle to overcome those shortcomings. To try to return to that time.
It is difficult given the times we live in. In reality, at any time I'm sure. There are bad people about. The ones that would use you for their own devices. The con men,the abusers and the deceitful. We do need to live with an awareness of them. It is those very people that influence our actions in a negative way. It is an age old dilemma.
It is the simple things in life that stir my thoughts. Seeing Mark so excited about going to a party. Seeing him excited about spending time with his friend.
Wishing that somehow he may not lose that freedom. The freedom to just love.
Changes occur rapidly and this relationship may change at any moment. I am aware of that but he is not. Nor is she. That is part of the growing up process as well. I'm going to go out on a limb here. I'm going to say they remain friends for many years to come. The operative word being friends. Relationships are something would be adults talk about. But that is another topic altogether. One day I'll share my thoughts about that as well.
I hope Mark enjoys the party. I hope he continues to enjoy his friends. I'm hoping too,that along the way Mark can reject the bad influences. I'm hoping for him to be a better man. Isn't that what we all want for our children or grand children? Indeed for all mankind. To be a better man.

Friday, September 23, 2011

A few thoughts

Yesterday, I attended the funeral of Florence. Yesterday, I was once again forced to face my own mortality and reflect upon that. We all live with the knowledge that one day we will pass and we are all are convinced it isn't today. The truth of the matter is, we do not know, and will never know when that fateful day arrives.
When I was a younger man, I didn't attend funerals. I was taken to my great grandfathers funeral when I was 14 and the sadness of it hit me like a brick. I did not go to another for many years. Now,being older I have already attended far to many. In the last few years it has become popular to call it a celebration of life. I'm sorry, I don't feel much like celebrating. My grief lies not for those who have passed, but for those left behind. To lose someone you love is a terrible thing. Even the knowledge that you will one day be reunited is little comfort. All you feel is the lose.
Now I didn't know Florence personally. Sadly I can not say I ever spoke to her. That does not matter. I could see the hurt in the eyes of those that knew her. I can share in their lose. There are no words to say,other than, I'm sorry for your lose. Empathy is the only way I can describe my feelings.
It is only right that we should grieve. And each of us must grieve in our own time and way. To attempt to reconcile the reality of death with the knowledge that they are gone from our world is not an easy thing. Surely, it will test your faith.
And so this morning as I faced my empty computer screen these were my thoughts. I have a feeling these thoughts are not complete. I will continue to ponder the mystery of life and death. I do know this much; although I never met Florence personally, she has somehow touched me. Through her sisters and her family she has touched me. I'm quite sure she is resting in peace and smiling down upon us all.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Being Remembered

We all want to be remembered. I believe that is a universal truth. No matter who you are, or where you live. No matter the time in which you lived. Ideology or religion makes no difference. Education makes no difference. It is  something in man to want to be remembered.
Perhaps it comes from seeing the world in all its' ageless wonder. Mountains,rivers,the plains and the valleys. To stare into the night sky and marvel at the stars. Perhaps it is just that we want our dreams to live on. For I do believe someone is never truly gone as long as their memory is kept alive.
And along with their memory,their dreams.
Not everyone will share their dreams with everyone. Some are afraid of ridicule and others are ashamed. I do think that most of us do not share all our dreams even with those closest to us. Some dreams are kept private. There is nothing wrong with that. Often times secrets,any secret,is automatically assumed to be a dark secret but why should that be so ? Good dreams can be kept a secret too. I find that putting voice to the dream takes away some of it's power. Makes it somehow less of a dream and closer to reality. And reality my friends is not always the most pleasant of things.
Does it count to be remembered by those that never met you ? What I mean to say is, does it count that I know the name of my 10th Great Grandfather ? Or that I can name distant cousins. Having never known these people I can not know their minds or their dreams. Yet I know their names and think about who they may have been. Going by the context of their times I can surmise some of their thinking and beliefs. I can get a sense of what it may have been like for them during their time on this planet.
I find it necessary to answer that question with a yes. If I don't, I can't justify my own existence. Our time on this earth is so very short. Our contribution to history is so very small. I am no more than a paragraph in the story and that is if I am one of the lucky ones. Some of us are no more than footnotes. Those that came before us helped pave the way. They are the ones that marked the highway. We may make a few roads of our own ,that is true, but we did need a starting point.
I can not believe all this is just a random thing. A star explodes and here we are. Not too likely. All that came before me wasn't just a haphazard chain of events. I have to believe there is a purpose in it all. I also believe it doesn't end with me either. To believe that would be ludicrous. What the ultimate goal or purpose is I have no idea. To know that would be to know the mind of God.
We are just mortals and can not know. I just know I want to be remembered. I want my contribution to be acknowledged. The final reward is a life well lived.
The length of time on this earth is not as important as what we did with it. To have lived and loved. And the measure of that is: being remembered.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The fifth season

I took my grand daughter to her second ballet lesson of the season. Time really does travel quickly. After class the children come streaming out of the dance hall. I watched for her and then I saw it, the fundraiser. That manila envelope with the metal clasp. I'm getting so I can spot them at quite a distance. Occasionally they try to fool you with a white envelope but I'm wise to that one.
This fundraiser is to benefit the dance studio. To assist in the cost of the recital. Personally I would be just as happy if they just included an additional fee from the start. There are so many fund raisers anymore it is getting quite difficult. Soccer,girl scouts,the school,dance and a few others over the course of the school year. Candles,cookies,pizza,gift wrap and all matter of items being sold. I am grateful that I only have the two grand kids right here. Any more than that and the expense could get out of hand.
I suppose all these fundraisers are a necessary evil. It just seems like there are more of them every year. The cost of the items increase every year as well. The candles ,for instance, at least ten bucks. I wouldn't mind so much if a larger percentage went to the cause.
What I am expecting is a new phone app. What with all these kids carrying phones around with them it is only a matter of time. Girl scout cookies ? Yup, I've got an app for that. You can now charge those cookies,no problem. Let's just take this fundraising stuff viral. Cut down on the paperwork and direct deposit those funds. I can see that. Of course,there would have to be an additional fee associated with that. A processing fee perhaps.
I can hear the arguments for this as well. Do we really want our children going door to door ? Do we really want them carrying cash around with them ? This fundraising is a dangerous thing indeed. But by using the phone app we could track them with the gps mode (that app already exists) funds would be electronically transferred and total sales easily monitored. We could also tell if there are any slackers long before the end of the drive.
Yes, it is fundraiser season once again. It runs until at least May. I had almost forgotten about that. I was quickly reminded. " If I sell at least 25 items I have a chance to win 25 dollars Grandpa." Yeah, I'll buy one. Sigh !

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Certain television advertisements crack me up. I just can't help but laugh about them,even though they intend them to be sincere. The latest one I've noticed is ITT Tech. They say ITT Tech about a hundred times during the thirty second spots. They use the testimonial format. These are not actors but actual graduates of ITT Tech. That part may be true but the script was written by some one else. Either that or they all took English for geeks classes. The phrases used are what I find amusing. One says, meeting with that recruiter spawned everything else that happened to me. Spawned ? What are you a fish ? No one says, spawned. Another says, my quality of life has improved immeasurably. Just who talks like that ? Perhaps if I obtained my PhD in literature but a graduate from ITT Tech. It is a one year trade school.
I'm sure you can learn a valuable trade there. All education and training is important and commendable. I don't have a problem with anyone attending ITT Tech and being proud of their accomplishment. What I find amusing is the way they present it. I go in (sans education) sometimes from a minimum wage job,take a one year course of study and graduate talking like a college professor. I get a job and can now afford to go on vacations with my family,drive new cars and motorcycles, and buy a new home. I only have to work a forty hour week to accomplish all this, thanks to the education.
Must be some intense school. ITT Tech. I'm not even real sure what it is they teach. I think motorcycle repair and something to do with computers. I don't know that part isn't real clear. I just know if you go there you will be very successful and talk funny. I may or may not know a trade afterwards but I will impress you with my vocabulary.
Look, I'm just sayin'.
Guess the ad works though because it has my attention. Has it for the wrong reason though.

Monday, September 19, 2011

More on Irene

Irene continues to spoil the fun. That tropical depression that caused so much flooding here in Greensboro has now forced the cancelation of Fall Fest.
Fall Fest,in one form or another,has become an annual event. A celebration of the coming of fall. Food,music and vendors. A coming together for the community. It may still happen in a different location and with a much reduced schedule of activity.
The problem lies in the fact that our carnival grounds are not far away from the sewage treatment plant for the town. Irene flooded that facility as well as the carnival grounds. In the intrest of public safety the carnival grounds can not be used due to possible contamination. It simply isn't worth the risk. Being such a large area decontamination just isn't a practical choice. Mother nature will do the job this winter.
Compared to the terrible property loss of some of our citizens, it is nothing more than an inconvience. Other possible locations are being discussed or perhaps a change in format. There are several weeks yet before this event was to take place. A few years back this event was called Founders Day. The towns history was on display. Historical items were displayed in a few storefronts, the historical society handed out pamplets and some people dressed in period costumes. There were vendors ,of course,and music. Perhaps a return to that format for this year ?
I'm sure it is a blow to some of the organizations here in town that rely on funds generated from this event. The fire department for one. All their buildings at the carnival ground were submerged. I'm quite sure all the equipment and appliances they had in those will have to be replaced. I hope they had insurance of some kind. Other charitable groups will be affected as well.
behind that house is the carnival grounds !
This year will be remembered. The year the carnival grounds flooded. Irene will be talked about for years to come. The water level will rise over those years as well as the level of contamination. I'll be happy when it is a distant memory. Personally I was relatively uneffected by this storm. I was among the lucky ones.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I went to my Grand sons soccer game last night. The fields are located outside of the town of Federalsburg, Maryland. That area was a farmers fields not too long ago. A large open area void of any trees. Just the gently rolling grass.
Directly across the street is a farm. The gate you see in the picture stands there.
That gate looks unused to me. I particularily like the vines growing up and around the writing. Looks a little spooky in a way. In another way it looks a little melancoly. The simple word " Friendship " showing starkly against the sky. Given its condition it appears to be a Friendship forgotten or taken for granted.
At this point I am only speculating about this gate. Perhaps this area was once a small hamlet named Friendship. There is a small cemetery close by and a white building close by that. I saw no signs that this building was a church. I believe the Amish or Mennonites refer to each other as Friends. And there meeting places are Friendship Halls or something along those lines. Perhaps that is what this is/was.
I will have to look into this a little more to satisfy my curiousty. Speculation is often more fun than the reality. I will have to learn the story of this gate of Friendship. I can imagine a Stephen King novel coming out of this. The old cemetery across the way, the graves untended, and the overgrowth on the gate. Friendship neglected, promises broken. And now the laughter of the children playing ball in what was once the farmers fertile fields.Almost mocking in their gaiety. All the ingredients are there.
You know, they say if the ball enters the cememery you don't get it back ! The farmers son wanted to play ball, but his friendship compelled him to help the neighbor. That same neighbor has now sold the farm and left him. Left him lying in a cold grave forgotten. And he just wants to play ball !

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Change It

Not being what I would classify as a real political man I am amused by their rhetoric. I know a bunch of bull when I hear it. You may fool others Mr. Obama but you ain't foolin' me.
I don't really even listen closely to what he is saying. All I hear is pass this bill,pass that bill,it's all the republicans fault. Blah Blah Blah. Pass the jobs bill. Spend more money that we already don't have. Increase the debt another 339 billion or so.
I hear some of the plan. Let's give the employer a tax break. Then he will hire more help. If I'm the employer and I have run my business on ten people for the last couple years and you now tell me I can pay less tax I'm not going to spend that money. I'm putting it in my pocket ! Why would I hire more help and increase my overhead ? What is the incentive ? Is hiring one more employee really going to increase my profit margin ? Or,like the government,I'll just use that savings as a basis for a larger loan so I can go into more debt. That ought to stimulate the economy all right.
I heard him say he wants more products made in the USA. They should be be proudly stamped " made in the USA. " Yes and in the fine print it will have to say, may contain parts assembled by illegal immigrants. That is because the government has imposed so many restrictions on manufacturers it is almost impossible to realize a profit on anything made in the USA. And ,by the way, did you know that made in the USA does not necessarily mean the part or product was made in the USA. All the components or materials may come from overseas sources. I hear him talking about creating more Union jobs. Teachers and Construction workers. I hear him spouting off about getting more people a degree. Well in my world the people with the degree don't do much labor ! Everyone can't sit behind a desk. Some one has to do the work. And that is where the rub comes in. As long as the government continues to give handouts people will take them ! It is that simple. As long as the government imposes so many restrictions on business the employer can not hire or expand.
Free enterprise is not free ! The government,aka Lawyers, want their share. Always have. Always will. The king was a Lawyer of sorts. At least he made the law and demanded his tax. Then the United States said, no way, and formed our own government. It too, slowly over time , turned into a haven for the Lawyers (aka politicians) and they want their share. Income tax, a temporary solution was imposed, then social security tax,then medicare tax and so many other taxes I can't begin to name them.
I say we throw the whole bunch out and start over. I'll go and cast my vote. You can be sure of that. I will continue to complain too. That's why I vote.
As long as the American people continue to look to the government for answers to every problem this will continue. The government does not exist to provide you with a living,medical care,education,training or anything else. The government exist to GOVERN. To ensure fair treatment of all its' citizens. Its purpose is to settle disputes. Our government is supposed to be, "by the people,for the people " not, tax the people.
The world isn't fair. Some are rich and others are poor. Some are good looking and some are downright ugly. That's life,deal with it. We,the American people have created this monster we call government. We, the American people can change it as well. The only way it will change is by your Vote. Vote and vote often.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Entitled ?

Alert ! A new study study has determined that children learn easier and more effectively with their parents. Also reading plays a major role in the learning process. Well, who knew ! It was on the evening news. All I can say is, DUH !
Yes if you have children and actually pay attention to them they develop better. Yes, you have to interact with them in a positive way and reinforce their good behaviours. That is how these fancy people want to put it but the plain unvarnished truth is, you have to take the time to care about their development and make an effort to help them. The act of making the child is not the difficult part. The care and feeding of the child is not always easy but the reward is immeasurable.
I just get miffed at these studies. Did these people really have to go to college and do a study to figure that out ? I could've told you that. My mother could've told you that. My grand mother could've told you that. It is not a big mystery !
Let's do a study and talk about it. That's one of the problems in the world today. Everybody wants to talk about everything. A little less talk and a lot more action is what is needed.
I wonder which children are not getting the required attention at home ? Oh, they didn't mention that part might get someone upset. I have'nt done a study but I can tell you what group that is. The same group I give my tax money to, that's who. The same group that everytime they have another unwanted child they reward them with more assistance, that's who. The same group that cannot meet the standards set forth by our educational system, so we lower the standards for them, that's who.
But let's do a study and talk some more about the problem. Maybe we can send all these people to college and get them teaching certificates so they can educate their children at home. But first we have to get these people to acknowledge these children other than on the assistance forms ! We must make them understand children are not just a raise in their welfare check !
I am sick and tired of these bleeding heart liberals and their policies. Hold these people accountable for their actions. Rewarding bad behaviours is not the answer. But no one wants to talk about that. No sir. Must not offend anyone.
Well tough luck I say. I don't care if it is inconvenient for you, you will earn your keep. You will be held accountable for your actions. Being lazy is not an excuse. I'll not see a child go hungry but I'm not feeding you a feast either. I'll not see a child not get required medical attention but when it comes to an adult you are on your own. Just like I am. I can't afford every medical procedure,test or medicine I may or may not need. Boo Hoo, woe is me. That is a part of the adult world,deal with it.
Entitlement ! You are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is pretty much it. Everything else you must work for. The government provides you with certain protections against abuse but that is it. Anything else is a gift ! NO where is it written that the government must provide you with a home,food,clothes,entertainment,transportation and anything else you want !
Freeloader is not a lifestyle choice.
Guess another study is in order. We provide them with everything they need to live a comfortable lifestyle. They stay at home. They are not subject to job hunting or drug testing. We also provide them with entertainment in the home. Free basic cable and a new television. Free transportation and medical care.
Wonder why they are not motivated to change ? Why don't they want to work at least forty hours a week,pay the bills,buy their food and then give a portion of their check to those that stay at home and do nothing ? I can't figure it out.
And that is what I think about that !

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Smoke N' Leaves

So the mums are for sale now and the corn stalks bundled. Can only mean one thing. Fall is close at hand. We have had a few cool evenings and a few leaves are starting to turn. I'm thinking not only did Irene bring us flooding but she brought us an early fall.
My thoughts have already turned to pots of chili, Yankee pot roast, homemade bread and good hearty soups. All the comfort food group. Excepting for the addition of a coat or sweater my clothing changes little. I'm not a shorts kinds guy and I definitely don't wear sandals or flip flops ! In my world boots are still in style for made man footwear,to quote the Hag.
We played our soccer season opener the other night. The mosquitoes were out full force. Before the season ends blankets will be in order on the sidelines. Bring it on. I'm looking forward to the annual burning of the leaves. Love that smell. The mower will soon get its fall servicing and put away for the year. The weed eater hung in the corner. Snow shovels and rock salt near the door.
Years back this would have been canning time. Putting up tomatoes,beans,making pickles,jams and jellies. Slaughter the hog, can't feed him all winter long and some of the cattle too. Stock up that root cellar.
The Halloween items are on full display. That means little anymore as you see that seasonal stuff practically year round now. Won't be long before the pumpkins arrive though. I think the kids have all outgrown the trip to the pumpkin patch. And the big day, Halloween, has lost quite a bit of its appeal as well.
Yes, fall is coming on fast. The days are getting shorter. Time to start indoor projects. Maybe do a little crafting. Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. MMMM  MMMMM Good. The old saying is, " stop and smell the roses " but if it were me I'd say, " stop and smell the leaves burning ". Fall is the time to rake up the yard and relax a bit. Tidy up and put summer away.
The fall and winter months are more family time I think. At least they are stuck indoors with me more. LOL Grandpa isn't much for beachin' anymore and sports are something I used to do. Mostly I just watch. Get out the board games and put on the soup. Never had any but I'm thinking a good gruel was probably satisfying. Now a bowl of samp would sure hit the spot. Have to get some dried corn from somewhere and put a pot on. Now just where is that snuggie ?
And extra batteries for the tv remote.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Every now and then something happens that makes you feel a little bit older. I was watching one of my favorite shows on television, The Pawn shop guys. They were looking at a letter and Rick makes the comment, " this must have been after 1962 because they didn't have zip codes until then. " That simple little fact hit me. I was born in 1953. I'm older than your zip code ! OMG.
I knew that; on a subconscious level. I vaguely remember having to start using a zip code and the campaign that went with it. Just like I can remember when you didn't have to dial your area code if you lived in the area. Shoot, I remember when you didn't dial at all, " number please. "
Hearing that tid bit made me wonder what else came after my birth. I looked at 1954. So if you were born before then this applies to you too.
The World Series was first broadcast in living color. Not too many people had a color television set but it was broadcast.
First Edition of Sports Illustrated.
Burger King opens.
Kraft makes its' first " Cracker Barrel cheese. "
M&M candies introduced. They melt in your mouth not in your hand.
The first " Butter Ball " turkeys are sold.
Elvis recorded his first record.
Ellis Island closes.
Trix cereal introduced.
Play Doh invented.

Well that was 1954 and I was just one. So I don't feel too bad about that.
I decided to look at the 1970's. There were a few surprises there.
Pocket Calculators ( 71 )
Video Games (72)
Disposable Lighters (73) by BIC
Post It notes (74)
The Rubiks cube ( 74)
Cell phones (77)
The sony walkman (79) already an antique
Roller Blades (79)

It is amazing how some things we just take for granted. They have become so everyday that you don't give it a thought. No BIC lighters until 1973 ? That was a surprise. I had a PONG game prior to 1972, I think. That was a video game of sorts. Depends upon the definition. Still,when I heard that there weren't any zip codes before 1962, well. It was just one of those things I guess.
Wonder what it will be for the grand kids ? What invention or idea. They may say one day, " I remember when you had to go to this building,they called it a post office,just to send a package. " " They had little boxes in there where you got your mail." " Mail ? " Oh yeah,mail was handwritten messages on a piece of paper !
Hey,you remember that stuff don't you ? LOL Sometimes it was even written in cursive on unlined paper. Your girl might even scent it a bit. Can't get that on facebook ! Or a tweet.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Season Five

Ballet season has started here in Greensboro. This is my fifth season. I took my grand daughter Morgan to her lesson last night. Saw some familar faces and met a few new ones. Sat on that familar wooden bench in the waiting area while waiting for the lesson to be over. Usually being the only male present it feels a bit awkward. To the other ladies,not me, I'm an old pro at this. I quickly join in the " gossip " session. Yes, men gossip too. We just call it " discussing."
You can hear the music being played, and the shuffle of their feet at times. You are not allowed to watch as this causes a distraction to the students. You can, however, get a peek through the window when the blinds are just right. The lesson lasts about 45 minutes and the time goes quickly. The first few lessons four or five of the Moms will hang around and wait. Soon though. they will just drop their children off, leave, and come back in time to pick them up. I almost always stay and wait. A few times I did run an errand but it makes me nervous. Guess that is why I'm a Grandfather not the father anymore.
When I picked Morgan up for class she was in her new dancing outfit. Black tights, a purple top and a sweat shirt. The sweat shirt had a large neck hole so it hung down off of one shoulder. Very hip ! No more cute little tutu. No more frills and lace. Her ballet slippers are black,she informs me she has outgrown the pink ones. She is growing up.
 After class I asked her what they would be doing at recital this year. She tells me in addition to ballet and a tap number they will doing a jazzy hip hop thing. Grandpa is not pleased ! Don't like the sound of that jazzy hip hop stuff ! Whats' next ? Pole dancing ? Well, I suppose it is the modern thing.
I remember well her first recital. That little tutu, dancing to, how much is that doggie in the window. When she was holding hands with all the other little girls it was just so darn sweet ! Time marches on. Excuse me, something must have gotten into my eye, it is starting to water a bit.
Looking forward to another year of dance and another recital.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Without Warning

For the last few days and yesterday during the memorials for 9/11 I kept hearing about credible threats. We have information,unconfirmed, we suspect. etc. I couldn't help but wonder why this information was being broadcast to the world. I can see where it serves no purpose other than to inform the would be terrorist and create apprehension in the general public.
I'm not a great strategist but I like to play my cards close to the vest. I'm not going to tell you what my cards are and if I know,what yours are either. I want to catch these people ! I'm not going to let on that I already know your playbook. I'm going to get you ! I just can't seem to understand why you would tell. The people that want to do these despicable things feel they will become martyrs for doing it. Their own lives mean little to them. I feel it may serve to increase there will to try. Fortunately, nothing happened. Thank God for that.
I previously wrote a blog entitled " Nun Ya. " As in nun ya business. I think this falls in that category. If there is nothing you can do about it, it is nun ya business ! It is the business of homeland security,the FBI and local authorities. The news media has no business broadcasting it. Wait till after the fact and broadcast how we captured those idiots ! Talk about how we thwarted their attempts and will continue to do so. Put the positive news out there. I don't need to hear that someone or a group of someones is planning an attack on America. I already know that. Why increase the anxiety level ?
I'm not saying sugarcoat everything. We all know that our enemies are plotting against us. We all know that we must remain vigilant. We should be reminded of that too. What I mean is this, don't give away information to the enemy. Let them worry about what we know. Let them that would harm us know we will never forget and be ever vigilant. Let them know justice will be swift ! Show no fear. I will not be terrorized ! No warning will be given.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I awoke this morning and like most Americans my thoughts went back ten years. A decade ago. I know exactly where I was when I heard the news. My wife called me on the phone. I couldn't believe it. My first reaction was anger ! Fierce,bitter anger. I wanted to strike out against someone ,anyone that was in any possible way connected to this deed. There was no one. Then sorrow. Sorrow at the loss of so many. Sorrow that the whole world had changed at that very minute. Sorrow followed by resolve. The resolve to never forget what happened that day.
My grandson Mark was just nine months old. Grandma was watching him. When I got home for lunch the television was on covering the awful aftermath of terror. I held him in my arms and thought to myself. What a world this little guy will grow up in. A world where terrorists do these unspeakable acts. On American soil ! As the years go by and he grows the memory will never fade.
Last year his fourth grade teacher authored a book about 9/11. It is written for elementary school students and illustrated with pictures drawn with crayon. A small pamphlet style book. Her name is Tamra Baurys. An excellent teacher.
Mark tells me Ms. Baurys showed him the book before publication. She told him the publisher wanted too much money to print it. Mark said ,I told her to try another one. Go on the internet and look.
Mrs Baurys did find a publisher. Tuesday night she had a book signing at the Greensboro library. As soon as I heard about it, I hurried right over there. I purchased a copy for Mark. Mrs. Baurys was kind enough to write a small inscription on the inside cover. It says, " To Mark, thank you for pushing me to publish this book.May you always be proud to be an American. Tamra Baurys." A very nice sentiment.
This small book will serve as a reminder to Mark. It will be placed in a safe spot and kept for many years to come. Mark is a somewhat serious young man and takes things to heart. He is quite aware of 9/11 and its significance. What a sad thing though that he has to know at all. That he must live with that knowledge. That he must live being ever watchful for terror activity. It is a different world now. Some of Americas innocence has been lost forever.
I will never forget. I'm sure Mark will never forget. I'm still angry ! No matter how mad I get I will not change. I will continue to live my American dream.
I will continue to trust in my God. Those responsible will have to answer to their God ! May he have mercy on their souls, I WILL NOT ! Our time on this earth is short in the big scheme of things. Death is an eternity. May those responsible spend eternity in regret. And that ain't long enough.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A reminder

Like the rest of the East coast we have had a lot of rain ! First Irene, and followed by storm after storm. Truly remarkable. There has been some flooding. A local contractor asked me if I had time to assist an elderly lady here in town. He was so busy with all his trouble calls he just didn't have time for everybody. It was to be a simple task. Replace her sump pump which had failed. No problem, I took the job.
I met this lady, Mrs Todd. She is a kind lady and all alone. Her husband had passed away eight years ago and her children do not live near by. As you can imagine she was quite upset. Her basement had flooded as a result of the pump failure. She is on a fixed income and was concerned with the cost off repairs. Her additional problem was the basement was full of stuff. Most of this stuff was now wet and worthless. Her husband used to go to auctions and buy lots of stuff. For what purpose I did not ask. All this stuff needed to be removed and thrown away. I couldn't just walk away from this so I agreed to help with that problem as well. Payment would be, " whatever you think is fair,Mrs. Todd. " I'm a push over for the elderly. Arrangements were made and the cleanup began. She did say if there is anything you want,you can have it. She pointed out the items she wanted to keep and the rest is up for grabs. Most of this stuff was in cardboard boxes. The boxes were wet. Every item had to be picked up piece by piece and put into trash bags or another box. Ninety eight per cent of this stuff was just junk. Items left at the end of the auction that nobody wanted. It was bundled together and sold in a lot to Mr. Todd. Used playing cards,bingo chips,candles,empty jars,novelty kitchen timers,paper back books and the list goes on and on.
As I was sorting through this pile of stuff, there,in the back corner was an old lunch box. I opened it up and to my surprise the thermos bottle was still inside. All the pieces are there. Even the glass liner is intact. Memories came flooding back. I immediately thought of my father. He carried one that looked exactly like this one to work at the factory. When I was little he worked for the Smith Meal Company. This factory processed fish for various industrial uses. Locally,for reasons I do not know, it was called promise land. The area were this plant stood is still called that today. The smell associated with that operation came back as well. It is a smell that if you ever experienced it, you will not forget it. That's a promise ! Maybe that is why it was called promise land.
I asked Mrs. Todd if I might have that lunch box. She said I certainly could. I brought it home as a treasure. The adage one mans junk is another mans treasure applies perfectly in this situation. It is a treasure to me. Just holding it and seeing it brings back so many good memories. I remember my Mom making coffee to fill the thermos with. She would make it in a sauce pan on the kitchen stove and carefully pour it into the thermos bottle. This was way before Mr. Coffee so instant coffee was used. Grandma used a percolator but Mom did not. It was instant Maxwell house until Mr. Coffee arrived on the scene.
Also the smell of waxed paper and tuna fish come to mind. Dad must have taken tuna fish sandwiches I guess. An apple or banana might also be found in there. All that was fifty years ago. Holding that old rusty lunch box, Dad always called it a lunch bucket, transported me back. I figure it is my reward for helping out an elderly lady. All rewards are not monetary. Money is soon gone but good deeds last forever.
circa 1950-1960
The job is done. The basement is cleaned out and the new sump pump doing its' job. Mrs. Todd is pleased with the work that was done and the price was a fair one.  I got a treasure out of it. This lunch " bucket " is on display in my kitchen. A reminder to me of times gone by.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Just Sayin'

I tried listening to the Presidents speech last evening. I'm not a big fan of him so it was rather difficult. That ,combined with the fact that all politicians say little of importance,turns me off. Nevertheless, I listened with one ear and did some work on the computer.
I noted that he received three standing ovations before he even began to speak. What a bunch of hypocrites. I'm not saying boo the man,show some respect for the office,but standing ovations ? Gimme a break. I expect that from the Democrats but the Republicans too ? I wouldn't make it far in politics I'm afraid. No standing " O " from me Mr. President.
All I really heard him say was, pass my bill,do it my way. I want to spend more money ! My first stimulus package didn't work but I'm sure this one will. The country is in debt so we will spend our way out of it. I will create more jobs ! Mostly union jobs and the rest of you can forget about it. We will reform social security and unemployment. That stuff is really only for the Union members and illegals in the country anyway. Blah,blah,blah.
Last night he was portraying the tough guy. Trying hard to look stern and speak in a convincing tone. To act like he didn't care about his poll numbers and being reelected. It was a good show as far as that goes.
I've grown cynical over the years. There was a time when I listened and believed what the President had to say. Since Nixon and those that followed, it has become much more difficult. I think I liked it better when the President only spoke occasionally. I liked it better when the press didn't expose his every flaw. What you don't know can't hurt you,sorta.
I go and cast my ballot for every presidential election. Always will. That is a privilege I enjoy as an American. I know the real power lies in the Congress and the House. Without their support the President can do little. The president is more like a coach. He can tell the players what he wants them to do but the players must execute the plan. I think we need a new coach ! Some new players wouldn't hurt either. Weed out the prima donas, oust those resting on their laurels and lets get some team players in the game.
And that is all I have to say about that.(Forrest Gump)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Talkers

Having been a fan of the Seinfeld show I am aware of his bits about the " close " talker and the " low " talker. For those of you that may not be familiar with this he is talking about how some people like to get real close to you when they speak to you, and others that speak so softly as to be almost inaudible.
These episodes were recently brought to mind at work. You see,working at the grocery store you interact with lots of people daily. After a bit you get to know their habits a bit. The majority of our customers are repeat customers so you get that opportunity to interact with them.
Seinfeld was correct with the close talkers and low talkers. I have encountered them both. I would add a third category. The long talkers. Those people with the " gift of gab " as I have heard it described. Those persons that can not just say hello and have a nice day. No, they feel compelled to tell you the weather at the moment and the forecast for the next week or so. They will also tell you about weather their parents,grandparents,cousins and other distant relatives have experienced. There is no brief discussion with these people. I hope I'm never in a crisis situation with any of them.
Normally, I don't mind. I've grown to expect it from certain people but every once in a while you get ambushed. You may be in a bit of a hurry and they just don't stop. Not wanting to be impolite, I'm stuck there. With some, walking away does no good,they just follow along after you,all the while talking away.
Some,I try to avoid altogether. Opps,turn quickly and head down another aisle.
I really shouldn't complain. I know that I have a tendency to run on sometimes. I'm a bit of a talker. I'm aware of it and try not to annoy others with it. It is something I have to remind myself about. My mom would say, you just like to hear yourself talk. The underlining message there being, no one wants to hear it. LOL
It isn't that these long talkers don't have anything important or relevant to say. They just can't seem to get to the point of what it is they really want to say. Further explanation is always necessary to them. I understand their dilemma. That is why I'm a bit of a talker. All this was brought to mind with one little incident. I had a question. I knew a person that could tell me the answer. This person came into the store. We were quite busy at the time. I didn't ask the question because I didn't have time enough to listen to the answer.This person is a long talker ! I'll have to wait for another day when I have ten to fifteen minutes to stand and wait for the complete answer.
I really do need to figure out how long is a casual conversation ? Without seeming rude or cutting someone short. I like to talk,no doubt about that. Some days more than others and depending upon coffee consumption. I really don't mind the long talkers all that much,unless I'm in a hurry. They are a lot better than the complainers ! I get real annoyed with the complainers. If you don't like the price don't buy it ! If you hate Maryland, move. You don't like this and don't like that, stop complaining and do something ! And now you have me complaining about you complaining. The long talking complainers are the worst.
I'm thinking I should just make a new policy. A polite good day to you sir/maam and that is it ! Keep my mouth shut. Nah,never work. I couldn't do it.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Another Milestone

As we age, we often lament how times just goes too fast. The little markers that we use to measure time start coming in rapid succession. Graduating from high school being the first marker for most, I think. Following that it may be college,the military or just having a job. We marry. We have children. They marry, They have have children. Next thing you know you are a Grandparent ! Bam. Just like that. Where did the time go ?
Being a grandparent in today's world means watching out for the grandchildren as much as possible. Both parents have to work outside the home to survive. It is just a reality. We have been fortunate enough to have been able to watch them both( the grandkids,not the parents) since they were born. Mark,the oldest is ten now and Morgan is eight. We have been there for their first steps and first falls. Watched them grow and learn. Shared love and laughter. We couldn't possibly be any closer to them. It has been a blessing for sure.
A little while back I wrote about small steps and milestones. I was writing about the fact that Mark was now being allowed to ride his bicycle to Grandmas' house,alone. That was a big milestone for him, and us. Yesterday another milestone was reached. Yesterday afternoon, for the very first time, Grandma or Grandpa was not waiting for them at the bus stop !  Nor was Mom or Dad. It was a light drizzle and we told them when they left in the morning, " if it is raining,just come straight home." They did ! And so there it is, another milestone. To them it was really unnoticed and I'm sure no big deal. I,on the other hand,took note of the day. I always knew the day would come. Truth be told, I even complained about having to go to the bus stop on occasion. Not that I went a lot of the time,my wife a lot more than me,but now knowing I no longer need to do that,well it feels different. Like you are no longer needed in some way. Strange I should feel that way.
Oh,they are both more than capable and responsible enough to make there way home safely. Greensboro is a safe enough town and the bus stop is only one block away. We can see them from our porch as they come home. Still, the fact remains, they are becoming independent. This is Marks last year of elementary and next year he rides a different bus at a different time. We will still have Morgan though. I don't know what the future holds. Will we still take them to the bus ? Will we pick them up ? I don't know it is all so confusing. And what about next year ? Well as Scarlet O'Hara would say, " fiddle dee, I'll worry about that tomorrow."

just two years ago
 What is the next milestone ? I'm not sure and won't really know until I reach it. All you can do is just keep moving ahead. Go with the flow ! Maybe I'll make it to the bus stop this afternoon, for old times sake.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Regaining Focus

I usually just write about whatever is on my mind. Hence the title,Random Thoughts, and my mind does tend to wander. I drift from the present to the past and journey into the future. We all do. Nothing wrong with that as long as you can focus when necessary. I have seen them advertising some pill or something that improves your memory and focus. Don't know the details on that one. I wasn't really paying attention.
This morning my thoughts are really scattered." Scatterbrained " they used to call it. Haven't heard anyone use that term in a while. I'm thinking about where the summer went,the winter to come and how good my Grandmothers baking was. I can't really seem to focus my thoughts on just one subject. I'm not worried though, it isn't the first time it has happened. It is probably time to " defragment " my files. Every so often one has to do that. Lay some things to rest,as the expression goes. In today's jargon " find closure. " The only trouble is I don't know what I'm closing ! That is why I become scatterbrained. Sifting around the old grey matter to find lost pieces of information. You know that they are there but just where did I store that ? Best thing is to just let your mind take a walkabout. It'll come back home.
It is not an uncomfortable thing. Others may get annoyed with you when you don't seem to be paying attention to them, which I'm not because my thoughts are elsewhere, but soon it will pass. I probably won't even know when that happens. It is a subtle thing. My thoughts will line up again and I'll regain some focus. I'll start some new project or complete an old one. That is the usual result.
Just what causes this to happen I can not be sure of. I'm suspecting an old wound has been opened up. Just something stuck in my craw ! Oh my, I'm chock full of old cliches this morning. No matter it will work its' way out. Always does. I'm hoping it is not a new issue. Got enough old stuff unresolved to last the rest of my life. I could resolve them too, if I stayed focused !
It's a dilemma alright.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Polite Company

I was watching a video that had been posted on facebook. It was apparently recorded originally on film and then digitized. A wonderful thing. A comment was made about the way the people were dressed in this video. It was a barbecue, but the people were all dressed very nicely. The ladies in their dresses and men in slacks and button down shirts. My immediate response to this comment was, " that was back when we shared polite company."
I can remember my mother using that expression to instruct us children. You don't do that in polite company dear. One does not say things like that in polite company. After a while you came to understand that certain patterns of speech and behaviours were unacceptable in the general public. They may be tolerated or accepted at home but not in the general public.
One had to be accepted into anothers confidence before those actions were accepted. Only friends and family were exposed to the real you. It truly was a different time. I think an awful lot of that is lost in today's world. Now it is more of a, take me as I am, kinda world. No pretense, or being on your best behaviour. And that,on the surface would seem to be a good thing. Looking back though, I'm not so sure. Watching that little film clip took me back.
Back in time to a place were people cared for one another. Back to a time when people behaved cordially. Back to a time were one enjoyed " polite company."
You knew what was expected of you and what to expect of others. Yes,occasionally someone would act out. Yes,occasionally an altercation may happen. But,in general I think we were more civilized toward one another.
I guess back in the day we were a bit more subtle about things. Now it is shock and awe ! 
The past usually does seem better than today. We tend to forget about the bad days and recall mostly the good. That is the way most of us think. Nostalgia is always a good thing. In this case I think a return to " polite company " would do us no harm and may just improve things a bit.  

Sunday, September 4, 2011

An uncomfortable topic

We are getting older ! The last few days, reading posts on a group I belong to on Facebook, has confirmed that. I knew it was just a matter of time. No pun intended. I had not been looking forward to its' arrival but here it was. The medical discussions. Who has what. It is a sad thing and my prayers go out to those that suffer from the various illnesses. I also know it sometimes helps ease the burden of living with it to share.
It is just something I have noticed. When we are young and invincible we rarely mention any sickness. Wounds are like battle scars. Broken bones a badge of courage. Most don't want to talk about it. A quick mention of what happened and on we go. That attitude changes with time. When you start getting some age on you these incidents become more important. They become a cause for worry. You start to talk about them. With anyone that will listen.
I will be the first to admit that I am very fortunate. I have no major problems. My health is excellent. It is a mater of luck and not because of anything I am doing. I eat what I want and do whatever. My exercise is working,really just working at my job. I am grateful for my good fortune. I don't mean to trivialize any illness someone else may have. I just wonder why they need to share all that information publicly ? With close friends and family,certainly. But on a social networking page ?
The reality is,it is my problem. I am uncomfortable with it all. There is little one can say. I prefer not to talk about personal health issues. I have no adequate response to " I have cancer ". What can one say in return ?
My group has not reached this point yet, but it is coming. The point were pretty much all you do is go to doctors,talk about doctors,and worry about your medications. Your next doctors appointment is something you look forward to. I see that all the time with the elderly. It is like all they have left. I find it very sad. The first doctor I saw smacked me on the bottom and I haven't liked any of them since ! (LOL) I hope my good fortune holds out.
Well,this phase in the conversation will pass as well. I will feel much better when it does. It is a progression. As for me,I'll stay out of this discussion. I have nothing positive to add.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Last night I took a little stroll down memory lane. Got on you tube and started listening to old songs. Some were big hits on the radio and others are rather obscure. I listen to just about everything. The soundtrack of my life would definitely be a mix.
As I was listening it occurred to me how many we lost too young. I wondered why this should be so. I know a lot were lost to drugs and alcohol. Others lost in accidents like plane crashes. I guess their lifestyle lead them down those paths. Fate.
I also wondered if they had not,would they have endured ? Would they have stood the test of time ? We will never know. Why are some one hit wonders and others just keep on playing ? Look at George Strait for example. Years after year he just quietly keeps on making hits.
Music is a reflection of the time. Always has been. People have always sung songs about everyday things. Love,work,hate and dreams. I suspect they always will. As we age we don't always understand what the kids are listening too. I know I have lost touch in that regard. I hear myself saying stuff like," that isn't music. " My father said that about the music I listened to in high school. In retrospect,in some cases,he was correct. In others he was not.
The music we listen to says a lot about us. It might be interesting to try to assemble a playlist from your life. Were would yours start ? Mine would begin with the songs my parents listened to. Mostly old country( not old to them) and some popular music. Hank Williams Sr and his contemporaries. Singers like Jimmy Dean and Johnny Cash.
I have been trying to play the guitar for almost forty years now. I have no talent for it. I am envious of anyone that can play any type of musical instrument. Making your own music is a wonderful thing. I strum and pick at it and can form a rudimentary tune but that is all. I still enjoy trying though and that is all that matters.
I just may one day put together that playlist. I may even record myself doing a few tunes. The grand kids when they are older may get a charge out of it. I'm sure they would be surprised by some of the selections on that list. I'm equally sure they would adopt a few of them for their own list. Good music knows no time.
Rock On !

Friday, September 2, 2011

Forgotten Faces

My father was in WW2. Like a lot of returning GI's he had a scrapbook from his time in service. He kept it in the closet in his bedroom. Occasionally he would bring it out and look through those pages. I can only imagine what emotions he must have experienced. Rarer still was the times when he would show me this book, and talk about it a little. He would point out the airplanes that he had flown in. He was a flight engineer on B-24 bombers. He mentioned a few names and places. He never spoke about actual combat. When he was looking at his album he became almost detached from the present time. A sadness often overcame him and he would put that book away.
He had taken lots of pictures of the "nose art " on these craft and others as well. Some of the artwork was fantastic,done by professional artists whose careers were interrupted by that war.As a young man that artwork was something to behold ! Various scantily clad women figured prominently into the scheme of things. This was the 1940s' and they hadn't thought about being politically correct. Also there were pictures of his contemporaries. Other men,like him,thrust into this conflict. Some were pilots and co-pilots and other various members of the crew. Nine men in total.
 Many years after his passing I came into possession of this photo album. I held onto it for a number of years and it remained intact. The pages became brittle with age and the little adhesive corners holding the photos in place were all falling out. I decided to remove the pictures from the album. All the pictures of the various aircraft and their respective artwork I placed in one pile. I had in mind a historical society I thought may be interested in them. I did contact them but received no response back. Their lose. My brother in law is a retired Air Force Captain and expressed an interest in them. I gave those pictures to him for safekeeping. Those airplanes hold only a passive interest for me. I retained for myself all the pictures of the people Dad served with.I kept any that he was in. Old black and white snaps shots taken during the good times. A precious few of these pictures had anyones' name on them.
Who were these men? Where did they come from and where did they all go ?
My mom tells me Dad kept in touch with a few of them with a Christmas card every year. She also told me sadly,they are all gone now.
I have those photos,my fathers memories,and feel an obligation to keep them,to keep his memories alive. I know very little about any of them. I can only stare at them and surmise what the occasion may have been. I do have to remind myself that I am looking at pictures of young men. Eighteen to twenty five years old would be an approximate span. My father was 21 at the time.
I know what he went on to do after the war. But what of the others ? I wish I knew their stories. The stories of the " forgotten faces. " I owe a lot to these people. They are the ones that flew with my father. He trusted his life to them and they to him. Bonds forged in war. They suffered the lose of friends and celebrated the ultimate victory ! Surviving the war.
I have in mind a slide show. I'm thinking I will assemble these photographs and put them together for anyone to view and enjoy. Maybe, by chance, someone out there in the cyber world of today will be able to put a name to some of the faces. That would be a remarkable and wonderful thing.
My Dad,back row, far left

All the men in this picture deserve to be remembered. Never forget the sacrifices they made. Their faces may be forgotten but there deeds never will. Could I, I would reunite these memories with their families.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Brannock Device

When was the last time you went to a shoe store where they measured your foot ? Have you ever ? I was thinking about that the other day. When I was young we used to go to the shoe store. The gentleman working there would have you sit down and put your foot on that slanted little bench. Seating himself in front of you, he would place your stocking foot into that metal measuring device. Checking length and width he would announce what size shoe you required. You could tell him I wear a size eight, but he would still measure. And, he would still tell you what size shoe you needed.
I can remember those shoes all lined up on display.There was only one of each sitting on a small shelf. You picked the style you wanted to try on and the salesman went into the back room and emerged with them. Taking them carefully out of the box, a shoe horn would appear almost magically.Then he would put that shoe on your foot. Lacing them up for you he would ask you to walk about in them. " How does that feel ? " " Are they comfortable ? " If you were younger he would pinch at them to see where your big toe was. If you were satisfied, and he was, you could then purchase those shoes. " Will you wear them out ? "
The last time I was at a Walmart the experience was quite a bit different. I had some function to attend and needed some dress shoes. Not being something I wear often, I figured Walmart shoes would suffice. After finding a pair I sat down to try them on.There was a chair handy but no little slanted thing. No salesman in sight. Well,shouldn't be a problem. First box I opened had a pair of shoes in there alright, but they were two different sizes. Guess another customer had gotten them mixed up. Oh well, try another box. By this time a salesman ( sales associate I think them call them now) came past. I asked her if she worked in the shoe department.She said she did, so I asked her if she had a shoehorn. Giving me a strange look she replied, no, but we do sell them. Pointing in the general direction, she said they were over there. That was the extent of the sales associate involvement.
Ah,sometimes I miss the old days. We would sometimes complain about the salesman but now I miss them.The days when service with a smile was everyday. The people weren't any different back then,we all have our bad days, but they were a lot more civil. Now it is all about the buck. Charge as much as the market will allow and provide as little service as possible. " Self Service " is preferable. There is one concession I have yet to make however, I refuse to check myself out at the grocery store or Lowes ! I am buying your product, the least you can do is ring up the sale ! I'm not in that much of a hurry. I'll wait.
Yes,in this case I will bite off my nose to spite my face ! Stubborn ? Perhaps, but it only seems right to me.
Now, don't get me started on gas stations !

The Brannock Device
it measures length,width and arch of the foot
who knew ?
Strange name though,don't you think ? Brings up images I don't like to think about ! LOL