Friday, July 29, 2011

You never know

I've started down a different path. It is not a path I have consciously chosen and I'm not sure how long I've been on it. Sitting here staring at my computer screen I just became aware of it. I sensed something was different and it just occurred to me, a new path.
Thinking about it I guess this new path started about the time I was laid off from work. That would be a couple years now. Oh, I work part time but do not have a full time job anymore. Many applications and very few interviews later I'm still looking. Not many want to hire a 58 year old man. In several cases I was " overqualified " whatever that is supposed to be. I just think of it as, I'm too smart for'em and let it be. (LOL)
Shortly after that I quit smoking cigarettes. I had been meaning to do that and now I had the time. Not being around other smokers and out of the " mans" world helped out. That was a step. Another step,and this took some time,was getting over the anger at being let go. I had a million reasons why I shouldn't have been. Some where valid and some were not. It just took time to reach the conclusion that the reason really doesn't matter at all. I was chosen to be let go and that was that. There is a song on the radio now and there is one line in it I particularly like. It says, I never liked the taste of crow but I ate it. I understand that exactly !
Writing this blog is another step down a different path. Putting thoughts and memories to print. What I write here is permanent,to a point. If I put it out there I can't deny it later. I could write a rebuttal and claim momentary Alzheimer's or something but it is there.
And finally I joined the Historical Society. A step down a different road for sure. I have long talked about the need to save the old ways. The importance of preserving the past. Well now I'm going to help in a tangible way. Instead of just running my mouth I am taking action. It feels good too.
Forces beyond my control have sent me down this path. Forces beyond my control will continue to push me along as well. I'm enjoying this path so far. You just never know,do you ?

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