Friday, July 22, 2011

Just Sayin'

I'm not much of a believer in fortune telling or predicting the future. I find it amusing and of general interest from that standpoint. I do believe only one man knows the future and he ain't telling.
I have heard that the Mayans say the world will end in 2012. They even made a calender to say so. To some " scholars " that is proof enough. See, it is right there on the calender ! End of world. I'm not buying it.
There is some speculation just where these Mayan people went. They left their pyramids in the jungle and seem to have disappeared. Well, I found them. They are right here in Greensboro and the surrounding area. I see them all the time and they look just like the depictions in those old National Geographic magazines. Short stocky people with a sloping forehead. The men are quite muscular and the females often with child. Don't confuse them with the other Hispanic population,they are distinctly different. Generally they are a quiet people,saying little,but there eyes take in everything. Rarely do you see one alone,as they prefer to travel in large groups.
I don't know why but I find them unsettling in some way. I suspect they are secretly building a pyramid somewhere,preparing for blood sacrifices. There is just something sneaky about them. I don't trust them. You hear about illegal aliens all the time. Aliens are often associated with those Mayans too. Some say,the aliens built those pyramids ! Maybe,just maybe, the aliens both legal and illegal, are the Mayans ! Or the Mayans are the aliens. There is something definitely strange going on there.
 There are similarities. Aliens are short,everybody knows that. Aliens have dark eyes,usually black with very little pupils,and aliens get transported by mysterious means. More Mayans get out of a mini van than a city bus ! That is just a fact.
The part I can't figure out is this. If the world is going to end in 2012 why did the Mayans show up in Greensboro as migrant farm workers ? What's the angle there. Are they attempting to control the vegetable market ? Why ? I just don't know but I'm keeping my eye on that bunch !
It could all be nothing but it pays to be aware. I'm just sayin'.
And one more thought. The Mayans" disappeared " but are back ! Must have something to do with the space/time continum thing.

1 comment:

  1. Um...are you sure they aren't Peruvian?

    By the way, your comment came through! YAY!!!
