Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hi-Fi to Wi-Fi

According to the grand kids I'm pretty dang old. Age is relevant,as we all know.
When I was twenty, fifty was old and now I'm 58 and know that ain't old. I've seen a few changes take place but that's progress. Just means you are living and aware. I have only to think about the changes my own parents have seen to realize I really haven't seen that much: yet. Bring it on.
I remember my Dad getting a stereo console with a record player,AM/FM radio and eight track player. Pretty hi tech stuff. It was High Fidelity Stereo ! Huge woofers,two mid range speakers and two tweeters ! It was amazing,like having the band right in the room. Dad wouldn't let me play my, " jungle music " on his stereo. Guess he was afraid the thing would break from all that sound.
Later on I would get an eight track player for my car and stereo speakers too ! Man alive, I was jamming. Then somewhere along the line came Dolby digital sound. That changed everything. Then surround sound. Now I hear about high definition radio but I'm not real sure what that is all about. Yup,seen some changes.
I started out with a black and white television with two channels. Now its' flat screen,full color,three dimensional,surround sound and almost unlimited channels. At least five hundred or so. What's next ? Holographic television would be my guess. Don't think I'll be around for that.
I Remember my first video game. PONG ! It was an exciting game. You could play hockey on it too. That green screen with the square ball going back and forth was additive. We all know where they have gone with those games now. A bit of an improvement I'd say.
My first computer experience. A green screen with white lettering. You had to type in the DOS commands for it to function. It was a revolution to be sure. I even " wrote " a rudimentary program to do a specific job. In reality I just copied an existing program but changed the words on the command line. Soon after, windows was released and that old DOS system stuff was history. Now only a true computer geek would know about that.
I'm sitting here right now writing this blog on a flat screen monitor. Living color and stereo speakers built right in. This screen is as big or bigger than that first television I had. No phone line connection for me either, I'm using WI-FI.
I've gone from Hi-FI to WI-FI, where will I go next ? I don't know but it should be exciting. I'm not a real tech kinda guy and don't readily embrace new technologies. I can take it or leave it most times. Like my computer though and there was a time when I couldn't think of a use for having one. Progress is being made every day.
One day the grand children will be telling their grandchildren,why we had to watch television on a monitor with special glasses if we wanted three D. And not only that we had to actually input the data with a keyboard to get it in the computer !
" Computer "  " Publish this Blog "
Dang,have to do it myself !
A parting thought, went from a dirt road to a highway too. Hi-way,Hi-Fi and now Wi-Fi what is the next Hi or Wi ?

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