Thursday, July 21, 2011


I just love watching people. I should have been a sociologist or something like that. Other peoples' attitudes and behaviours fascinate me. I can't help but wonder about them. The ones that closely resemble my own actions I understand fine,others not so much. Working at the grocery store gives me unlimited opportunity to "observe."
I have noticed there are several types of shoppers. There are the," in and outers,"" the browsers,"" the take your timers" and the "power shoppers." There are subsets to each of these groups as well. Having worked there for a while now, I am getting familiar with the regular customers. Even have nicknames for a few of them. Things like, the cat lady and the family of hillbilly's. Casual descriptions that we all recognize.
There is a sub set to the" take your timers" that I call the readers. These people read all the labels and study the dates on the product. Frequently they will burrow to the very rear of the product display to try to gain an extra day on the shelf life. I get it with milk or eggs but canned goods have shelf lives in the years. Just how long do they think they are gong to keep that stuff ?
The group I don't like are the power shoppers. They enter the store like an invading army. Their focus is on getting the product,at all costs. Women and children to the back, I'm coming through. They are so focused they rarely notice anything or anyone else. They will reach over your shoulder,nudge you out of the way and drive that shopping cart like a tank on the battlefield. Rude,obnoxious people.
Another group that I find interesting is the "the browsers." This bunch may spend an hour or more looking at the products offered. Rarely do they purchase more than a few items at any one time. Many come back to the store on a daily basis. They examine the product and I suppose weigh it's merits against the other products. They don't necessarily read the label but I think judge it on visual appeal or perhaps the packaging. This group will move your product around the store though. Often they select an item,put it in their cart and change their opinion a few aisles away. The product has been relocated.
The "in and outers" are the best. They come prepared. Most have a list and stick with it. These are no nonsense people. Usually pleasant enough and polite ,they are still determined. They are there to perform a task. Restock the supplies and get on with it. No fooling around,get er' done. They usually don't complain about anything and quickly adapt to what products are available. Unlike a "power shopper" a detour or distraction doesn't send them into a fit.
There is one more group I haven't mentioned. The "complainers." The prices are too high,the store temperature is too low,the aisles are too narrow,the shelves are too high,the selection isn't varied enough,we don't carry the brand they want and it goes on and on. Some of these people are our regular customers ! You would think they would know by now. I have learned to just smile and agree. Yes Ma'am,you got that right ! I'll tell the manager about it right away ! Certainly. You know,you've got a point there,have a nice day.
Me, I'm an "in and outer."

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