Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Living Loud

Ever notice how some people are just loud. They speak loud,they walk loud,they laugh loud and when in a crowd they get louder ! I think it must be their way of gaining attention. If engaged in conversation with multiple parties they will speak louder and louder until they are shouting. They are just noisy people.
At first I thought it was just a cultural thing. Certain ethnic groups tend to be louder than others. But it goes beyond that. Attitude plays a part and social standing as well. I'm sure a sociologist would have some comment about this and someone has probably already done a study. I don't think we need all that,just the awareness that it exists is enough.
I don't much care to be with a crowd. More than six people to me is a crowd. I especially don't like noisy crowds. Gives me a headache. I certainly don't want to shout to be heard. I much prefer everyone talking in turn and allowing others to complete their thought before interjecting their opinions. I fail to see how you can have a meaningful discussion while shouting. Guess that is why I wouldn't make much of a politician. I much prefer one on one conversation and don't enjoy speech making.
These " loud " people always take over the room. There may be several groups but by sheer noise they will dominate. Often I will leave the room to get away from that. I can never tell if they are just talking or getting ready to throw down ! Makes me nervous and on edge. And you find them everywhere. And now with the advent of cell phones they don't even have to be together. They are loud on the phone !
Some of it may be hearing loss. I wouldn't discount that, but not in all cases. These loud talkers have sensitive ears. They hear the slightest whisper from any other group concerning them. Then they become vocal about that.
The loud people are everywhere and becoming more and more aggressive. The two things go hand in hand. Scream,holler and shout to be heard. Makes no difference what you are talking about,talk loud.
These same people cannot enter or exit a room without making a lot of noise. Slamming doors,bumping into things and stomping feet are just a few of the things you can expect. Most feel it necessary to announce their arrival or departure to the entire room. They will cause a disruption you can be sure of that.
There is no point I'm trying to make here. It is just an observation of mine. Seinfeld could have made it into a funny little bit. Some people are just loud !
As for me, I want a little piece and quiet. A polite conversation among friends.
If I want loud,I'll go to a rock concert ! Could just as well go to a Country Music show but that is another topic altogether.

1 comment:

  1. One of my pet peeves is loud people. I'm not wild about crowds either. I much prefer small groups...maybe 5 couples, max, who can sit around the dinner table and talk and laugh. I'm not at all partial to ranters either.
