Monday, July 18, 2011

Slow down

The other day, as I read a friends blog a thought came to mind. Often times that happens, as I suppose that was the intent of the author. I got to thinking about how fast everything is now a days. Oh,I know people have been saying that since the clock was invented but it really is so. We,as people,want it now.
Evidence ; a couple of commercials. It's my money and I want it now ! Download music,movies or digital files,All in a Snap ! How many commercial promise instant satisfaction ?
The item I read was about the possibility of getting a smart phone with internet access. My daughter in law has this device and updates her facebook status with it. sends photos in real time,and I'm not sure what else.
I've got nothing against technology but maybe we should just slow down a little. Maybe,just maybe, some of today's drama could be avoided by slowing down and tempering our thoughts and reactions just a bit. By sharing every little mood that hits us, or retelling every real or perceived slight, are we not adding fuel to the fire ?
I'm just an old fashioned guy. I enjoy waiting for a letter or card to come in the mail. The anticipation of an event is more times than not better than the actual event. Like when you were a kid waiting for the carnival to come to town or waiting for Santa to arrive. An awful lot of that is lost now. E-mail,text messaging and cell phone calls. Santa Claus is liable to show up at anytime,anywhere. It is a continual barrage of instant gratification ! You want it,you got it ! Right Now ! Don't have enough cash to buy that item ? No problem. Swipe that card,charge it,get it instantly. No waiting.
As my mother is prone to saying," people don't appreciate things anymore." I tend to agree with her. When you get everything you want instantly with little or no effort some of the value is lost. I'd like to tell you how I worked and saved for that first car or something but I didn't. I have no great tale of sacrifice to share. I do know however that I was taught to appreciate the things I had. Just because my toys were broken they didn't get replaced. I didn't get everything I wanted. Any loss I suffered as a result of my own carelessness or neglect was just that. My fault. As a result I learned to appreciate things.
But I'm wandering down another path,back to the point. What I trying to say is maybe we should try waiting a few minutes to assess the situation before reacting. What is it, stop and smell the roses ? Better still, plant them and wait for them to grow and bloom. Then you will truly appreciate the smell.
Could be some Chinese person already said that but not to my knowledge. If so,give them the credit. No copyright infringement intended.

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