Sunday, July 31, 2011

I used Ta !

When we were young we would adopt the latest phrases and put them in our vocabulary. Phrases like,that's cool,I'm hip,I know where you're coming from. We stayed on top of those trends too. After a while we tend not to do that anymore. I guess we just get comfortable with our expressions. Soon the phrases we are using are so outdated the younger people give us funny looks. They think we're square ,man. I don't think anyone says that anymore. Some expressions in common usage today I just don't like. Strike me as a bit vulgar.
I think for most of us, along about thirty or so, are speech patterns and expressions are pretty well set. If we use the newest slang we usually do so,tongue in cheek. I'm down with that and all that jazz. It evens feels funny to use them,like we are breaking some social taboo. Or,it just feels foolish,at least for me it does. Not a teenager anymore and won't pretend to be.
Then the Grand children come along. Now, they already figure you are older than dirt. They already think you talk funny and say funny things. You talk about things from the History books,in the first person ! And then you notice it.
A new phrase creeping into your vocabulary; I used Ta ! Like when the Grand children want you to play on the floor. You do, but you remember when you used ta, be able to get back up. Yes, Grandpa used Ta dance. I used Ta jump rope and play hopscotch too. The grand kids always look at you like,yeah, sure you did ! There were a lot of things I used Ta do that I no longer choose to do. Not that I couldn't do them anymore,I choose not too ! That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
This little phrase has crept in and was brought to my attention by my sister in law. She noticed she was using it a lot too. Thank you Joan for bringing it to my attention. I used Ta notice things like that all by myself. Well,we all could use a helping hand now and then. Why I used Ta,----- never mind. LOL

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