Sunday, July 24, 2011

For Good

Was listening to some tunes, as I often do. I listen to a wide variety of music. If I like it ,I like it. Happened to be listening to Merle Haggard. The Hag. The Okie from Muskogie. Some would say a real redneck and country boy. I was listening to his song; Are the good times really over for good.
A song that speaks to me on a personal level. If you were born in 1953 or thereabouts it probably does to you too.
The chorus says," I wish a ford and  a chevy would still last ten years like they should,is the best of the free life behind us now, and are the good times really over for good ? "
This song was recorded in 1983. Twelve years after I graduated from high school. I had already gone from, knowing it all, to just learning about life. The times were hard. Merle was telling it like it was. I wasn't listening to him much at the time. Later I diversified my listening.
I particularly like this song for it's optimism. The final chorus ends with," the best of the free life is still yet to come and the good times aren't over for good. "
Songs and Singers have always been a part of my life. I expect they are to most everyone. They can say what you are thinking. Each life has a soundtrack to accompany it. Some songs have deep meanings to you and others are just fun. They can take you back in time and transport you to another place. We have all had that experience. A song comes on the radio and "  bam " you are at the coffee shop. Places and events are associated with these songs and they are often remembered even when other thoughts are lost to time.
The type or Genre of music you listen to is often associated with your lifestyle. Rock and Roll, Blues, Jazz,Pop and classical to name a few. They each come and go in popularity. I remember when Country music was considered Cowboy Music and only cowboys listened to that stuff. Honky Tonks,drinking and Mama. Been pretty popular here as of late. Classical is associated with intelligence and high breeding, the snooty crowd.
As for me I listen to just about everything. It all depends upon my mood and surroundings. The soundtrack of my life would definately be a mix ! Might be interesting to try to put that together some day.

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