Sunday, July 17, 2011

Something to consider

Like most of you I wondered about my name. Why did they name me Austin Bennett Reichart Jr. Well,the story is really simple. Dad was out of the room when the doctor asked what name to put on the birth certificate. That is what I was always told. I don't remember my father ever offering any alternatives. He always just said that is what happened. I asked him how he got his name. Now ,that story, is a little better.
First I need to explain a few things. My father was Austin Bennett Reichart.  He never used that name but instead was always called Ben. He told me on several occasions he just didn't like the name Austin. His middle name was Bennett. My mothers maiden name was Bennett. Just a coincidence,the Bennett name is no way connected as far as I have been able to determine. My mother also lived almost directly across the street from my father when they were growing up.
She also tells me she didn't like him much back then either. They were not childhood sweethearts or anything like that. In fact,my father is my Moms second husband.
So,as a child I thought about all this coincidence stuff. Her last name is Dads' middle name ? His name is Austin but everyone calls him Ben. Everybody calls me little Ben or Benny. I get named Jr. because Dad is out to lunch and he don't like it. Just where did this Austin Bennett stuff come from ?
The story I heard was that my grandfather had a good friend named Austin Bennett. This was just something my Mom heard, I guess from Dad or maybe one of the Grandparents. You see Grandfather Reichart passed away when he was 32. My father was eight years old at the time so doesn't really remember him much. Grandmother passed shortly after giving birth to him. He was raised by his maternal grandparents and I don't believe there was much contact between the two families afterward.
All these years later I have been working on the family tree. I have discovered who my Grandparents and great grandparents and their parents were. After many years of research I found my Great Grandmother and her family. I discovered where they lived all those years ago. On the census record,there in black and white,listed as a neighbor is a man named, Austin Bennett ! He has a son Austin, too. The son is twenty years older than my Grandfather and his father,of course,much older. So,which one of these Austin Bennetts is the namesake ? I'll never know for sure. This does validate the story however.
Later in the census I find my Great Grandfather Reichart living on the same street with some of Great Grandmothers brothers. It is a small world.
This Austin Bennett must have made quite an impression on my grandfather for him to name his child after him. I sure would like to know that reason but it is lost to time. Perhaps someday I'll stumble upon some record or story that will shed further light. Still I have no idea why Dad was called Ben all the time. I wonder if my grandfather called him that and if he did why ? If you want to call someone Ben why name him Austin ? I haven't discovered any Ben Bennetts but Austin Bennett had a granddaughter named Bert.
It is fun to speculate about it anyway. As for me,call me Ben. That is what I am used to and comfortable with. If I had always been called Austin would I be a different person ? Umm, something to consider isn't it.

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