Tuesday, June 24, 2014

We asked for it

I can but wonder about those that go through life with so many difficulties. It just seems to happen that way for some. I read the posts on social media and it is a steady stream of tragedy. One could even say a litany !
Despite their apparent supplications to various Gods and science it continues. Day after day I see those postings. Sickness, never an easy diagnosis or treatment, injustice aimed directly at them, and monetary struggles. It is enough to leave me scratching my head. How do these people even face the day ? But the more poignant question for me is, why the constant broadcasting of these events ?  Is it some form of solicitation ? Perhaps it just stems from  incredulous occurrences. At least that is the feeling I get when reading these postings. Surely, where it I, I would be in despair.
I have also noticed it is these same people that are continually denied help. Despite there obvious qualifications to receive such help or benefits, an obstacle stands in the way. Red tape and bureaucracy descend upon them like a plague. When they do receive some help, it turns out to be incompetent. Somehow these people attract the most incompetent of providers. It makes no difference which field of care they seek either. Medical, dental or legal, all will fail them.
The strangest part of this whole thing is, it it these same people that tell of their knowledge and proficiency. They are well informed on whatever subject is in question. Most are just a few hours short of having a medical degree. Most, if not all, are nothing short of an attorney when it comes to their rights,benefits and entitlements. They can quote the Constitution, Bill of Rights, case law and legal briefs verbatim. When they explain what has happened to them it just smacks of injustice ! It is enough to get your blood up !
I suppose you could say we got what we asked for. It is written on the base of the Statue of Liberty :
"Give me your tired,your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free,the wretched refuse of your teeming shores,send these, the homeless,tempest tossed to me I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
I think most of them are huddled around their computers,I-phones or tablets. Maybe we should have just said, " we'll leave the light on for you. " I sincerely hope that one day they find there way,unimpeded to health and happiness.

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