Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Like a number of senior citizens : I can't believe I fit that description , I am concerned about out country. I have seen many changes take place over the years and it seems, few for the better. It is true some gains have been made in certain areas. It is just my thinking that when you allow the kids to run the show, bad decisions become more frequent. A lack of maturity in my opinion. A good bit of this stems from ourselves ( the seniors ) being overly protective of our children. We allowed a lot of things to happen that shouldn't have.
Remember the years of our own youth, those of us sixty or more ? Remember those things we called Blue Laws ? It was us that repealed a good number of them. Yes, some are still on the books but few compared to years past. And so it came to me that we traded commerce for God. Yes it is our generation that is responsible for that. It became inconvenient to allocate that time to God, so we just voted him out. It seemed harmless enough at the time, why shouldn't I be able to shop on a Sunday ? Well, the lord didn't command we go to Wally World, even he took a day of rest. So we took the Sabbath and traded it for profits and convenience. Not the brightest of calls, was it ?
How many other things have we done for the convenience of man at the expense of God and our earth. We surely have done great harm to both. And in turn this has caused great harm to us all. We have chosen to ignore the day the lord has made. We would rather make money. The truth is, it wasn't even about making money, it was about being convenient. Those that had stopped attending church wanted to buy goods and services. The demand grew until the law was repealed. This pulled retailers into the situation and those that were employed by them. Now we must realistically choose between our jobs and church. If you are in retail that is a reality. It is not only retail however, this trend of seven days a week work, is spreading to all matter of business. Attending church has become inconvenient for many. This has led to apathy. An apathetic society soon lowers it's moral values. What follows is a lowering of standards of behavior.
What has man done, for the sake of convenience, to the earth ? We have paved over a good portion of the earth itself for one thing. It is inconvenient when it rains and the dirt turns to mud. We paved it. Now the rain running off all those paved surfaces are carrying contaminates into our rivers and streams. In Maryland, the state even taxes the rain, in a supposed attempt to generate revenue to pay for this pollution. Consider all the factories, producing goods to make our lives easier and more convenient, and their emissions impacting our air. How much waste is deposited into the earth with landfills every year. Much of that waste will not decompose, ever. The examples are numerous. A great deal of this damage is done because of greed and profitability. Find ways to produce more stuff, faster and using artificial material, to sell to the consumers. And let us sell it seven days a week ! Coincidence ? Perhaps but something worth considering. What if we stayed at home one day a week, attended the church of our choice, and spent the rest of the day with our families. It could make a change. Simple ideas are usually the best, but the hardest to promote.
Trading God for Commerce, (shaking my head,)  brings to mind the money changers of the Bible. It was wrong then and is wrong now.

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