Wednesday, June 18, 2014

An old truth

I have often written about it and it still rests heavy in my thoughts, the lack of accountability and personal responsibility being taught today. Every so slowly our children and grandchildren are being taught that the purpose of government is to direct their actions. They are being shown that when things go wrong, sue someone. If life becomes difficult, the world owes you assistance. The examples are everywhere. In television ads,magazines articles,news stories and all over the internet. No matter how they came about you are " entitled " to this or to that. It is easy to apply for the benefits you deserve. Everyone is equal and if you feel someone has more than you , that is just wrong ! No matter that they earned what they have by hard work you should have the same. Should they have acquired wealth in some fashion, they should have to share. Why, the truth is if they do not, they are just being selfish and mean.
I do believe all this is a result of the influences of the media. Think about it, it we are unaware of what others have, we do not want those things. It really is that simple. There are ten rules that we all should follow. Number ten on that list is. " thou shalt not covet. " Every wonder why that is ? Ever wonder exactly what that means ? It means to want what belongs to another, or to desire something strongly. Isn't that what is being taught today ? Children are being taught that to covet something is a quality to be nurtured ! What a far cry from what was being taught when our nation was founded. How has this come about ? It has developed over the years due to awareness. The awareness of what others may have. That awareness has resulted in jealously. Jealous feelings put our feet on the path to greed. We want ! Then we begin to justify our actions in attempting to obtain what is not rightfully ours. It has progressed to a point where we have " legalized " the taking of another' goods. We have convinced ourselves we are entitled.
How can we reverse this trend ? Can it be reversed at all ? I believe it can be and the answer is in personal responsibility and accountability. If we once again teach our children that they alone are responsible for their own happiness, and are held accountable for their actions, it can be changed. It is a difficult lesson to teach. The distinction between coveting something and working toward that same something is subtle. The satisfaction from having earned something by your own labors is sometimes of little consolation. How to teach that ?
Money and wealth is always the driving force. We want things. We need money to buy those same things. That is what we are taught. Those that possess those things increase the pricing based on demand. Based on the amount you and I covet something. In truth, they are dependent upon that. That is why we are being fed this rhetoric about what are needs are. The truth is something quite different. Those selling the " goods " are now setting the minimum standards. It really makes no difference what the " goods " are. Now the are selling our own " morality. " Gambling, in all forms and selling drugs both legally and illegally. If there is money to be made we will attempt to legitimize it. We will label aberrant behaviors as. choices. Should certain " books " or philosophies become inconvenient we call them fantasy. Anything to justify the quest for the dollar. And the ultimate goal ? Power. Money is power. When you have power, you have it all. That is the philosophy is it not ? That power is limited however and precarious. There are those that want to take that power from you and you are mortal. So where does the real power lie ? It lies within your heart and soul. It is right there,all the time. It is life. The best one can hope for is to work for happiness here on earth. That work begins at home. Surrounding yourself with material things and the quest for wealth will not ensure that happiness. It is true that it may mask the pain, like any other drug, but will not provide happiness. Find the happiness within your soul and the rest will be as it should be. It may not be what you think. Learn to accept that and you will have learned something about life. You can't know everything about life until you have lived it. Don't die and then find out you were wrong ! The Beatles summed it up, "money can't buy you love." 

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