Saturday, June 14, 2014

Listen Up

It is true that you can learn more by listening than by speaking. Reading too, falls into that category. It is the choice of whom we listen too and the books we read that shape our opinions. Some of us learn from an early age the truth of those statements and there are those that never learn. Listening is a skill that needs to be learned. I always seemed to have an innate ability to do that. Often when taking a test in school I could hear the answer in my head, as spoken by the teacher. I wondered if others did the same. I can still hear certain teachers saying specific things.
After I graduated from high school most of the reading I did was either for a professional course or just for entertainment. I have learned from both I believe. My reading would go in spurts of interest. I have read just about everything Louis L'Amour has ever written. For those of you unfamiliar with that name the majority of his work is what you would call pulp fiction. Cowboy stories and a few historical novels. I feel he was a brilliant writer. I hear books the way I hear a teacher speak. Then I got on a Stephen King phase. Read a great deal of his works. After a time however, they all began to sound the same. They became predictable. I suppose when you find a formula that works for you, you should stick with it. I hope some day to find a formula that works for me.
I think I am no different than most, listening is the hardest part. I do find it becoming easier to just listen as the years go by. There is an old saying, children should be seen and not heard. I've always thought that it meant children should be quiet and stay out of the way of adults. Perhaps it's true meaning is " listen. " I mean we are always saying that about kids aren't we ? If they would only listen. Listening is not always doing what it is that you are told, listening is learning. It is somewhat of a paradox. As I listen, and learn, from others I become excited to share that information. It is then that I start talking. Problem is, often times I do not allow the person to finish their thought. Then we have miscommunication and misunderstandings.
Now that I have an entire library at my fingertips I find my reading is just all over the place. As I grow curious about things I just Google them. I find myself reading about a wide range of subjects. I believe that is a good thing but also a limiting thing. I seldom make a thorough study on any particular subject. Like listening, I become excited to share what I have learned and start talking/writing. Sometimes I do not have all the facts. On the other hand if I waited until I felt like I was fully versed in any subject I would never speak. I subscribe to the old adage," the more you know, the less you think you know." I find truth in that statement every day. Another paradox in life.
I believe we all want to be listened too. We all desire to be taken seriously and our comments and observations valued. No one wants to feel like a dummy. I am learning there is a trick to that, say little, listen a lot. If you give careful consideration to the words you choose and the sources you quote you can appear quite knowledgeable. That is not the trick however, the real trick is not to start believing it yourself ! Learn to listen. That is advice I have heard all my life, be quiet and listen. I'm beginning to hear you.
You see how it is ? I'm writing/talking about listening. I should be listening, but if everyone took that advice who would I be listening too ? Hmm, have to think on that awhile.

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