Monday, June 23, 2014

The Firemen's Carnival

The annual firemen's carnival begins tonight in Greensboro. The summer is cranking up ! I do not always attend these events anymore. I hear they are going to have a new ride this year and live music. I may wander down and check it out. The carnival grounds have been moved here in Greensboro. The old grounds were close to the river and subject to flooding. That is exactly what happened a few years back. The concession stands were all flooded out and subsequently condemned by the health department. New ground was purchased and a new building erected. The new building, I don't think it is ready for use just yet, will be a hall to be rented out for receptions and the like. At least the shell of the building is there. On the downside more farmland has been lost to development. Eventually this ground will contain a new fire house and police department buildings so it is a good use.
I remember going to the carnival every year as a child. We had to go to a place called Amagansett. That is where the carnival always was. Like all small town carnivals it was always pretty much the same thing. Same rides and games. It was an event however and one looked forward too. The cost was considerable,as it still is today, My parents would take us one night and one night only. This was back in the sixties. A lot of the men brought a little " nip " with them. If you watched closely you could see those little brown bags poking out of pockets. Those brown paper bags were the perfect disguise because no one could tell for sure what you had. The police were blind to those bags ! Occasionally they would be an incident but nothing serious. I do remember my dad riding on the swings. He had a great time but got sick afterward. I think it was related to that brown bag. Mom was furious and Dad just a little sheepish after that. In a strange way, a good memory.
Now that the grandkids are older the attraction of the carnival is not as strong. I did enjoy watching them, but now the rides are just too tame for them. The attraction for them now is more social than entertaining and Grandpa and Grandma just don't fit the picture. They seem to think we " cramp " their style. Imagine that.
Our carnival always culminates with the fireworks display. No matter what the calendar day is, the fireworks go off on the last Friday night of the carnival. This year the fireworks will be on the 27th. When the fourth gets here, there will be no fireworks in Greensboro. I have always found that a little sad. No parade,no fireworks on the fourth. Ah well, that is Greensboro. Probably been this way for a hundred years.
For the next week downtown Greensboro will be hopping. Lots of people out and about. The actual downtown area will not be as busy as in past years because of the relocation of the carnival grounds. Still the activity level will increase. The new carnival grounds are not as easily accessible by foot as the old ones were. Again, just a matter of physical location, the new grounds are off the main highway. I hear also the town is applying for a one day liquor permit to sell beer. I'm sure that would generate some revenue alright but question the judgement. Can you sell beer at a carnival and reasonably expect people not to drive home afterwards ? Well it is a matter of being responsible and no different from going to a bar I suppose. I hope it works out for the town and all concerned. It'll be a big deal that much is sure. Exciting even, to some.
The carnival, another one of the markers we all use. It comes every year and we expect it. Summer is here. Two changes this year, a new ride and maybe beer. I'm thinking I may have to go, it could be historic ! 

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